#perfect pair



Posting again but better

Cast: Tezuka Kunimitsu & Fuji Syusuke
(This script is unlocked when your character of choice wins during Tezuka & Fuji’s jealousy event)

Fuji: O Romeo… Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Fuji: Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
        Or, if thou wilt not,
        Promote the popularity poll…
Main Character (MC): (Now we’re at the part where one of them has to promote the popularity poll…)
                                    (Who should I ask to do it?)
↳ Ask Romeo to do it
↳ Ask Juliet to do it
↳ Let them figure it out

↳ Ask Romeo to do it
Tezuka: All right, Juliet.
             Hello viewers. If you’re interested in the continuation of this story…
            Please participate in the popularity poll arranged by “Monthly Tennis Guide”.
            I look forward to your votes.
MC: Cut! Tezuka-kun, thank you for doing the promotion.
       I think it went great! Thanks for the hard work you two! 

↳ Ask Juliet to do it
Tezuka: Juliet, I’ll leave the promotions to you.
Fuji: Okay… I understand.
             Hello viewers. If you’re interested in the continuation of this story…
            Please participate in the popularity poll arranged by “Monthly Tennis Guide”.
            Looking forward to your votes!
MC: Cut! Fuji-kun, thank you for doing the promotion.
       I think it went great! Thanks for the hard work you two! 

↳ Let them figure it out
Fuji: The promotion… You’re not going to do it?
Tezuka: I’m not. We should’ve done enough. I want to go back to practice already, so let me excuse myself.
Fuji: Oh, then I’ll do the same.
MC: Cut, cut!
       Where do you two think you’re going?
       Hey, please!
       I’m begging you, come back!

The next line Fuji was supposed to say was where Juliet asks Romeo to swear that he loves her and she’ll stop being a Capulet, but unfortunately Fuji changed the lines, and asked Romeo to promote the game’s popularity contest instead. Too bad. :P

INDEX:[Part I][Part II][Part III][Part IV]
Audio commentary from Prince of Tennis OVA: National Tournament Arc, FAN DISK White heat Remix, translated by me. It’s finally the last part!! Part V is Tezuka and Fuji’s commentary on Echizen vs Atobe match. Audio linked in the Content Source below.

Fuji: It’s finally the last match.
Fuji: I was convinced that you wanted to have another match with Atobe.
Tezuka: Atobe and I know each other’s cards too well. That’s why I wanted to try placing my bet on Echizen’s potential.
Fuji: That’s not the only reason you chose to have him play Atobe though, is it. 
Fuji: If you get him to play against Atobe, Echizen’s skills would definitely grow. Wasn’t that why you placed him in Singles 1?
Tezuka: Ngh.
Fuji: Right on the mark, huh. I can tell how big your expectations are for him from that.
Tezuka: I think of this year’s tournament first and foremost, of course. But this year isn’t the end of Seigaku Tennis Club. I’m the captain. I have a responsibility to make sure the club 2-3 years from now will be strong.
Tezuka: What? Did I say something funny?
Fuji: No. I just thought of how I liked that part of you. I’m really glad you are the Seigaku Tennis Club’s captain.

Tezuka: Is that so?
Fuji: But to be honest, it’s not the club’s future I’m interested in; I just want to see Echizen climb higher and higher. That’s it, really.
Tezuka: I too want to see where Echizen will end up.
Fuji: *laughs* So that really is the reason you had him play against Atobe.
Tezuka: Developing one’s skills is best done in real matches. There’s no better way to learn than fighting someone strong.
Fuji: That reminds me, Inui said something similar in his memo. He wrote that there’s no better training than playing matches with someone strong. According to one of Inui’s sources, before the tournament, Atobe apparently went to Rikkai  Dai Fuzoku alone to have a match against Sanada and the others.
Tezuka: Did he really?
Fuji: He got the info from Yanagi of Rikkai Dai Fuzoku, so it must be true.
Tezuka: Inui’s childhood friend of sorts.
Fuji: How surprising. Atobe seems like a cool-headed guy at a glance, but he’s actually pretty passionate.
Tezuka: Atobe is the passionate type.
Fuji: Oh? You really understand Atobe very well, don’t you.
Tezuka: No, I don’t. That’s just the feeling he managed to convey when we played.
Fuji: I see. Speaking of which, was Atobe not offended when you told him you’d be absent from today’s meeting? 
Tezuka: No. He called to talk about how the meeting would progress, and when I told him I wouldn’t be coming, he said, “You weren’t invited in the first place.” And quickly hung up. 
Fuji: I think you should be more concerned about that…
Fuji: He’ll resent you for that.

[Atobe in video: Even here you’re still getting in my way, Tezuka?!]

Fuji: *laughs* Look! He’s mad.
Tezuka: But that was clearly a move Echizen pulled off with State of Self Actualization. There’s no reason for him to blame it on me.
Fuji: I guess that’s just how much everyone is affected by you.
Tezuka: I still don’t see how it’s my fault.
Fuji: Around this part, they started pulling out all their skills, and it became more of a battle between their stamina and mental strength.
Tezuka: They were very evenly matched.
Fuji: When one side gains a point advantage, the other side is quick to change the tide. Neither of them yielded, did they.
Fuji: Your match with Atobe was pretty fierce too, but this was also a great match. Even just rewatching it in video gives me chills.

[Lights fall during Atobe-Echizen match]

Fuji: Oh, this moment unsurprisingly made my blood run cold.

[Atobe: Tezuka! Seigaku’s going to lose because you let a little first year become Seigaku’s pillar!!
Tezuka: He’s not the pillar yet.]

Fuji: But you always give a proper reaction to what Atobe says, don’t you Tezuka.
Tezuka: Mm. Huh? Oh, I was… I apologize.
Fuji: You were thinking of something else again.
Tezuka: I can have–
Fuji: 10 different thoughts at the same time.
Tezuka: You have a good memory, Fuji.
Fuji: Out of curiosity, what exactly is going through your mind right now?
Tezuka: Listening to you.
Tezuka: Analyzing the video.
Tezuka: Whether Oishi is holding up well.
Tezuka: Having to collect the club budget by tomorrow.
Tezuka: Needing to get the book I reserved at the library.
Fuji: Get it then.
Tezuka: This year’s sweetfish fishing season started early.
Fuji: Is that really relevant right now?
Tezuka: I’m planning on climbing the Southern Alps next.
Fuji: Shall I lend you a map?
Tezuka:Ich liebe dich.
Fuji: When exactly do you plan on using that line?
Tezuka: Lastly, answering your question.
Fuji: *laughs* I see.
Fuji: Say, I tried to be like Inui and collected some data.
Fuji: The truth is, the real reason I called you out here today was to show you this.
Tezuka: How intriguing.
Fuji: Look at this.
Tezuka: What is this piece of paper? Hm? I see a lot of tally marks.
Fuji: I tried my best to count it all while watching the whole video.
Tezuka: Sounds tough. But what for?
Fuji: What do you think?
Tezuka: I’m sorry, but I have no idea.
Fuji: It’s the number of times you ignored someone else’s comment.
Fuji: When you watch people’s matches, you only ever listen with half an ear, even when someone’s talking to you, don’t you. Though you may not be conscious you’re doing it.
Tezuka: What’re you talking about? Don’t tell me this is the problem you mentioned earlier?
Fuji: Honestly, it’s just like you, not to notice. Oh, right! There’s something I need to do after this.
Tezuka: You’re leaving? So did you find a solution for your problem in the end?
Fuji: Sorry, but I have to leave the cleanup and lockup to you, Tezuka. See ya!
Tezuka: Oi, Fuji! Fuji! Fuji! He left… But what exactly did Fuji want to say? I don’t understand. I’ll at the very least clean up and lock up before I leave… But what exactly did Fuji… What…. Need to lock up…
Fuji: Tezuka sure is interesting!

Tezuka, after Fuji presents him a tally of the times he ignored someone: So what was the problem????
      Gee man, I wonder what.

♔ It’s been more than a decade since I studied about logarithms, and I didn’t even study how to do math in Japanese, so this was interesting to say the least lmao. I had to read about log identities on Wiki and double check with a similar question on Quora, no big deal I guess. (It’s correct, right? Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong) Honestly I had to look up wild plants, mushrooms and fish for Dokidoki Survival and that was funner than this lmao. I kind of hate Tezuka now for making relearn math and science (in Part I).
♔ I wonder if Tezuka meant the Southern Alps in New Zealand, or the Southern Alps in Yamanishi prefecture, which is also the second highest mountain in Japan. I guess its more likely the latter tho, since that’s what first comes up when searched in Japanese.
♔ Every time Atobe addresses Tezuka while he’s having a match with Echizen, everyone’s just like… who exactly is he having a match against?

INDEX:[Part I][Part II][Part III]
Audio commentary from Prince of Tennis OVA: National Tournament Arc, FAN DISK White heat Remix, translated by me. Part IV is Tezuka and Fuji’s commentary on the Golden Pair vs Silver Pair match. Starts from 5:00 onwards in the audio linked in the Content Source below.

Fuji: A match between the whole country’s top pairs.
Tezuka: With the last match, Seigaku has 2 wins and 1 loss.
Fuji: And this was make-or-break for Hyotei.
Tezuka: In their eyes, this was definitely a match they must not lose.
Fuji: I think they were extremely fired up because of that.
Fuji: Speaking of which, how do you feel about Eiji?
Tezuka: “How”? What do you mean?
Fuji: I mean, you pretty much have your full trust on Oishi, haven’t you? You even talked about him earlier.
Fuji: And yet, I haven’t heard you talk about Eiji much, even though he’s paired with Oishi…
Tezuka: Of course I think very highly of Kikumaru too. His reflexes are remarkable. It’s just that… we don’t really see eye to eye much when we talk…
Fuji: *laughs* I don’t think there are that many people who can keep up with Eiji’s energy. That reminds me, Eiji was secretly practicing “Tezuka Zone” the other day. Maybe you should try doing “Kikumaru Beam”?

Tezuka: I refuse.
Fuji: I think you can pull it off though.
Tezuka: We all have our own strengths and weaknesses.
Fuji: Is that so? When you reach State of Self Actualization, I’m actually anticipating that you’d actually do Kikumaru Beam though.
Fuji: I mean, wouldn’t it be interesting? Seeing you fluttering about in the air. I’d really love to see it! When you do, say “Too bad, So sad, See you next week!” too okay?
Tezuka: I refuse.
Fuji: Oh, my. Too bad, so sad, see you next week~
Tezuka: Anyway, what does Inui’s memo say about this match?
Fuji: You seem to be very interested in Inui’s memo, Tezuka.
Fuji: Let’s see… “The day before the match, Shishido and Ootori went to church, while Oishi and Kikumaru went to a temple…”.
Tezuka: What for?
Fuji: Who knows? They probably went to make some sort of vow.
Tezuka: Well, all right then.
Fuji: Oh, there’s more. “When an omikuji was drawn, Great Curse came out…”

[T.N.:Omikujis are these random fortune strips of paper you can draw at temples, and it ranges from Great Luck (best luck) to Great Curse (worst luck).]

Tezuka: Oishi and Kikumari got that?
Fuji: Nah, isn’t it Inui? The memo looks like it was written with force… Some of the letters were even blotted out by tears.
Fuji: Nope! But Great Curse does exist, huh… Isn’t it even rarer than Great Blessing? Inui’s kind of lucky, in a way. I’m jealous! I want to get that too…
Tezuka: Fuji… You’re exceptionally…optimistic, aren’t you.
Fuji: You think? It’s an honor to get a compliment from you!
Tezuka:Exceptionally optimistic.
Fuji: The way Oishi and Eiji move in sync here… They really do move exactly the same way even in video. How surprising…
Tezuka: Apparently neither Oishi and Kikumaru remember this moment.
Fuji: Then, they really were playing subconsciously during this moment? That’s amazing!
Tezuka: When you look at it from that perspective, it’s as if they were going through something like State of Self Actualization.
Fuji: State of Self Actualization, but for doubles, I suppose.
Tezuka: Unlike the Hyotei pair who were trying to sync up on purpose, Oishi and Kikumaru on the other hand were doing it unconsciously. They don’t even have to communicate.
Fuji: In other words, they can reduce the time they need for their next move. Making it easier for them to surprise their opponent.
Tezuka: That’s most likely why Oishi and Kikumaru suddenly started dominating after they synced up.
Fuji: If the match continued, Oishi and Kikumaru could probably have won…
Tezuka: It was a possibility.
Fuji: The bond between pairs sure is nice… When I’m paired with Taka-san, I feel like I’m calmer and more in control of the match, and it was very exciting when I was paired with Eiji. By forming a pair with someone, you could learn something new about yourself and bring out much more power.
Fuji: But I think what these two have is a lot more special. It was as if they were connected on a psychological level, like they were in each other’s care… Have you ever wished you had a partner like that, Tezuka?
Tezuka: I’m sure it’d feel reassuring.
Fuji: Should we try doing doubles sometime?
Tezuka: We should.

♔ The moment Fuji talked about the pairs going to a church/temple, many commented saying both pairs got married. It didn’t help that Fuji said they made a vow lmao, even though it didn’t necessarily mean a marriage vow. But it still raised some eyebrows. :P
♔ No one even doubted Fuji’s words and people started getting amused about Inui’s tears, only for Fuji to very cutely admit he was lying. What a minx.
♔ Tezuka kept calling Fuji a “positive” guy and people started saying “Fuji-tive”.

[Next Part]

INDEX:[Part I][Part II]
Audio commentary from Prince of Tennis OVA: National Tournament Arc, FAN DISK White heat Remix, translated by me. Part III is Tezuka and Fuji’s commentary on Tezuka vs Kabaji match. Audio linked in the Content Source below.

Fuji: Look! It’s finally your turn.
Fuji: How is it, watching yourself from an outsider’s perspective?
Tezuka: Not bad.
Fuji: I knew you’d say that. Do you usually watch videos of yourself, Tezuka?
Tezuka: I don’t watch videos, but I do always try to look at myself in an objective perspective. If you keep letting your personal thoughts guide you, you won’t be able to make good decisions.
Fuji: I see. As always, you make a very good point.
Tezuka: Kabaji’s copying ability has definitely improved a lot compared to last time.
Fuji: Yeah. It surprised me too, actually. He very easily copied “Tezuka Zone” too.
Tezuka: His ability may seem simple at a glance, but it’s really not.
Fuji: Yeah, I agree.
Tezuka: He must have trained a lot behind the scenes.
Fuji: I’m sure he did. Atobe looked rather smug about it too.
Fuji: By the way, in Inui’s memo…
Fuji: This is… info on you….isn’t it?
Fuji: “Chummily played tennis with Miyuki-san in Kyushu.”

Fuji: Miyuki is a woman’s name, isn’t it?
Tezuka: A woman… Sure…
Fuji: Which means… this info is real.
Tezuka: She really helped me out, mentally speaking.
Fuji: For her to help you out mentally, she must be quite mature.
Tezuka: She is… That is true, in a way. She taught me how to have the guts to look at myself and cope with hard times. Needless to say, she still has a naive and innocent side to her.
Fuji: Hmmm… An innocent side huh…
Fuji: *laughs* Why did you go to Kyushu again?
Tezuka: “Why?” For rehabilitation.
Fuji: So you say…
Tezuka: What? Why do you look so skeptical?
Fuji:Playing tennis with a mature woman who has a child-like innocence… So that’s what counts as rehabilitation to you… *laughs* That rehabilitation sounds rather fun… I want to try it too.
Tezuka: Fuji, it’s the other way around.
Fuji: It is?
Tezuka: I’m talking about a very young woman with nerves of steel like an adult.
Tezuka: She’s in grade school.
Fuji: Oh.. She is, is she? Now I’m a little disappointed.
Tezuka: What exactly were you expecting?
Fuji: Oh, nothing!
Tezuka: I hear she’s actually Chitose from Shitenhouji Middle’s sister.
Fuji: Oh! I see!
Tezuka: We only met by chance, but we were actually connected in some strange way.
Fuji: Putting aside what Miyuki-chan may have done to help you, I’m glad you got better. Everyone was looking forward to your return.
Tezuka: I’ve really caused trouble for you all. Forgive me.
Fuji: Oishi especially had a hard time, I think. Since he had to take on your role in the club too.
Tezuka: That’s true.. He had to go through quite a lot because of me.
Fuji: Oishi’s got some strange kind of power, doesn’t he. Even though he’s not the type to outright lead the group, we get swept along to his pace before we know it.
Tezuka: Oishi has helped me out so many times. I hope to repay him for that in some way.
Fuji: If you want to repay him, there’s only one way to do it right now.
Tezuka: Yes, you’re right.
Fuji: Aim for the National Championship!

[It starts raining in the video]

Fuji: Rain, huh.
Tezuka: What about it?
Fuji: Every time I see rain, I remember…
Tezuka: Your practice match with Echizen?
Fuji: Yes. We didn’t finish it in the end, I still can’t forget the thrill I experienced, and how fired up I felt from deep within. I hope we can continue the match someday…
Tezuka: …Don’t do it right now.
Fuji: I know.
Tezuka: However, I’m sure that time will come someday.
Fuji: I sure hope so.
Tezuka: Still, much of my match has been cut out. There were more notable things that happened…
Fuji: You’re actually bothered by that. The moment it started raining, the match became one-sided in your favor, so it was inevitable. Anyhow, congrats on your win, Tezuka.

♔ JP fans commented that Tezuka sounded like a narcissist as he evaluated how it felt to look at himself from an outsider’s POV lmao. Just imagine him looking at himself and going, “Hmm, not bad." And then there’s the part where he complained about the lack of screentime for his match. He wanted to see more of himself, Inui! How dare you.
♔ Tezuka keeps challenging me to find short English equivalents for these short formal transition words he uses that be more commonly seen in writing/formal talks, and it makes me want to tear my hair out lmao.
♔In case you were thinking I should’ve just translated “woman” as “girl”, josei, the word Fuji (and Tezuka) uses here, implies that Fuji was assuming it was an older girl from the start lol.

[Next Part]

[Previous part here]
Audio commentary from Prince of Tennis OVA: National Tournament Arc, FAN DISK White heat Remix, translated by me. Part II is Tezuka and Fuji’s commentary on Inui & Kaidoh vs Mukahi & Hiyoshi match. Starts from 6:10 of the video linked in the Content Source below.

Tezuka: This is… Inui and Kaidoh’s match. Our second match against Hyotei, huh.
Fuji: Aww, so the video is arranged according to match order… How boring, there’s no element of surprise to it.
Tezuka: The opponents are Mukahi and Hiyoshi. One good at short matches, and the other long… It was a battle with contrasting pairs.

[Ryoma in video: Nicely done, Inui-senpai.]

Fuji: Inui… He made sure to include the part where he was complimented! It is rare for Echizen to straight up compliment his seniors. He probably kept rewinding to watch it over and over.
Tezuka: That’s true.
Fuji: He also made sure to include his new move. He may not look it, but Inui has a pretty cute side to him.

Fuji: Looks like he’s quite taken with the name “Waterfall”. This may have been the first time Inui ever named a move. I’m sure he put a lot of thought into that technique.
Fuji: Hm? Tezuka?
Fuji: It sure is sunny today.
Fuji: I’m sure it’ll be sunny tomorrow too.
Fuji: What about the day after?
Tezuka: Mm… Huh? Oh, sorry. My mind went on a tangent. 
Fuji: A tangent?
Tezuka: It’s nothing important. I still heard what you said just fine.
Fuji: Oh… Did you really…
Tezuka: I can have several thoughts running in my mind at the same time. I think… I can handle about 10 different thoughts.
Fuji: Ohh… You’re like Prince Shotoku.

[T.N.:According to Wikipedia, “Prince Shotoku (Shotoku Taishi) was a semi-legendary regent and a politician of the Asuka period in Japan who served under Empress Suiko”. Legend has it that he has the ability to listen and comprehend 8 to 10 people’s conversations at once, hence he was also known as the Prince of Eight Ears.]

Tezuka: Yeah, I’ve been told that before.
Fuji: Oh, I see.
Tezuka: So, as you were saying. It was about how Inui named his Waterfall move, right? I don’t care about how moves are named. Consequently, I couldn’t come up with an insightful comment to your words. I apologize.
Fuji: No need to apologize! I wasn’t expecting you to give insight about it in the first place.
Tezuka: However, if I had to comment, it would be on how amazing your naming sense is for your moves, Fuji. Your moves’ names are quite diverse. It baffles me at times as to how you came up with them.
Fuji: Oh! You see–
Tezuka: Not that I really want to know how though.
Fuji: …I see.
Tezuka: Anyway, what was Inui’s memo about this match?
Tezuka: What’s wrong, Fuji?
Fuji: Oh, what were you asking? Inui’s memo?
Tezuka: Yes, that.
Fuji: “The Hyotei pair had a meeting at an amusement park the day prior. Their spy must have intentionally picked somewhere crowded to trade information with them. It’s the perfect place to do so.”
Fuji: There’s more. “After their meeting, Mukahi and Hiyoshi rode the merry-go-round. Incidentally, I recommend the outermost white horse behind the carriage.”
Tezuka: More unnecessary info, I see.
Fuji: Still, I wonder why he recommends the white horse. He didn’t state the reason…
Tezuka: Because the horse furthest away from the center would receive the strongest centrifugal force, I presume.
Fuji: Oh… And why is that recommended?
Tezuka: Your body would be subjected to gravity and centrifugal force at the same time… People would probably find that feeling irresistible. 
Fuji: That’s not how people have fun on merry-go-rounds…
Tezuka: It’s not?
Fuji: Tezuka… Say, have you gone on that merry-go-round before?
Tezuka: No, I haven’t. I was just speculating.
Fuji: Hmm… Your remark seemed very matter-of-fact though, all things considered.
Tezuka: …I’m not good at crowded places.
Fuji: Oh, sorry! I was imagining you on a white horse in a merry-go-round and…it was just so funny.
Tezuka: There’s no need to imagine something like that.
Fuji: Oh, sorry, sorry……………..PFFT
Tezuka: How long do you plan on laughing, Fuji?
Fuji: Sorry! Sorry, I’ll stop… Pfft– Ahem! Oh, right! Kaidoh showed his new move for the first time in this match, didn’t he.
Tezuka: Yeah, a move called “Tornado Snake” or something.
Fuji: And Inui apparently had a part to play in helping Kaidoh perfect that move.
Tezuka: Those two are quite in tune with each other.
Fuji: Back when Kaidoh just joined the club, I thought he and Inui would never be compatible.
Tezuka: Me too. But once Inui made him a special training program, Kaido’s strength went up by leaps and bounds.
Fuji: It did. It also feels like Kaido’s being used as fine research material though.

[Video shows Fuji commentating on the match]

Fuji: Watching yourself from an outsider’s point of view can be a little embarrassing, huh.
Tezuka: It’s just because you’re not used to it.
Fuji: I never even noticed that I was being videotaped.
Tezuka: It’s almost endgame.
Fuji: Yeah. We’ll see more of it, won’t we? Kaidoh’s Tornado Snake move.
Tezuka: Yes, we will.
Fuji: In Kaidoh’s case, his accuracy has improved thanks to his Boomerang Snake. He doesn’t mess up even while going for bold moves.
Tezuka: There’s still a lot of room for improvement though.
Fuji:Is there? I thought he was fairly good as he is. You’re as harsh as ever, Tezuka.

It’s time to draw Tezuka on a white horse of a carousel folks!
It’s interesting to translate Tezuka’s words. He uses these transition words at times that are very out of place to hear from a middle schooler. And then there were times where he was straight up rude, like when he said that certain info was unimportant (dou demo ii), or when he used “or something” while talking about the name for Kaidoh’s move. JP fans were very amused by this. Tezuka really doesn’t care about technique names, I guess.

[Next Part]

From Prince of Tennis OVA: National Tournament Arc, FAN DISK White heat Remix, translated by me. Part I is Tezuka and Fuji’s audio commentary on Momoshiro vs Oshitari match. Link to the audio is in the Content Source. :)

Fuji: Hey, Tezuka! Sorry for making you come here when you’re so busy.
Tezuka: My apologies, I was late since I was on the phone with Atobe.
Fuji: Huh? Is the meeting between the captains supposed to be held today?  
Tezuka: It is.
Fuji: You don’t need to go?
Tezuka: I got Oishi to attend in my place. Besides, it’s more of a get-together than a meeting. Oishi’s better suited for those types of things.
Fuji: That’s true. If you attended, you’d probably be still distant with everyone by the end of it.
Tezuka: I’m just not good at social events.
Fuji: What’s more, many of the other schools have captains with strong personalities.
Tezuka: As long as Atobe’s there, the meeting should get off without a cinch. There should be no problems with my absence.
Fuji: I wonder about that. He seems like the most finicky one out of all of them to me. Though he might make things more entertaining that way.

Tezuka: Enough about the meeting. More importantly, what exactly did you want to talk about?
Fuji: Impatient as ever, aren’t you.
Tezuka: You told me there was something you wanted to talk over again. I got curious.
Fuji: Hm? Any idea what it’s about?
Tezuka: No, not in particular. Not in particular, but if you have any problems, I can lend an ear.
Fuji: …Problems? Let me think… Now that you put it that way, I guess it is a problem.
Tezuka: What is it? Tell me.
Fuji: Well, I’ll tell you some other time. Anyway, there’s something I want you to see.
Fuji: I actually found this at a nook in the clubroom. Look.
Tezuka: Oh… This is the Nationals match with Hyotei? The matchup between Momoshiro and Oshitari.
Fuji: It was very good, wasn’t it? This match.
Tezuka: It was. The end results aside, it was quite the heated match.
Fuji: Yeah, seeing Momo so fired up like that made me feel a little envious.
Tezuka: So what about this piqued your interest?
Fuji: Seems like Inui got someone to film this video for analysis. This is the edited version, but I found more tapes taken from different angles.
Tezuka: I expected no less from him. Inui has quite the inquisitive mind. 
Fuji: Look! I also found this along the way.
Tezuka: Hm? What’s that?
Fuji: Inui’s Supplementary Analysis Notebook. It has Inui’s memos on every match.
Tezuka: And you just found this by chance? I can’t imagine Inui carelessly leaving such an important notebook around in the clubroom. 
Fuji:How mean~ I only just happened to find it, I swear. Don’t you believe me?
Tezuka: ‘Just happened to'………….. Sure.
Fuji:Anyway, Inui jotted down something like this about this match.
Tezuka: Something like what?
Fuji:“To prepare for the match with Hyotei, Momoshiro trained in the mountains with  Kawamura. The two of them worked in tandem to procure food, with Momoshiro keeping a lookout for the fish’s movements and pointing it out, while Kawamura catches it in a show of strength.”
Fuji: “As a result, his insight has gone up, and he also mastered how to sharply snap his wrist.”
Tezuka:I see…
Fuji:And apparently, the fish they caught during that time were used as ingredients for Kawamura Sushi.
Tezuka:Is that information really necessary?
Fuji: If it were freshwater fish, it would be chum salmon, or trout, I guess.
Tezuka: I See.
Fuji: Taka-san caught chum salmon with his bare hands. He’s like a bear!
Tezuka:Mmm… To think the calm and collected Oshitari would be trembling with excitement….
Fuji: Chum salmon sushi tastes good when you grill it a little before eating, doesn’t it. It fills your mouth with its unique flavor, and…
Tezuka:He’s gotten that absorbed into the game, huh… Looking back at things truly does give us some new perspective.
Fuji: Tezuka… Are you listening to me?
Tezuka: Yes, I am. You were talking about chum salmon, right?
Fuji:Right. Well, if you say so…
Tezuka: What’s wrong, Fuji? If you’re feeling unwell, head to the infirmary. Want me to go with you?
Fuji: It’s nothing really, so don’t worry about it.
Tezuka:I see… Okay then.
Fuji: Alright, Momo’s match is almost over. I wonder who’s match we’ll see next.
Fuji: Speaking of which, you’re more talkative than usual today, Tezuka.
Tezuka: Am I? I think I’m talking just as much as I usually do when I’m talking to you…
Fuji:Are you? ….Then I guess it’s fine.

[Next Part]
