#so much good here



I started this piece as sort of a brain cleanser to get back in the groove, and it was supposed to be a sprint fic, and then somehow it just kept not being finished. But now it is, so here’s piece number 2 for my birthday big bang, and I hope you enjoy it! 

The first one was a surprise. Luka raised his eyebrows as he plucked the tiny pink envelope from the door frame of his new apartment. Surely the fans hadn’t found him already. His hands were already pretty full, so he stuck the little envelope between his teeth as he fished out his keys and unlocked the door. 

Luka hadn’t really had time to make the place feel like home yet. He really wasn’t even sure how to do that, honestly. His room on the boat had just sort of grown with him, and he couldn’t remember a time when it didn’t feel like his. His new apartment had the standard white walls, bland carpets, beige counters, shiny nickel fixtures. It was a nice place and he was grateful to be able to afford it, but at the moment, it felt like just another hotel room. 

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