#soft tsukki


warnings: smut, PWP, virgin!Tsukishima, soft!tsukki

word count: 1.5k

–smut below–

Curious eyes peered up at the glistening boy, sweat cascading down his perfectly sculpted jawline. He stared down at you, anticipation beaming out of his golden brown irises. A certain swirl twinged your stomach at the feeling his gaze gave you. The uncomfortable jolt caused a daring thought to pass by your mind. You glazed your bottom lip with your tongue, your palms providing slight pressure to his mid thigh as you providing a small catlike lick to the tip of his cock, the taste of his precum taking over your senses. Tsukishima mewled in pleasure, his head falling back slightly. The new feeling taking its precious time working through his body. Every nerve in his entire body shot off at once. You watched him through half-lidded eyes, your lashes barely concealing the intrigued look in your eyes. You tentatively repeated the action, wanting to burn the memory of how he looked in that moment. His hand jerked out in alarm, the feeling causing his body to move without thought. His fingers threaded through your h/c locks. Instinctively, his fingers tensed, curling your hair into his palms. You couldn’t help but release a tiny moan at the aggressiveness of his usually gentle fingers. His eyes widened slightly as he released your hair, looking down at you with panic in his eyes.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked, pulling his hand away from your body. You shook your head with a tiny smile.

“I liked it,” you assured him, taking his hand and placing it back on your head with a cheeky grin, “Do it harder if you want.” 

Tsukishima blushed madly at your words, “Don’t say that.” 

A teasing tone took over your words, “I’m just telling you the truth, love.” 

His face softened at his nickname, the warm glow of love flushing his body. Needy hands reached down to you, pulling you up into his lap. As he pulled you into a kiss, you wonder if his lips were made for you. As if there was no way it was a coincidence that his lips fit perfectly against yours. The tip of his thumb brushed softly against your cheek as he held your face, slowly pulling away from you. 

“I love you,” he whispered shyly. Despite his tone, his eyes stared straight into yours. 

“I love you with my whole heart,” you replied just as softly, kissing his lips once more, “and more.” 

His kisses progressively got rougher, the feeling of your body pressing so nicely against his causing his body to go into overdrive. You could feel his desperation through the tips of his fingertips as his hand that was resting against your hip dug into your feathery skin. You pulled away with one final kiss before trailing the tips of her fingernails down his chest. He watched you as you sunk to your knees before him. 

You pressed a sweet kiss to the tip of his cock, causing a shaky breath to exhale from his lips. Then, without giving him any time to adjust to the new feeling, you brought your lips down onto his cock. Your tongue swirled the tip, sucking lightly before slowly making your way down his length. His hand found another handful of your hair, sinful sounds barely muffled behind the hand covering his lips. Displeased with his attempt at hiding his beautiful noises, you release him from your mouth with a satisfying pop. 

“Don’t you dare cover your mouth,” you scolded him, grabbing hold of his hand and pulling it away from his face, “Please let me hear you.” 

He nodded bashfully, instead moving his hand down to the mattress. You smiled happily before turning your attention back to his cock. You didn’t waste a second before taking him back into your mouth. His grip tightened in your hair, accidentally yanking you down. You felt him hit the back of your throat. An unexpected gag broke out, the vibrations leading to another pleased moan to escape his lips. You grinned around him. You didn’t know it was possible to love a sound this much. 

Your lips began working up and down his cock, your tongue swirling intoxicatingly around it. Your pace quickened as Tsukishima moaned gruffly above you. 

“I-” he groaned desperately, barely holding himself together, “I wanna-” 

You knew what he wanted. Once again, you lifted your lips off his cock. The same satisfying pop sounding as he completely exited your mouth. Tsukishima pulled you up into his lap once more. 

“I need you baby,” he whined, greedy hands caressing your breasts. His thumb shot over your nipple, your mouth opened in a whine at the feeling. You lifted yourself onto your knees, hovering yourself over his cock. His hands gripped onto your hips tightly and you were almost sure he was going to leave bruises. 

You hope he left bruises. 

You wanted to be able to look at the imprint of his fingers in your flesh. Seeing his touches paralyzed on your skin… just thinking of it caused your legs to attempt to squeeze together. You eased yourself down onto him. His eyes shut, a blissful sigh leaving his lips. Your curious eyes watched his reactions, loving the way his body reacted against yours. 

A sinful moan left your lips at the feeling of him filling you up. Provocative whines echoed the room as you found yourself falling in love with the way his cock stretched your walls. When your eyes opened, you saw Tsukishima staring at you with wide eyes. The love that once surrounded his irises had morphed into a look of unadulterated hunger. He pulled you into him by his grip on your waist. If he didn’t leave bruises before, you were sure he did then. His lips met yours passionately, as if he was starving and you were a five course meal. 

“I love the feeling of you around me,” he whispered against your earlobe before dragging his teeth teasingly against it. You shuddered at the feeling, excitement erupting in your body once more. You slowly began grinding against him. As your hips fell back towards his and your walls stretched slowly around him, tiny moans dripped from your lips. However, Tsukishima wasn’t pleased with your small sounds. His fingertips dipped down to your wet core, rubbing slow circles around your swollen clit. A nearly animalistic moan rippled out of your throat at the sudden stimulation. His thumbs made slow circles around the nub as he watched you writhe in his lap. 

“Does that feel good, baby?” Tsukishima purred, his lips brushing sensually against your ear. Your nails dug into his satin-like skin. You shakily nodded your head, not too trusting of your voice. He tsked at your reply, “Use your words or I’ll stop.” 

A strained moan was elicited from your lips at his sudden confidence. He smiled at your disheveled expression, drinking in the way your body reacts against his. Feeling your body against his, feeling your nails digging into his shoulders in desperation for him… it became his favorite thing in the world. 

“More,” you whimpered, your head falling onto his shoulder. 

“Anything for my princess.” 

His arms wrapped around your waist, turning the two of you simultaneously. You weren’t sure of what he was doing at first, but when you felt the soft fabric of your bedsheets against your back you were pleasantly surprised. Tsukishima twisted one hand around the back of your knee, lifting it onto his shoulder to give him more access to you. He thrusted into you, going deeper than he had before. You felt the tip of his cock pressing against the perfect spot inside of you, drawing out a cry of pleasure. With each thrust, he massaged your walls with his length. 

Your fingers once again threaded between the soft hairs on the back of Tsukishima’s head, pulling his face towards you. Understanding your desires, he dipped his head down to your lips and swallowed your moans. His fingers abused your swollen clit, driving you closer and closer to your orgasm. 

“Kei,” you whimpered, barely able to hold back the waterfall feeling from crashing around you. 

“Cum for me, princess,” he guided you, his swollen lips placing sweet kisses on the nape of your neck. His gruff voice tipped you over the edge. Your head was thrown back in bliss as a symphony of cries and prayer like chants of his name filled the room as you clenched around him. Tsukishima crashed shortly after, the feeling of you tightening around him finally sending him over the edge. His thrusts came out sloppily as he attempted to ride out both of your highs. 

He looked down at your spent body, a look of adoration glistening in his eyes. Softly he pulled out of you, but a small whine was released at the feeling of his cock brushing against your sensitive regions once more. He cringed, an apologetic look in his eyes. He quickly tied the condom and threw it into the trash before joining you in the bed. Instinctively, your body fell into his. 

“I love you,” you whispered to him as you nuzzled your face into his neck. 

“I love you with my whole heart,” he replied just as before, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer, “and more.” 
