
Introducing…“Coach Jireh.” ‍♀️⚽️. This is me and our tiny team about three weeks ago during

Introducing…“Coach Jireh.” ‍♀️⚽️
This is me and our tiny team about three weeks ago during our church’s kids’ soccer ministry!
Btw, your girl doesn’t play soccer nor do I even know how the game is played.
I’ve been learning a lot about who God is and myself these past few months (hi again, IG ) and one of those is this: not only will God you if you are willing, but He will use you in the most unexpected and random ways. It might not always be your first choice, but you almost ALWAYS grow in areas you never even knew you *needed* to grow in.
The end result, the one you could barely see in the beginning stages, is always worth it because God goes ABOVE and BEYOND anything you could have imagined.
Side note: how cute are these guys though!!
#ccf #christcommissionfellowship #soccerministry #footballministry #bedeeplyrooted #womenoftheword (at Corinthian Gardens Village)

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