#so what are you waiting for



Moments Like This


Chapter 3: Life is Beautiful

“Life is a storm to be weathered, but little, beautiful moments make it all worth it.”

Final chapter is up! :)

More fluffiness ahead ;)

Just when I THINK it can’t get even sweeter….you give us this.


And NEW family fluff. Wow. 

You worry me a little in the beginning cause I’m like oh shit…what’s gonna happen but then it’s okay…it’s all okay. Thank GOD. omg…you make up for the little heart attack afterwards. IT’S ALL SO SWEET. 

Hiccup’s nerves…his sweet words…his first time seeing his daughter…astrid’s pure love for the bundle in her arms…all just radiates so well. You have created such a beautiful moment here. 

That whole part where Hiccup walks in and everything that follows is exactly how I imagine that moment with them. Just the disbelief and the love and….oh, the love. Such a soft soft moment between the new little family. 

“Look what we’ve made.” someone just bury me. i’m dead. 


and then KISS KISS. 

Two in one???? What did I do to deserve two kisses from the best kiss writer??? Lawd…help. 

And oh, the ending. That’s when the tears spilled over. It’s just…beautiful. I love everything about it. 

You have tied everything together so well while also giving us (the readers) something to relate to…now more than ever. It’s amazing and the most perfect way to end it. Thank you for that. 

Thank you for taking us on this journey. I have enjoyed every ounce, every line, every kiss, every moment. 

