#httyd fic


Cleaning up at my AO3 account & decided I’m gonna do sporadic fic recs from things in my AO3 History, while I enjoy rereading stuff. I didn’t even get an account until about 6 years ago & guess I didn’t set it up to track my History for while after. But even then I don’t read fanfic nowhere near what I used to 20 years ago. So I only have 28 pages, /shock/, but I went to very last & worked my way forward. I’m a multifandom person, but I usually get cravings for specifics, so I was suprised to see myself jumping around so much at first. Anyways, here’s a roundup of the earliest 12 fics in my AO3 History. Follow the tag #DodgerDoesFicRecs for more in the future.

WEEKEND REC ROUNDUP No.1 - my AO3 History from the start…

SPN…Sam/Gabriel - no buildup

H5O…Danny/Steve - Steve was v OOC

TW - Derek/Scott, estab. relationship w a kid, sweet, cute, under 1k - archiveofourown.org/works/3297686

H5O…Danny/Kono - choppily written

H5O - Danny/Steve, coda for s1 ep about death of Danny’s old partner, sweet, hot, 1st kiss & more, 4k - archiveofourown.org/works/3318758

TW - Derek/Stiles, they meet as kids but canon is still weaved in there very well, 17k - archiveofourown.org/works/516940

Teen Wolf…Stiles/Isaac - Isaac was so OOC

Leverage/SPN - 5x Sam & Dean ran into the Leverage crew, as delightful as it sounds, 1k - archiveofourown.org/works/309315

CWRPS - Jensen/Misha - could be ‘canon’ or ‘AU’, noisy neighbor sex, pwp + feelings, written so, so beautifully, 3k - archiveofourown.org/works/423074

SPN - Dean/Cas, Dean is injured, Cas is grumpy, these 2 dumbasses I swear, first kiss, 4k - https://archiveofourown.org/works/839315/chapters/1599325

CWRPS - J2D, HS AU, Danneel POV, shes very well written, it’s sweet & cute & hot, 19k - archiveofourown.org/works/1050714

SPN - Henricksen/Dean - H/C, spot on characters, vulnerable Dean, raw emotion, 7k - archiveofourown.org/works/653249

How To Train Your Dragon - Stoick the Vast, trying to accept changes in Berk, good dad-ing + baby dragons, made me Feel Things, 500 words - archiveofourown.org/works/143813

See you guys next weekend (or the weekend after, we’ll see).


I Heard you in the wind

“After many years involved in a never ending war between Vikings and Dragons, Astrid Hofferson is going for a quest to find the one who taught her the truth about dragons ten years ago, but he’s also the most searched criminal in the whole Archipielago. However, he’s the only hope to end this war. Would Astrid find the same person after so long?”

We are proud to announce with @itsasumbrella The release of the first chapter Thursday 16th.


Christmas calendar day 10

Prompt: Snowedin

Fandom: Httyd

“Of course we’re snowed in, I can’t even be surprised any longer” Hiccup mutters, pushing against the door with all his might. He wishes it would work, but of course it doesn’t.

He steps back, frowning at the door.

If the dragons we’re still around there would be an easy solution to this - make the dragons outside melt the snow or at least scoop it away. But the dragons aren’t here and Hiccup is at a loss as to what to do. 

This of course happened before they befriended the dragons too, but the hatch-in-the-roof solution before was cast away when they rebuilt the village to make it easier for the dragons. And now that they’ve actually moved the entire village, they didn’t exactly think that they would be snowed in again.

So Hiccup has no idea what to do. 

Muttering and grumbling he goes to sit down in front of the fire, doing his best to stay warm. The house feels empty, deserted and he sinks lower into the chair.

Right now, the quiet is overwhelming.

And that’s when he remembers - Astrid is outside! She went on a short trip a few days ago and should be back by the latest tomorrow.

He breathes a sigh of relief and relaxes.

Astrid’ll fix this, he knows she will.

That’s just what she does. 

So Hiccup decides to take this rare chance and do nothing.

Being chief there’s always something that has to be done - someone’s sheep went missing, a grumble about whatever or just general complaints about wanting to go back to Berk.

But now he can relax, and be lazy - he has no expectations to uphold.

The first thing on his bucket list is to work on his book about dragons.

He started on it when he first met Toothless and continued to fill it in when he learned new things about the different species. It’s all just scribbles however, and he never got the time to write it out properly with all the responsibilities just lining up.

So eagerly he digs out his old notebooks and sits down by his desk, a stack of new papers in front of him.

He immerses himself in the work, forgetting all about the world outside the door. The only time he looks up it’s because the candle burned out, and he makes a double-take at how dark it’s suddenly become. 

“Oops” he mutters and reluctantly puts the stuff away.

He’ll need all the sleep he could get if he were to have any energy to deal with pissed off vikings tomorrow.

“-up! Hiccup! Hiccup!” 

“Huh? What?” Hiccup sits straight in the bed and rubs his eyes. Did he imagine his name being shouted or…?

“Hiccup! Are you in there? By Odin’s ghost, answer me!”

“Astrid?” he mumbles, standing up.


“Yup, definitely Astrid” Hiccup chuckles and then stops.

Astrid’s here! He’s going to get out!

“Astrid! I’m here!” he shouts as he runs to the door. “I’m here!”


“Yes, I’m right here!” 

“Oh thank Odin, are you okay?” Astrid shouts through the door, all the while continuing to shovel show.

“Yeah, I’m fine! We only got snowed in yesterday” Hiccup answers, feeling the strain on his voice from how loud he has to shout.

“Hold on a bit longer, I’m almost through!” Astrid shouts, ignoring how sweaty she is. She’s just going to look at this as a workout. Nothing more, nothing less.

To save their voices they stay quiet, the only sound being the shoveling of snow.

All of a sudden the door starts creaking as it’s pulled outwards, and Hiccup quickly pushes as well. 

It’s flinged open so suddenly that Hiccup loses his balance and tumbles right into a pile of snow.

“Okay, that’s cold, that is definitely cold!” he exclaims and quickly gets up, shivering as he pushes the snow off of him.

He’s immediately pushed back into the same pile when Astrid throws herself at him and he topples over. He doesn’t complain though, after a moment of surprise he just hugs back as they lay there for a while.

“I’m fine - I had enough wood to get by” he whispers, rubbing circles on Astrid’s back.

“But it could have gone so much worse” Astrid mutters into his chest and he hums.

‘It could’ve, but it didn’t because you saved me - just like I knew you would” Hiccup smiles as Astrid looks up at him. “And now we’ll get the rest of the village out together, right?”

“Right” Astrid nods in confirmation and she releases the hug. She gets up and pulls Hiccup with her.

“Let’s just get the hatch in the roof back, okay?”




Here’s chapter 2 of A Dangerous Facade! :)

PART 2!!!!!!!

Hehe when I first read this, I fell in love with it so I spent HOURS drawing a scene from it at the end and I can’t draw so if that tells you anything about how amazing this is then idk what will.

I love how we get Astrid POV in this part and it’s so intense and dramatic and I was sitting on the edge of my seat screaming RUN HURRY!!

And then ahhhhh when THAT moment comes (cause no spoilers) it makes all the running worth it.

And THAT moment is seriously so so sweet when they come together and hiccup makes me swoon with his words and actions and you can tell he’s been waiting to say them forever and he’s dreamed about this moment since they met and now it’s happening and idk what happened to punctuation but wow good stuff here. ❤️

Read. It.



ShirtlessCup has arrived hehe. Hope you guys enjoy!


This is important news, folks. SHIRTLESS.

Y’all this fic is like….the most fluffy and funny and lighthearted and greatest thing. It’s so nice to just read young modern hiccstrid who are awkward but cute and fluffy and ah yes…the good stuff.

My favorite is Astrid because ITS SO FUNNY AND SO HUMAN AND SO ACCURATE. Like…who wouldn’t stare??? I mean…really.

I won’t ever look at lawn mowing the same again. I’ll always be disappointed when I don’t see a shirtless hiccup out there mowing my lawn. It’s what I want for Christmas @ Santa

And like omg when you think it can’t get any cuter the ending hits and you just…AHH! It’s cute, y’all. I’d I could draw, I’d draw this. It’s perfect.

Please read if you need a little lighthearted and wonderful fluffy and cute reading in your life and I know we ALL do right now. This will make you feel all sweet and tingly and also make you laugh. It’s very wonderful.



Now up on AO3!

Honestly. This fic. Like I love this storyline SO much. There’s so much here and its so different and ahhh it’s perfect.

The descriptions used are wonderful and the fact that there’s like no dialogue but still the characters speak SO much in other ways shows how well of a writer you are because that can be so freaking hard to do and you’ve done it here. Seriously awesome job on that.

I won’t give anything away because spoilers suck but BOY THAT ENDING WILL LEAVE YA SHOOK.

Go read. Do it.

Amazing stuff inside…. ;)



Birthday Breakfast - now on AO3! @martabm90 did the art below for this little oneshot and my heart still can’t cope.


There’s always something about a fic that’s so simple but so fluffy that makes you feel like you ate a whole chocolate cake yourself and THIS IS IT Y’all!!!!

Seriously so cute. Never gets old

Kisses. Hiccstrid banter. Total perfection.

And wonderful art to go along with it????

A win all around tbh.



Forbidden - Prologue now up!

Story summary: Their love was forbidden. She knew that all could be lost in a heartbeat, a mere blink of an eye and it could all be over. Any allegation made would be played off as utter nonsense. Yet, in her heart, she could not ever deny the truth.

I love how you’ve posted this chapter after the others because like I said in my comment, the ending makes you smile since you know how things work out for them and it’s really sweet to see the beginning of this forbidden love story.

You build up the moment so well in this chapter and then when that moment happens it’s so beautifully written and you tie things back to what you mentioned earlier and ahhhh I love it.

I sure hope there’s more in store for these two! :)

Go read it, okay? Go!


Chapter 2 of Forbidden!

A new third part has been written! It’s pre all these events! Hopefully it’ll be up tomorrow :)

Y’all, go click that link!!!

Just a warning, the ending of this chapter will hit you before you even had a chance to recover from the events previous. No spoilers here though!

I honestly can’t decide which chapter is my favorite of the 3 but this is very high up on the list. So much happens and it’s got just a little bit of everything and it’s so so good omg

Go go go!


I’ve made an AO3 account!

I’ll be gradually putting my oneshots that aren’t too terrible onto it! Lol

The first post is my Forbidden au which currently has two parts, both in ‘my writing’ on my blog. (chapter 2 will be put up tonight/tomorrow) and a third part which is also on its way!


y’all better freaking read this stuff…or else.

She’s amazing and has pretty much got me through all my shit and if you don’t read this awesome and totally orginal stuff then I’m coming to find you.

Also. This fic that she’s posted is like quality content so if you need some damn good hiccstrid content then you better click that link, okay???? Cool. Glad we had this talk.


Moments Like This


Chapter 3: Life is Beautiful

“Life is a storm to be weathered, but little, beautiful moments make it all worth it.”

Final chapter is up! :)

More fluffiness ahead ;)

Just when I THINK it can’t get even sweeter….you give us this.


And NEW family fluff. Wow. 

You worry me a little in the beginning cause I’m like oh shit…what’s gonna happen but then it’s okay…it’s all okay. Thank GOD. omg…you make up for the little heart attack afterwards. IT’S ALL SO SWEET. 

Hiccup’s nerves…his sweet words…his first time seeing his daughter…astrid’s pure love for the bundle in her arms…all just radiates so well. You have created such a beautiful moment here. 

That whole part where Hiccup walks in and everything that follows is exactly how I imagine that moment with them. Just the disbelief and the love and….oh, the love. Such a soft soft moment between the new little family. 

“Look what we’ve made.” someone just bury me. i’m dead. 


and then KISS KISS. 

Two in one???? What did I do to deserve two kisses from the best kiss writer??? Lawd…help. 

And oh, the ending. That’s when the tears spilled over. It’s just…beautiful. I love everything about it. 

You have tied everything together so well while also giving us (the readers) something to relate to…now more than ever. It’s amazing and the most perfect way to end it. Thank you for that. 

Thank you for taking us on this journey. I have enjoyed every ounce, every line, every kiss, every moment. 



Moments Like This

Chapter 2: Love Is In The Air

Read here.

New chapter is up!


Story summary:

Here we are, this is our time.

Like a dream coming to life.

We live for moments like this.

We come alive in moments like this.

In moments like this.

It’s in life’s little moments that we realise just how beautiful life can be.


Everything about this is…..yes madam oh my lawd im in newly married hiccstrid heaven and this is better than cloud 9.

I always talk about your descriptions and I mean….all that practice you’ve put into writing and killed us with previously has led to this very moment and you deserve a standing ovation for the greatness that you’ve pulled out of your beautiful fingers…muah!!!

I mean…everything about this is a soft image. A beautiful image. An image that I can picture so perfectly. And you’ve done an absolutely wonderful job delivering this to us in such a way that it leaves you feeling so tingly and happy and everything in between.

I’m….this is perfect. Just everything feels so real and so intimate and it’s an honor to get to read it.

The ending is just….wow. To have never written anything this level before you sure mastered it with this. I can tell how much thought and work you’ve put into it and you should be so proud of this.

I didn’t think it could get any better than the last chapter but boy, you’re full of surprises. I cannot WAIT for the next part.



Staring like a fool in love.

Chapter 2!

Read it on AO3 here!


Summary: 6 months after the events of the last chapter, Astrid still finds she has a hard time concentrating…

The second part to my ShirtlessCup Chronicles haha


Wooooo boy….y’all better grab a fan, a cold drink, turn down the AC idk what but this is HOT. 

me after reading this ^

shirtlesscup is a blessing. this fic is a blessing. you are a blessing. 

this fic is so cute and funny and lighthearted and just silly in the best way possible….oh, and did I say hot? What a perfect addition to an already great fic. It makes me so happy that we get to see more of them after the first chapter and that we get to take a peek into how their relationship is going and blooming from what it was in the first part. 

You do a really great job with giving us that exact peek into their lives together, just enough to leave us satisfied yet craving for more of these two.  

This is such a fun fic and I hope you get some more inspiration to bless us with another part. Thank you for sharing and writing! What a gift! 




“Here we are, this is our time.

Like a dream coming to life.

We live for moments like this.

We come alive in moments like this.

In moments like this.”

It’s in life’s little moments that we realise just how beautiful can be….


Here’s my new little Hiccstrid series!

It’ll be a threeshot, so stay tuned for the second part coming next week! :)


I am in LOOOVE with this. There’s serious hiccstrid, playful hiccstrid, kissy hiccstrid…..damn, it’s just a whole bunch of everything tied into ONLY CHAPTER 1. 

It fits SO well with the movies that it feels like the perfect continuation of what happened between the dragons leaving and the wedding, something none of us got to see but we really do get a taste of it here.

The deeper meaning within this fic is so beautiful too and describes their relationship and everything they’ve been through so well. It’s such a joy to read, especially during times like now. 

I am really proud of how far you’ve come as a writer and that you’re sharing the beauty with the rest of us. I know that the rest of the chapters will be just as beautiful as this one and I look forward to reading them. 

This chapter here is just so soothing and refreshing and everything about it from the characterization to the descriptions to the dialogue is so well done that I hope you all take a chance to read this today or tomorrow or at least some time. 

Thank you so much for sharing this with us. 


The Home We Built Together, part 32

Two young Vikings. An arranged marriage. Hiccup always wanted to win the girl of his dreams, but not like this. Now he and Astrid must learn to live together and maybe one day, learn to love…

Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5|Part 6|Part 7|Part 8| Part 9|Part 10|Part 11|Part 12|Part 13|Part 14|Part 15|Part 16|Part 17|Part 18|Part 19|Part 20|Part 21 | Part 22|Part 23|Part 24|Part 25|Part 26|Part 27|Part 28|Part 29|Part 30 |Part 31 |Interlude 

Writer’s note: This chapter felt like it took me forever! My creative inspiration went AWOL for a while and when it finally came back, it couldn’t make up it’s mind what it wanted to do. But, it’s all good now. Big thank you to my lovely friend, Stef @chiefhiccstrid for reading over it when I wasn’t feeling very confident about my writing! <3

Keep reading

Woo! Glad I could help ease those silly thoughts about this chapter not being good enough cause that’s just….well, silly! It’s awesome (as always).

Loved the little twist with the whole gang. Such a great addition to this story and it was written so well and so in character.

And I mean…hiccstrid. Those dorks. Yes.

Wonderful job!
