
You always think you’ll get around to sharing all 4,637,738 pictures you have of your child, b

You always think you’ll get around to sharing all 4,637,738 pictures you have of your child, but of course life happens and you don’t, and then one day you’re scrolling, and you find THIS picture () , taken almost 3 weeks ago, and realize () your child almost doesn’t look like this anymore, so you hurry to post it because TIME IS FLYING. And crawling. Flying and crawling. Both, both, both.
FYI: we were practicing our dainty hands over here. So you know what I’m having for dessert, right? #ladyfingers
Oh, and these DARLING knitted booties we’re generously provided by @corrinasshop ✨
#Motherhood #Photography #SeekTheSimplicity #LiveFolk #MamaHoodMoments #Art #MomBlogger #ArtistsOnInstagram #FlashesOfTheDelight #InteriorDesign #AheadOfTheCurve #LiveAuthentically #BeDeeplyRooted #ChronicIllness #DailyParenting #TheEveryDayProject #Candidchildhood #livethelittlethings #thehappynow #motherhoodrising #momstrong #childhoodunplugged #Writing #WritersOfInstagram #SheReadsTruth #LoveWins #HazelGwenAndMommy

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I realized the other day how very few pictures I have of both Hazel and me . . . I have roughly 4 ba

I realized the other day how very few pictures I have of both Hazel and me . . . I have roughly 4 badrillion photos of Hazel, but only about 6 of the two of us, and even fewer with Daddy in them. Like most moms, I assume, I’m always more eager to get pictures of Hazel (because, let’s be honest, showers and make-up are things of the past #momstrong), looking like the radiant Beastie she is, than I am of capturing MY image, when I feel purely beast. Due to multiple chronic illness issues, two-thirds of my hair fell out after Hazel was born, followed by a fierce case of adult acne. Add to that a hefty portion of sleep deprivation, and, well, no… I’m not aching to have my image documented. But a wise woman once told me – thank you, Sister Alyce – that I should be sure to get behind the lens as often as I can, because I will want these pictures, one day, despite how stinky and gray and covered in pimples I might be in them. She’s right of course, damn her.

And besides, if anything, my appearance is a more pure reflection of the me beneath the me; of how Hard I’m Showing Up for my child. It won’t always be this way. I won’t always be here, in this fragile, volatile space where love and desperation mingle and intertwine, two cords of the same rope with which I swing to new heights and occasionally want to hang myself …

So here’s to present over perfect.

Here’s to sacrifice and surrender and to inhabiting EVERY SINGLE MOMENT. Messy and painful and exquisite.

Because they are ours.

Because only we can invite and detain and extract them.

Here’s to bringing our nothing and our everything, to being unabashedly broken and relentlessly loved.

I can’t think of a better day for Love to win than that of Good Friday.

Happy Easter, beloveds.
#Motherhood #Photography #SeekTheSimplicity #LiveFolk #MamaHoodMoments #Art #MomBlogger #ArtistsOnInstagram #FlashesOfTheDelight #InteriorDesign #AheadOfTheCurve #LiveAuthentically #BeDeeplyRooted #ChronicIllness #DailyParenting #TheEveryDayProject #Candidchildhood #livethelittlethings #thehappynow #motherhoodrising #momstrong #childhoodunplugged #Writing #WritersOfInstagram #SheReadsTruth #LoveWins #goodfriday

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After a lovely and FULL weekend, I’m not going to lie, Monday is kicking my butt. I refer to t

After a lovely and FULL weekend, I’m not going to lie, Monday is kicking my butt. I refer to this kind of exhaustion as puke-y tired. You just wander-trudge from room to room, trying not to upchuck on anything hand-wash only. Going to make myself another (5) cup of ☕️ and maybe do a few jumping jacks. Or maybe I’ll just THINK about doing them. Same thing, right? Sure it is.
Anyone else battling puke-y tired?
If so, these should help.
#Motherhood #Photography #SeekTheSimplicity #LiveFolk #MamaHoodMoments #Art #MomBlogger #ArtistsOnInstagram #FlashesOfTheDelight #InteriorDesign #AheadOfTheCurve #LiveAuthentically #BeDeeplyRooted #ChronicIllness #DailyParenting #TheEveryDayProject #Candidchildhood #livethelittlethings #thehappynow #motherhoodrising #momstrong #childhoodunplugged #Writing #WritersOfInstagram #SheReadsTruth #LoveWins #HazelGwenAndMommy

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This little Pickle surprised the HECK out of her parents by ROLLING OVER on Sunday. There we were, j

This little Pickle surprised the HECK out of her parents by ROLLING OVER on Sunday. There we were, just having our irregularly scheduled tummy time, expecting her to face plant into the mat as usual, and she goes and does a full 180. What the what!? I suppose she’ll be asking me for the car keys by next week…
Magical knitted beanie @corrinasshop

#Motherhood #Photography #SeekTheSimplicity #LiveFolk #MamaHoodMoments #Art #MomBlogger #ArtistsOnInstagram #FlashesOfTheDelight #InteriorDesign #AheadOfTheCurve #LiveAuthentically #BeDeeplyRooted #ChronicIllness #DailyParenting #TheEveryDayProject #Candidchildhood #livethelittlethings #thehappynow #motherhoodrising #momstrong #childhoodunplugged #Writing #WritersOfInstagram #SheReadsTruth #LoveWins #HazelGwenAndMommy

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“that was her magic, she could still see the sunset, even of those darkest of days.” - atticus Wel

“that was her magic,

she could still see the sunset,

even of those darkest of days.”

- atticus

Well I HAD intended to post this this morning, however the little beastie had other plans and the day escaped me. SO, these are my morning thoughts, shared beneath the silvery light o’ the moon.


Over here in California, after a stream of several very summer-esque days, finally the rush of spring is upon us. The tree outside my studio is blooming, its lithe ashy branches spouting the most delicate white flowers - flowers I’m itching to explore and paint. Oh, but time … It moves in drips and gushes, doesn’t it? I cannot believe in a matter of days, my little Pickle will turn 2 months old.


Here’s a sneak peek of something pretty and purple and but not particularly pungent.

Oh, alliterations, you SLAY me.

#NothingIsOrdinary #winsorandnewton #ArtsAndCrafts #Etsy#Interiordesign #anthropologie#BeDeeplyRooted #ThatsDarling#Botanical #Aquarelle#Photography #Waterblog#CalledToBeCreative#WatercolorPainting #Motherhood#TheEveryGirl #Inspiring_Watercolors#Watercolor #Painting#CarveOutTimeForArt #Florals#flowerstagram #WeddingInspiration#botanicalpickmeup #Abmhappylife #Photooftheday #Flowers #Doitfortheprocess

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“that was her magic, she could still see the sunset, even of those darkest of days.” - atticus Wel

“that was her magic,

she could still see the sunset,

even of those darkest of days.”

- atticus

Well I HAD intended to post this this morning, however the little beastie had other plans and the day escaped me. SO, these are my morning thoughts, shared beneath the silvery light o’ the moon.


Over here in California, after a stream of several very summer-esque days, finally the rush of spring is upon us. The tree outside my studio is blooming, its lithe ashy branches spouting the most delicate white flowers - flowers I’m itching to explore and paint. Oh, but time … It moves in drips and gushes, doesn’t it? I cannot believe in a matter of days, my little Pickle will turn 2 months old.


Here’s a sneak peek of something pretty and purple and but not particularly pungent.

Oh, alliterations, you SLAY me.

#NothingIsOrdinary #winsorandnewton#Sisterhood #ArtsAndCrafts #Etsy#Interiordesign #anthropologie#BeDeeplyRooted #ThatsDarling#Botanical #Craftsposure #Aquarelle#Photography #Waterblog#CalledToBeCreative#WatercolorPainting #Motherhood#TheEveryGirl #Inspiring_Watercolors#Watercolor #Painting#MotherhoodRising#CarveOutTimeForArt #Florals#flowerstagram #WeddingInspiration#botanicalpickmeup #Abmhappylife #Photooftheday #Flowers #Doitfortheprocess

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If you haven’t already, now’s the time to get on over to @artloveforleah and bid on your

If you haven’t already, now’s the time to get on over to @artloveforleah and bid on your favorite pieces. Only a few hours left! My yellow poppies are up for grabs. And I do not exaggerate in the slightest when I say that there is a HUGE assortment of GORGEOUS art, all in the name of loving on our dear sister Leah.
Love On!
#NothingIsOrdinary #winsorandnewton #Sisterhood #ArtsAndCrafts #Etsy #Interiordesign #anthropologie #BeDeeplyRooted #ThatsDarling #Botanical #Craftsposure #Aquarelle #Photography #Waterblog #CalledToBeCreative #WatercolorPainting #Motherhood #TheEveryGirl #Inspiring_Watercolors #Watercolor #Painting #MotherhoodRising #CarveOutTimeForArt #Florals #flowerstagram #WeddingInspiration #botanicalpickmeup #Abmhappylife

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I promised you some ducking cute photos, didn’t I? Well I THINK these should do. I still can&r

I promised you some ducking cute photos, didn’t I? Well I THINK these should do. I still can’t believe we took these ourselves. What a bunch of newbies…. BUT, looking at her, my scrumptious Pickle, well it was ALMOST worth the aneurism she gave me. Nothing three margaritas couldn’t fix.
Oh Hazel, just when I don’t think my heart could possibly contain more love for you, somehow that love grows exponentially. It just GROWS. Gets even bigger so that it feels like I’m drowning and flying all at once. Your smiles, which are just beginning to show up on purpose, are like warm rain, melting away the constant fatigue and muscle aches and monotony. My child… you undo me. UNDO ME. I am beyond smitten with you. Thank you for choosing me to be your Mama.
#Motherhood #Photography #SeekTheSimplicity #LiveFolk #MamaHoodMoments #Art #MomBlogger #ArtistsOnInstagram #FlashesOfTheDelight #InteriorDesign #AheadOfTheCurve #LiveAuthentically #BeDeeplyRooted #ChronicIllness #DailyParenting #TheEveryDayProject #Candidchildhood #livethelittlethings #thehappynow #motherhoodrising #momstrong #childhoodunplugged #Writing #WritersOfInstagram #SheReadsTruth #LoveWins #HazelGwenAndMommy

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“Darling, you don’t need all that armor. Because what lives inside, they can’t bre

“Darling, you don’t need all that armor.
Because what lives inside, they can’t break.” Jm Storm
The shop’s been updated. ✨"Wild Roses" is now available; however, the original has been sold.
#NothingIsOrdinary #MakersGonnaMake #Handmade #Jesus #WritersofInstagram #Sisterhood #ArtsAndCrafts #Etsy #Interiordesign #anthropologie #BeDeeplyRooted #ThatsDarling #Botanical #Aquarelle #Photography #CalledToBeCreative #WatercolorPainting #Motherhood #TheEveryGirl #Watercolour_Gallery #Watercolor #Painting #MotherhoodRising #CarveOutTimeForArt #Illustration #abeautifulmess #botanicalpickmeup #artwork

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“Darling, you don’t need all that armor. Because what lives inside, they can’t bre

“Darling, you don’t need all that armor.
Because what lives inside, they can’t break.” Jm Storm
The shop’s been updated. ✨"Wild Roses" is now available; however, the original has been sold.
#NothingIsOrdinary #MakersGonnaMake #Handmade #Jesus #WritersofInstagram #Sisterhood #SheReadsTruth #ArtsAndCrafts #Etsy #Interiordesign #anthropologie #BeDeeplyRooted #ThatsDarling #Botanical #Craftsposure #Aquarelle #Photography #Waterblog #CalledToBeCreative #WatercolorPainting #Motherhood #TheEveryGirl #Watercolour_Gallery #Watercolor #Painting #MotherhoodRising #CarveOutTimeForArt #Illustration #abeautifulmess #botanicalpickmeup #WritersOfInstagram #artwork

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Those of you feeling fruity, the shop’s been updated!As for me, I think the naptime hustle i

Those of you feeling fruity, the shop’s been updated!
As for me, I think the naptime hustle is going to have to take a backseat to an actual nap. Between a pooplosion all over that gorgeous changing pad cover pictures in he precious post and caffeine that refuses refuses to stick, I’m all out of juice! I’ve never wanted to have an affair with my bed so badly….
#NothingIsOrdinary #MakersGonnaMake #Handmade #Drawing #Etsy #ArtsAndCrafts #Etsy #Interiordesign #anthropologie #BeDeeplyRooted #ThatsDarling #Botanical #Craftsposure #Aquarelle #Photography #Waterblog #CalledToBeCreative #WatercolorPainting #Motherhood #TheEveryGirl #Watercolour_Gallery#Inspiring_Watercolors #Watercolor #Painting #MotherhoodRising #CarveOutTimeForArt #botanicalpickmeup #botanicalillustration #Abmhappylife #abmlifeiscolorful #abeautifulmess #myunicornlife

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How about a little squishy tushy to perk up your Tuesday? I don’t know about you, but I’

How about a little squishy tushy to perk up your Tuesday?
I don’t know about you, but I’ll be having warm buns for lunch.
A GIANT, back-cracking hug goes out to Aunt Trish @hopeeshandmade for this stunning changing pad cover, made by @iviebabyshop, who has wayyyyy too many cute things for my own good.
Trish, sister, you love on Hazel and me so hard … We’re not really sure what we did to deserve that hard love, but we’re grateful and honored, and in genera just especially glad we get to do life with you. You are warm and decadent, like a hot fudge sundae, and so thoughtful it makes my head spin.
We love you.
Squish on, sisters!
#Motherhood #Photography #SeekTheSimplicity #LiveFolk #MamaHoodMoments #Art #MomBlogger #ArtistsOnInstagram #FlashesOfTheDelight #InteriorDesign #AheadOfTheCurve #LiveAuthentically #BeDeeplyRooted #ChronicIllness #DailyParenting #TheEveryDayProject #Candidchildhood #livethelittlethings #thehappynow #motherhoodrising #momstrong #childhoodunplugged #Writing #WritersOfInstagram #SheReadsTruth #LoveWins #HazelGwenAndMommy #iviebaby

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Darling Daddy gave Mommy an entire HOUR to paint this morning. Beats those 8 minute sessions, eh?
Happy Sunday, loves.
#NothingIsOrdinary #MakersGonnaMake #Handmade #WritersofInstagram #Sisterhood #SheReadsTruth #Etsy #ArtsAndCrafts #Etsy #Interiordesign #anthropologie #BeDeeplyRooted #ThatsDarling #Botanical #Craftsposure #Aquarelle #Photography #Waterblog #CalledToBeCreative #WatercolorPainting #Motherhood #TheEveryGirl #Roses #Watercolour_Gallery#Inspiring_Watercolors #Watercolor #Painting #MotherhoodRising #CarveOutTimeForArt #WinsorAndNewton #illustration

From Hazel (photographed at 3 weeks old) as interpreted by her Momma: Thank you @cuddleandkind for m

From Hazel (photographed at 3 weeks old) as interpreted by her Momma:

Thank you @cuddleandkind for my very first stuffed animal! I’ve named her Miss Kitty and she is just purrrrrfect.
You guys, we are obsessed! These dolls are not only so dang beautiful, they come with a story, and you KNOW how I feel about stories. In a (Hazel) nut shell, each doll sold provides TEN meals to hungry children. TEN MEALS.
We are so honored and grateful to have been given something so precious and worthy. Thank you, Jen and Derek, and the whole Woodgate clan! I have a feeling this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

For more information, visit @cuddleandkind and follow the link.
#Motherhood #Photography #SeekTheSimplicity #LiveFolk #MamaHoodMoments #Art #MomBlogger #ArtistsOnInstagram #FlashesOfTheDelight #InteriorDesign #AheadOfTheCurve #LiveAuthentically #BeDeeplyRooted #ChronicIllness #DailyParenting #TheEveryDayProject #Candidchildhood #livethelittlethings #thehappynow #motherhoodrising #momstrong #childhoodunplugged #Writing #WritersOfInstagram #SheReadsTruth #LoveWins #HazelGwenAndMommy #CuddleAndKind

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And sometimes the details make me so happy I could spank a rhino.. . . . #NothingIsOrdinary #Maker

And sometimes the details make me so happy I could spank a rhino.
#NothingIsOrdinary #MakersGonnaMake #Handmade #Jesus #WritersofInstagram #Sisterhood #Etsy #ArtsAndCrafts #Etsy #Interiordesign #anthropologie #BeDeeplyRooted #ThatsDarling #Botanical #Craftsposure #Aquarelle #Photography #Waterblog #CalledToBeCreative #WatercolorPainting #Motherhood #TheEveryGirl #Watercolour_Gallery#Inspiring_Watercolors #Watercolor #Painting #CarveOutTimeForArt #winsorandnewton

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Delight in His flawless design. Aka YOU. ✨ . This was taken last year when I felt like my arms and t

Delight in His flawless design. Aka YOU. ✨
This was taken last year when I felt like my arms and thighs were taking over my body and before I had a regular work out routine + dancing with my Zumba titas lol ‍♀️
Can I be honest though? I nitpick things about myself all the time still including the things I can’t control.
Here’s what happens when we do so:
1️⃣ When we fret on our flaws or complain about our imperfections, our argument isn’t with the mirror or ourselves. It’s with God.
2️⃣ We’re telling the Master Craftsman that He’s made a few mistakes and that we could have done this creation thing a whole lot better.
And just as George MacDonald said,
“I would rather be what God chose to make me than the most glorious creature I could think of; for to have been thought about, born in God’s thought, and then made by God is the dearest, grandest, and most precious thing in all thinking.”
We can delight in His flawless design, whether or not it seems flawless to us.
From “True Beauty” by Carolyn Mahaney
#truebeauty #bedeeplyrooted #womenofGod #philippines #kalibo #forme (at Kalibo)

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5am view Can I please have you every morning?. This was during a women’s retreat to Real three wee

5am view Can I please have you every morning?
This was during a women’s retreat to Real three weeks ago. I was in my quiet time and since I was surrounded by creation, I looked up “mountains” in the concordance and the Spirit hit me with this:
“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the field will clap heir hands… This will be the Lord’s renown for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed.” - Isaiah 55: 11-13
I teared!
I try to have a balance of thanking and asking things from God during these moments with Him but this particular morning all I could do was praise. Like you probably, I request A LOT from God but sometimes it feels so good to pause, reflect on Him and His goodness, and just do this . Internally and externally. And you know what it brings?
Peace and joy.

#realquezon #philippines #mountainsunrise #bedeeplyrooted #womenofGod #quiettimewithgod (at Real, Quezon)

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Introducing…“Coach Jireh.” ‍♀️⚽️. This is me and our tiny team about three weeks ago during

Introducing…“Coach Jireh.” ‍♀️⚽️
This is me and our tiny team about three weeks ago during our church’s kids’ soccer ministry!
Btw, your girl doesn’t play soccer nor do I even know how the game is played.
I’ve been learning a lot about who God is and myself these past few months (hi again, IG ) and one of those is this: not only will God you if you are willing, but He will use you in the most unexpected and random ways. It might not always be your first choice, but you almost ALWAYS grow in areas you never even knew you *needed* to grow in.
The end result, the one you could barely see in the beginning stages, is always worth it because God goes ABOVE and BEYOND anything you could have imagined.
Side note: how cute are these guys though!!
#ccf #christcommissionfellowship #soccerministry #footballministry #bedeeplyrooted #womenoftheword (at Corinthian Gardens Village)

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