#so ill just add


Okay so now that I have had the time to actually think about the lore stream that occured today I will now say:

The end was kind of lackluster.

Like I understand the intended weight of c!Fundy jumping off the edge to get away from c!Wilbur, but I think that it came across more as shock value rather than poignant?

With practically every other canon death, regardless of how well I know the character, they’ve always stuck with me afterwards. Like you can palpably feel the weight of them and the anticipation and the emotion of it all. You get the message they’re trying to send across.

But if the message of Fundy’s second canon death was: “You’ve hurt me, look at the way you’ve hurt me, I want to get away from you”, it honestly would’ve been better conveyed without the death?

It came very left field right in the final five minutes of the stream, and given that it straight up wasn’t a result of c!Fundy’s own inner turmoil but rather just a desire to get away from c!Wilbur, I think that the whole message of the end of the stream could’ve been better conveyed through him just telling c!Wilbur to get away from him, and staring him down as he walked away. Or perhaps by focusing in on the lines “why did you die?” “I was very sad” and explaining to c!Wilbur that while it is terrible he felt that way in his final days, and he empathizes, he still hurt people, and that isn’t justified by how he felt then.

That would’ve hit ten times harder for me, and I think it would’ve been an actual lesson c!Wilbur could’ve learned from, because all I think he learned from this was to avoid apologizing to people because it results in them fucking dying.

I will say, the rest of the stream was phenomenal, and Wilbur and Fundy’s acting was great. I loved everything up until after he said he couldn’t accept the apology (a choice I actually really liked), because after that it low-key went to shit. All together a good stream, it just fumbled the bag at the end.
