#so much fun sharing this adventure with cool people

fran-aka-mak:resbang 2021 – nuts & bolts // (links to be added)writer: @adonewithyou [ fic ]artifran-aka-mak:resbang 2021 – nuts & bolts // (links to be added)writer: @adonewithyou [ fic ]arti


resbang 2021 – nuts & bolts // (links to be added)

writer:@adonewithyou [ fic ]
artists:@sahdah[art ] & me


Young Inventor, Maka Albarn, has been working on a very special project for a few years now. This year she hopes to present this project at the festival to get it patented. But she’s having a hard time getting it to do what she wants it to do. A close deadline, terrible hours, and her boss breathing down her neck is only adding to her stress but she’s determined to get a successful test of her invention B.R.E.W. B.R.E.W is a device meant to rehabilitate psychologically damaged peoples with music. If she can’t get it to work she won’t be able to participate in the festival and she’ll be forced to continue working her awful job where she does nothing notable.

After taking a night off from working on B.R.E.W she forms an unexpected friendship with the pianist at her friend’s pub, Soul, who helps her perfect her invention by teaching her more about the emotional effects of music. Over time their simple partnership and solid friendship develops into a little something more. Soul starts to let on that he’s not just a humble musician. Things escalate at work. As they rapidly lose time, will they complete B.R.E.W in time for the festival? Steampunk AU.

thank you so much for the amazing fic ! so happy to have worked with such a talented group !! it was so fun to challenge myself with a new genre that i hadn’t tried drawing much which was steampunk ^^;

thanks a bunch to @adonewithyou&@sahdah for being very chill and so amazing honestly- and for being patient, everything turned out so well and i’m so proud of the both of you! the fic and arts turned out so well !!!

thank you as well to @resbangmod for helping me out all the time- shout out to the mods, i appreciate you! thank u truly for all your hard work !! ^-^)/

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