#societys standards


Being Unique

This happened a while ago, but it shows how people view me in life sometimes. I went to Taco Bell to pick up something to eat and the minute I walked in this group of guys in the back started pointing at me, laughing, snickering and calling me a freak of nature for the way I looked. But the woman who served me my food pulled me off to the side and told me that was beautiful and unique and to not let assholes dictate me and label me for something I’m not. Sometimes people are shit, but sometimes there are those willing to stand up and support you even when people push you down. That woman at Taco Bell made my whole day, and I appreciate her for standing up for me. When you look as unique as me there will always be people to put you down, but the jokes on them, because the way I look makes me happy, it makes me feel beautiful and handsome and attractive. And isn’t that what life’s about, trying to find your own personal happiness? Sometimes I find it difficult to even leave the house, because those asshole people exist everywhere. I can’t even remember going out in public once in the last few years without someone putting me down and laughing at me. But I know there are also good people to stand up for me. So fuck society’s version of what attractive should be, I’m attractive in my own way, and I’m not going to let a few narrow minded people treat me like shit for it.
