#so gooood


OMG that was awesome, after two still very well made Alucard absent episodes it was fantastic to have him back and instantly have my sides splitting. does anyone know that song that was playing when the ship pulled into london and he made that awesome entrance? i need to listen to it like 100 times as soon as possible. 

I know he’s bad for me. And that’s how I know he’s good for me.

dat-soldier: It’s here! https://dolmistaska.com/once-upon-a-time/ A full, 58 panel long comic/slidesdat-soldier: It’s here! https://dolmistaska.com/once-upon-a-time/ A full, 58 panel long comic/slidesdat-soldier: It’s here! https://dolmistaska.com/once-upon-a-time/ A full, 58 panel long comic/slidesdat-soldier: It’s here! https://dolmistaska.com/once-upon-a-time/ A full, 58 panel long comic/slidesdat-soldier: It’s here! https://dolmistaska.com/once-upon-a-time/ A full, 58 panel long comic/slidesdat-soldier: It’s here! https://dolmistaska.com/once-upon-a-time/ A full, 58 panel long comic/slidesdat-soldier: It’s here! https://dolmistaska.com/once-upon-a-time/ A full, 58 panel long comic/slidesdat-soldier: It’s here! https://dolmistaska.com/once-upon-a-time/ A full, 58 panel long comic/slidesdat-soldier: It’s here! https://dolmistaska.com/once-upon-a-time/ A full, 58 panel long comic/slides


It’s here! https://dolmistaska.com/once-upon-a-time/

A full, 58 panel long comic/slideshow about the two unnamed human and monster characters from the Undertale intro. Thank you to everyone who showed interest and wanted to see more! This is for you <3

Post link


“We’ve already built covers for the both of you.” Juris slid two files across the table and Zoya opened hers.
Inside was a passport and other documents identifying her as “Louise Carter,” a recently married American secretary. Zoya wrinkled her nose. American? She snuck a glance over at Nikolai’s file. Nick…Carter.
She shot to her feet.
“Married? To that womanizer?”
“Zoya, my wife? She’s going to shoot me in my sleep, and there goes your best agent.”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” Zoya said with a sniff, “I wouldn’t waste a bullet on you.”
“You’re not my best agent,” Juris said flatly.

Like Real People Do

my submission for the magnificent fic “like real people do” by @wafflesandkrugeand@sanktnikolais​ 

read on ao3,prologue here and chapter 1 here 

please open the the gif for higher resolution

this animated poster idea has lived in my mind rent free since february so i’m really happy to finally share it, i learned many things while making this poster and i’m specially proud of it.

i’ll leave one of the frames under the cut so you can appreciate a 4k pic clearer than your future /j

what can i tell you about the all mighty ✨ gang 2 ✨ you guys are amazing, tiff and am you are fantastic writers, i loved this fic since the moment i read the prompt, knowing all the time and dedication behind it makes me really proud of you two for finally posting it.

this poster has 30 frames and i hated every minute i spent slicing the text frames but it would have been much worse without our productivity hours and our beloathed groovy

to my fellow materialki, you are so very talented and skilled in what you do, i felt really lucky to have spent these months creating with you and admiring your beautiful art.









and thanks to tides for being great people and hosting this great event @grishaversebigbang

Keep reading


Asher:Any allergies?

Kamari:Cowardice and weak-willed men. And hazelnuts.


the feminine urge to buy an overpriced Drink every time it’s sunny outside


An Exception to the Rule [Gary Smith / Jimmy Hopkins]

So I’ve been having the time of my life over the past couple days and wrote a bit of self-indulgent fanfic to help me cope.

TW: Blood
Ship: Smopkins
Rating: Gen.
Wordcount: 981
Summary: Gary isn’t the sort to care for other people, but when Jimmy wakes up lightheaded with a heavy period he does what he can to make his boyfriend comfortable.

Keep reading


mustachossom: god, they’re like big dumb babies mustachossom: god, they’re like big dumb babies


god, they’re like big dumb babies

Post link

Mike Sells - GREEN ONION Flavored Potato Chips = sooooooo goooooood




i’m spilling all my words (but you keep ‘em to yourself) - chapter one

“Please,” Lena says, shrugging her shoulders. “You know you’re my favourite. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You’re my favourite. You’re acting like this is brand new information.”

And that's—

Wow. To hear Lena say this, to know that this still holds true even after everything that has happened… Kara flushes. She fiddles with her belt, exhales softly.


Lena is a terrible enabler. Kara wants anything and everything Lena will give her, and underneath the weight of such gentle, earnest warmth, it keeps escaping Kara why that is dangerous.

AO3 link

Also Coffeeshib has a Ko-Fi *wink wink nudge nudge*
