#so far ive just done a few chibis of the dorks



Today I finished up the galaxy painting from the other day using my writing world’s constellations. Or the ones that fit in the circle, anyway.

I’m not happy with this ink, though, and I have a feeling I got a bad bottle from the craft store. I see people using this brand of ink all the time and it works for them, whereas if I do it thin it doesn’t show up at all and if I do it thicker it sucks up the paint from under it and changes color completely. (The white is more pink than it looks on the picture.) It’s like it’s too watery. I’ve had problems with clay from the craft store being old and hard, so I have the sneaking suspicion this is an old bottle, especially since when I got it, the eyedropper was clogged with dry ink. I suppose it could be because I don’t have the best quality watercolor, but I doubt that would make the ink go clear. But at least it looks okay in the photo?

Reblogging this here because it’s another painting I did of my writing world’s sky. :)
