#so freaking excited


୨ʚ Flyleaf Poster Set ɞ୧

You cant go wrong with flyleaf, the absolute best christian rock band from the early 2000s! It only makes sense my favorite band should be apart of my first cc! If you use them ingame tag me so I can reblog <3

✓ 6 different swatches, 10 simoleons, base game compatable


holy shit what? I literally love you all wtf give me a hug


Born Out of Magic by@sparkandwolf​ 

Word count:20k

Sneak peak: 

“This might be the only choice—” 
“It won’t be! We’ve gotten along fine without our stupid magical connection being the be-all-end-all to the evil in this town and we’re going to figure out another way, Derek!” The words were like sharpened ice that cut through the binding of the pack. Everyone fell somber as Derek took a step forward. 
“That’s why you asked me here? Just for him to say no?” Derek said accusingly at Scott. Scott shook his head in return, his eyes flashing red to remind everyone that it was his decision to make. Stiles’ silver ones flashed back in pure anger and disappointment as he shook his head. 
“You knew this was the only way, didn’t you?” Stiles asked, feeling more broken by the second. “You knew that the only way to defeat the Harquiel was to betray your best friend and put him through years of memories he has tried so hard to forget.” 
It wasn’t fair and everyone in that room had realized it. Stiles and Scott had built up trust in each other enough to know that if Scott truly didn’t believe there was another way, there wasn’t. That didn’t stop Stiles from feeling the anger spread under his skin like fire. 
“You’re trying to forget me?” Derek whispered.

Coming Soon to the @twsterekbigbang, with art by @ravenclawkward-art
