#so i’m not much of a sports person




having recognized that the superbowl is today, and learning moments ago that it’s the Cincinnati Bengals playing the LA Rams, which team are the various members of Team Improvise rooting for? Who is just here for the food? The commercials? The puppybowl? The bad lip-reading videos?


I agree with all of these @rai-knightshade​ and @not-your-housekeeper98​ thanks for playing! Not adding much of anything new, but I do have some pretty pictures! (CW: domestic violence)

Bozer is all about making those superbowl snacks. He’s been testing various dip, wings, and other appetizer recipes all season and he knows the fan favorites. Everybody is getting something they love. He’s also here for the superbowl commercials, and he will be writing and directing one someday. Plus he and Jack howl with laughter making up their own sideline conversations between the players and coaches

In general, Mac’s not super interested in football. He had an extremely short-lived football career, in which he showed up for try-outs because Bozer begged and Mac couldn’t let his best friend down. Donnie saw it as the perfect opportunity to land a hit and not get into trouble for it.


But Mac will hang out in the living room on a lazy sunday afternoon listening to Jack and Riley insult the ref’s visual acuity, while he tinkers and tastes the treats Bozer leaves next to him. More entertaining than any game is how dramatic (and competitive) his friends get. Somehow it always turns out that Riley and Matty just happen to be cheering for the rivals of whoever Jack is rooting for. And then, of course, there are boisterous discussions of the merits of American football vs. “real football”/soccer or rugby.

Mac has gifted Jack Cowboys tickets for various holidays and anniversaries and we saved the world celebrations and will happily join him in the stands but it’s more about the company than the game.

You can’t grow up in Texas and not play football.


And you can’t be in the vicinity of the Dalton Ranch and not be a Cowboys fan. Jack is extremely disappointed his beloved Cowboys didn’t make it this year. It always takes him a while to pick a team. Until he decides on the Bengals so that Riley can have her LA pride because tigers are way cooler than rams, Riley has to pretend that she is also going into the game teamless.

The first time Jack turned on a football game in the Davis home, Riley scattered. Heart hammering, palms slick. Elwood had a habit of high-stakes betting on long-shot teams and growing increasingly agitated and drunk as those teams inevitably lost. She wasn’t about to let that kind of violence or anger into their home or her mom’s life again. Gathering her courage and her anger, she sidled into the living room intending to annoy Jack enough to get him to snap, convince her mom that he wasn’t the good guy she claimed he was.

But instead of getting irritated at her questions and purposeful mistakes, Jack slid into the role of patient teacher, explaining the game, teaching the rules and finally smirking when he realized she was trying to mess with him. 

It took a few weeks and a few awkward invitations, but eventually about a month after she joined the Phoenix, Riley showed up at Mac’s house with a bag of chips and a store bought dip (much to Bozer’s great offense) on a Sunday afternoon, eventually making her way into the living room. 

Jack always threatens teases Mac that he’s gonna give Riley the extra ticket to the Cowboys game

Desi is way more interested in soccer (and hockey)

Cage is only here for the Puppy or Kitten Bowl. Jill is surprisingly competitive, and knows her football.

Russ also likes to annoy Jack, but Jack doesn’t find it nearly as amusing.

After Matty sends them off on a mission before the game is finished, Jack spends the whole next day trying to avoid learning who won. He’s unsuccessful.
