#maka albarn





Soul loves when she gets dominant

Some wholesome SoMa

This page has my favorite Soul Eater characters on it so I love it.

[ID: a GIF of Soul and Maka in their black blood room outfits, but with Soul waring the dress and Maka wearing the suit. A green spotlight flickers on them. /end ID]

[ID: A drawing of Maka Albarn facing a mirror. Instead of looking at herself, her eyes are faced at the viewer before blinking and looking away. /End ID]
annablume:fujifingerz: Attack for @Snelliot Sapphic Art Fight 2022 Prompt: “[Soul Eater] maka and cr



Attack for @Snelliot

Sapphic Art Fight 2022
Prompt: “[Soul Eater] maka and crona. literally doing anything”


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Name a more iconic duo

Name a more iconic duo

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Maka and her boyfriend

Maka and her boyfriend

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A conversation with a friend made me realize how much I miss this show …

A conversation with a friend made me realize how much I miss this show …

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I love drawing soul eater characters because you can put them in ANY clothes at all and it works.

 dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dil

dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs dilfs

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