#so long im back to hiding under a rock lmao


INDEX:[Part I][Part II][Part III][Part IV]
Audio commentary from Prince of Tennis OVA: National Tournament Arc, FAN DISK White heat Remix, translated by me. It’s finally the last part!! Part V is Tezuka and Fuji’s commentary on Echizen vs Atobe match. Audio linked in the Content Source below.

Fuji: It’s finally the last match.
Fuji: I was convinced that you wanted to have another match with Atobe.
Tezuka: Atobe and I know each other’s cards too well. That’s why I wanted to try placing my bet on Echizen’s potential.
Fuji: That’s not the only reason you chose to have him play Atobe though, is it. 
Fuji: If you get him to play against Atobe, Echizen’s skills would definitely grow. Wasn’t that why you placed him in Singles 1?
Tezuka: Ngh.
Fuji: Right on the mark, huh. I can tell how big your expectations are for him from that.
Tezuka: I think of this year’s tournament first and foremost, of course. But this year isn’t the end of Seigaku Tennis Club. I’m the captain. I have a responsibility to make sure the club 2-3 years from now will be strong.
Tezuka: What? Did I say something funny?
Fuji: No. I just thought of how I liked that part of you. I’m really glad you are the Seigaku Tennis Club’s captain.

Tezuka: Is that so?
Fuji: But to be honest, it’s not the club’s future I’m interested in; I just want to see Echizen climb higher and higher. That’s it, really.
Tezuka: I too want to see where Echizen will end up.
Fuji: *laughs* So that really is the reason you had him play against Atobe.
Tezuka: Developing one’s skills is best done in real matches. There’s no better way to learn than fighting someone strong.
Fuji: That reminds me, Inui said something similar in his memo. He wrote that there’s no better training than playing matches with someone strong. According to one of Inui’s sources, before the tournament, Atobe apparently went to Rikkai  Dai Fuzoku alone to have a match against Sanada and the others.
Tezuka: Did he really?
Fuji: He got the info from Yanagi of Rikkai Dai Fuzoku, so it must be true.
Tezuka: Inui’s childhood friend of sorts.
Fuji: How surprising. Atobe seems like a cool-headed guy at a glance, but he’s actually pretty passionate.
Tezuka: Atobe is the passionate type.
Fuji: Oh? You really understand Atobe very well, don’t you.
Tezuka: No, I don’t. That’s just the feeling he managed to convey when we played.
Fuji: I see. Speaking of which, was Atobe not offended when you told him you’d be absent from today’s meeting? 
Tezuka: No. He called to talk about how the meeting would progress, and when I told him I wouldn’t be coming, he said, “You weren’t invited in the first place.” And quickly hung up. 
Fuji: I think you should be more concerned about that…
Fuji: He’ll resent you for that.

[Atobe in video: Even here you’re still getting in my way, Tezuka?!]

Fuji: *laughs* Look! He’s mad.
Tezuka: But that was clearly a move Echizen pulled off with State of Self Actualization. There’s no reason for him to blame it on me.
Fuji: I guess that’s just how much everyone is affected by you.
Tezuka: I still don’t see how it’s my fault.
Fuji: Around this part, they started pulling out all their skills, and it became more of a battle between their stamina and mental strength.
Tezuka: They were very evenly matched.
Fuji: When one side gains a point advantage, the other side is quick to change the tide. Neither of them yielded, did they.
Fuji: Your match with Atobe was pretty fierce too, but this was also a great match. Even just rewatching it in video gives me chills.

[Lights fall during Atobe-Echizen match]

Fuji: Oh, this moment unsurprisingly made my blood run cold.

[Atobe: Tezuka! Seigaku’s going to lose because you let a little first year become Seigaku’s pillar!!
Tezuka: He’s not the pillar yet.]

Fuji: But you always give a proper reaction to what Atobe says, don’t you Tezuka.
Tezuka: Mm. Huh? Oh, I was… I apologize.
Fuji: You were thinking of something else again.
Tezuka: I can have–
Fuji: 10 different thoughts at the same time.
Tezuka: You have a good memory, Fuji.
Fuji: Out of curiosity, what exactly is going through your mind right now?
Tezuka: Listening to you.
Tezuka: Analyzing the video.
Tezuka: Whether Oishi is holding up well.
Tezuka: Having to collect the club budget by tomorrow.
Tezuka: Needing to get the book I reserved at the library.
Fuji: Get it then.
Tezuka: This year’s sweetfish fishing season started early.
Fuji: Is that really relevant right now?
Tezuka: I’m planning on climbing the Southern Alps next.
Fuji: Shall I lend you a map?
Tezuka:Ich liebe dich.
Fuji: When exactly do you plan on using that line?
Tezuka: Lastly, answering your question.
Fuji: *laughs* I see.
Fuji: Say, I tried to be like Inui and collected some data.
Fuji: The truth is, the real reason I called you out here today was to show you this.
Tezuka: How intriguing.
Fuji: Look at this.
Tezuka: What is this piece of paper? Hm? I see a lot of tally marks.
Fuji: I tried my best to count it all while watching the whole video.
Tezuka: Sounds tough. But what for?
Fuji: What do you think?
Tezuka: I’m sorry, but I have no idea.
Fuji: It’s the number of times you ignored someone else’s comment.
Fuji: When you watch people’s matches, you only ever listen with half an ear, even when someone’s talking to you, don’t you. Though you may not be conscious you’re doing it.
Tezuka: What’re you talking about? Don’t tell me this is the problem you mentioned earlier?
Fuji: Honestly, it’s just like you, not to notice. Oh, right! There’s something I need to do after this.
Tezuka: You’re leaving? So did you find a solution for your problem in the end?
Fuji: Sorry, but I have to leave the cleanup and lockup to you, Tezuka. See ya!
Tezuka: Oi, Fuji! Fuji! Fuji! He left… But what exactly did Fuji want to say? I don’t understand. I’ll at the very least clean up and lock up before I leave… But what exactly did Fuji… What…. Need to lock up…
Fuji: Tezuka sure is interesting!

Tezuka, after Fuji presents him a tally of the times he ignored someone: So what was the problem????
      Gee man, I wonder what.

♔ It’s been more than a decade since I studied about logarithms, and I didn’t even study how to do math in Japanese, so this was interesting to say the least lmao. I had to read about log identities on Wiki and double check with a similar question on Quora, no big deal I guess. (It’s correct, right? Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong) Honestly I had to look up wild plants, mushrooms and fish for Dokidoki Survival and that was funner than this lmao. I kind of hate Tezuka now for making relearn math and science (in Part I).
♔ I wonder if Tezuka meant the Southern Alps in New Zealand, or the Southern Alps in Yamanishi prefecture, which is also the second highest mountain in Japan. I guess its more likely the latter tho, since that’s what first comes up when searched in Japanese.
♔ Every time Atobe addresses Tezuka while he’s having a match with Echizen, everyone’s just like… who exactly is he having a match against?
