#so if anyones interested in seeing that lmk


remus turned the tap on, the familiar warm water washing over him.

the sink over which he cut his hair short for the first time, the bathtub in which he lied awake and thanked the heavens above that, even after all that he had gone through, he was still alive, the window where he used to smoke with sirius; it was all painfully alive, overwhelming, being in his natal home again.

from the small bathtub, he could look in the mirror hung up on the wall and, for a second, he saw an old him smiling back. a young boy with big curls of dark hair and a raw mischievousness in him, something that remus resented him for, being able to be so happy, without knowing what the destiny had already prepared for you long ago.

he felt his late mother’s presence there. he breathed the air she once breathed, he could remember her, oh so vividly, now that he was there again. she was still watching over him; she promised she would; that night played over and over in his head again, how he packed her stuff and waited in the hospital room for hours, all alone, until one of them came out and gave hope’s son the news.

she had passed away.

remus sighed. she probably would have been disappointed if she saw where he had ended and where he would have continued to be if it wasn’t for lyall. homeless, addicted.

remus sighed. he wasn’t much of a wrongdoer but god, did he need to wash his sins away.
