#so i just wrote this as well


pairing; simon( aka miniminter )x reader

warnings; a bit of swearing

words; 2235

summary;after you observed the boys while playing pokémon go for a while, you decided to download the app yourself. as soon as the boys heard of that, they invited you out to london to play with them right away.

(song recommendation; this city (feat. lupe fiasco ) - patrick stump  )

you were walking around the sidemen house, trying to figure out how this game was working exactly, while vikk snuck up behind you and glanced at your screen, before laughing out loud, scaring the living daylights out of you.    ❝ oh my gosh, vikk!you really scared me just now! what’s so funny?    he snickered just as josh came into the kitchen, raising a brow as he poured himself a glass of water.    ❝ nothing, but i saw that you downloaded the game as well!that’s great news!    he cheered and immediately pulled out his phone while josh walked over to look over your shoulder too, chuckling.    ❝ aw, that’s so cute. i remember when i was level 1. ❞       ❝ you shut up josh, i only just downloaded it after waiting for so long. and you sound like an old man when you say it like that, haha!    you laughed while he faked a hurt face, but you were quick to pat him on the shoulder to make up for your joke. but vikk was way too exciteed now to be swayed by anything and quickly went out of the kitchen to the foot of the stairs and started yelling.    ❝ hey simon!_______ got pokémon go, we’re going out!❞    and grabbed his jacket while simon burst out of his room and ran downstairs faster than anyone had seen him run before and almost ran into vikk on his way to the kitchen, grabbing your shoulders as soon as he saw you.     ❝ really, _______?are the rumours true?you have it?!    you were shaken by his intensity as he shook your shoulders as well and held your phone out for him to see, making him yell in excitement.    ❝ oh my god, this is so good!josh, get your jacket, i’ll phone around to check if someone else is coming along!❞        ❝ simon, really?it’s not that much of a deal, you don’t have to disturb the others while they’re busy… ——– ❞    but before you could finish, simon already had someone on the other end, so you gave up with a sigh, but still wore a smile on your face; all this excitement was getting you hyped up.

josh handed you your jacket and as soon as simon hung up, you were all ready to go, simon apparently being the most excited one out of the bunch.    ❝ well, when we’re already doing this, i might as well turn this into a video, no?let me get the camera. ❞    simon announced happily and quickly ran upstairs once more to get it and then came back while you waited at the door, before closing it behind him.    ❝ alright, let’s go!we’re gonna meet up with ethan and tobi and anyone else that they’re gonna bring along somewhere in town. ❞    he told you and you just nodded absently-minded, concentrating on the pokémon stop at the end of the road, staring at it while lagging behind, as josh called out that the first pokémon appeared already. your head shot up as you ran forward, past vikk and quickly stood besides josh, excited to catch your first pokémon while vikk cheered that he caught it already, while you checked your sourroundings in distress. then a wild pidgey appeared.     ❝ guys, look!look!it’s a… pidgey!❞    you yelled and simon laughed as he looked over your shoulder and when you clicked on it, it appeared right in front of josh’s feet ( in virtual reality ), making you laugh, before coming to the realization that you had no idea what you were supposed to do now.

you looked at josh and simon, who were both watching with interest, desperate for advice.                     ❝ simon, what am i supposed to do now?!❞    your question made both of them laugh, but he was quick to explain the procedure.    ❝ alright, now you need to throw the ball. that means that you swipe acorss the screen as hard and high as you think is needed. look, i’ll show you… ——— ❞        ❝ no!i want my first pokémon to be caught by myself!so just… like this?❞    you asked as you gave it your first try, but the pokéball just fell onto the ground in front of you and disappeared as the pidgey kept on moving in the background.    ❝ well, basically… you just need to practice some to get a grip on how hard and how far you have to throw it. don’t worry, it’ll come with time. ❞    josh announced as you tried to throw it again, the three sidemen watching with amusement written all over their faces. after 4 throws, you finally caught it, pumping your fist towards the sky as soon as the ball stopped moving and the boys cheered for your success as well, so you turned with sparkling eyes.    ❝ i think i understand the principle!let’s head to town, i bet there are even more different types of pokémon!❞    vikk then began to explain that pokéstops were more common in cities, because there are monuments and widely known things, which is where the stops normally are. meanwhile, simon recorded his intro for the video and occasionally showed a few new pokémons as well as which eggs he was going to be hatched today.

you took in all the information vikk told you in the meantime, very pumped up now and as soon as you arrived, simon spotted ethan, tobi and cal (the freezy one)in the crowd, waving while guiding the rest of you towards them. when you finally met in the middle, hugs were exchanged, before ethan already pestered you for info on your progress, while you proudly held out your phone, where about 5 pokémon sat in your gallery.    ❝ and i caught them all on my own!❞         ❝ hahaha, that’s real cute ______!me and tobi just passed level 20 on our way here!    ethan remarked with his trademark laugh and you pouted, as cal came up to you to pat your back.   ❝ don’t worry, i know how you feel. ❞        ❝ really?what level are you, cal?    he chuckles nervously while adverting his eyes and you pull up an eyebrow as you peek at his screen.      ❝ oh my god, how can you call level 17 the same as level 1?!go to hell, cal!❞    you yelled in disbelief as the sideman of the sidemen also broke out in laughter, making you pout as you backed away from the new group and back to vikk, simon and josh.    ❝ they are being so mean!i mean, i only just bloody started!of course i am not as far as they are…!why can’t they be as supportive as you guys    vikk sent you a symphatic gaze as simon looked up from his phone and chuckled, because apparently that wasn’t news to him.    ❝ we’re just good guys, aren’t we, josh?❞    josh nodded and held up his finger towards the halo tower inhabitants.    ❝ yeah, don’t be so mean. ______ is exactly as far as you guys when you first started, so psssht. ❞    ethan and cal just laughed, but as you all continued further down into the city, they were quick to teach you all about the game, so you let their earlier behaviour slide past you pretty fast.

lightning-fast you were at level 5 and ready to take on a gym, causing the whole group to stare at your screen as they picked out a good gym to start off with, which took quite a while in such a big city with a lot of very strong gyms, but when you found one, everyone was on the edge. especially when it came to the team selection.    ❝ pick team instinct, because… ———– oh, the team leader is a guy!❞    ethan called out from over josh’s shoulder and josh was quick to follow to shut him up.    ❝ nope, ______ team mystic is the team for you!harry would 100% agree with me if he was here!❞    you raised a brow at all the commotion around you and looked at the shadow of the three team leaders on your phone. after thinking for some time, you decided to go for [ team of choice ]. of course, most of the boys groaned at your decisions, while the rest welcomed you in their team, but that didn’t last too long because you soon had to fight the first gym right after choosing. you fumbled with the controls and everyone shouted at you for what you had to do, but after you beat the pokémon, everyone waited for the next one, but nothing came. you were all staring at the screen with baited breath, waiting for the game to tell you what was going on, as the announcement of your victory flashed across your phone and everyone just stood there for a second, but shouted immediately after seeing it.    ❝ what happened?❞       ❝ i don’t know, but great job there, _______!❞    you were still slightly suspicous as you put your best pokémon into the gym to guard it, despite knowing it wouldn’t hold out too long, although everything seemed normal and the gym flashed your color as you left your pokémon there.    ❝ i think to celebrate young trainer ______, we should go get nandos!❞    ethan suggested and because it was pretty late and you all had been running around for hours now, the majority immediately agreed with his idea, so you walked off to the nearest nandos that tobi knew.

while going there, you walked besides simon, who had been awfully quiet during the whole progress of you choosing a team, but you didn’t want to ask him about it, assuming he had been busy recording his own progress. but when you finally sat down with your food, you watched him eat in silence for a while, though at some point your curiosity just took over and you decided to ask him nonetheless.    ❝ simon, why didn’t you tell me to choose your team earlier?❞       ❝ huh, why? well… it’s your choice, so you should choose what you wanted without being swayed, no? ❞    you blink a little at the nice words, but nod slowly in agreement, feeling awfully symthatical towards the sidemen member while you continued to eat.    ❝ thanks then… that was nice. ❞    he smiled at your words and took a sip of his drink in between.    ❝ anytime, _______. ❞    you nodded thankfully and with a thoughful expression, you turned back to your own plate, finishing up what was left to eat. when everyone was done, the group walked back to the meeting point and you, vikk, simon and josh parted from the halo group, saying goodbye as they headed in the opposite direction as you headed back to the sidemen house.    ❝ hm, i still wonder what happened at that gym earlier… didn’t you say that there was normally more than one pokémon to battle?    you asked vikk on the way there, still kinda hung up on that incident that occured earlier this afternoon.    ❝ yeah, there is. normally. it could be that someone battled the gym at the same time and took out the other pokémon, but otherwise i don’t know how that happened either. ❞    vikk said with a shrug and you shrugged back.

maybe it was just luck. or at least that’s what you thought until the next day when simon uploaded his pokémon go video that he recorded with you all yesterday. out of curiosity, you had watched it, but 3 minutes into the video, you realized something.    ❝ … and here we are with a gym. it’s kinda weak, so i guess i can take it out real quick. ❞    you recogmized the background behind him right away; this was when you also battled your first gym! in shock you watched him battle about 4 pokémon, before it told him that they were all beaten now and he cheered a little for himself, but when the part came for him to claim the gym, it suddenly cut to him annoucing that the group would get nandos now. you paused the video and stared at simon smiling at the camera, resting your palms on your cheeks while trying to progress what you just saw. actually, it was a pretty sweet gesture. so you decided to text him about it.

______ / [11:05]; hey simon, is the offer of pokémon go for a first date still valid?

simon / [11:08]; i take it you have seen the video then?

______ / [11:09]; yes i did. so it was you   

simon / [11:10]; uh well guess there’s no getting out of that…. 
simon / [11:11]; but yes, it is. you ready to catch ‘em all, _______

______ / [11:13]; you bet i am. meet u at the door starting now!!! loser has to use a lure module in the park!!!!! see ya

simon / [11:14]; but ______, i don’t need a lure module to catch what i want 

______ / [11:17];…………….
______ / [11:18]; move your ass downstairs you sappy loser otherwise you will 
