
Hello! We are excited to announce our final round of digital orders for the zine will be open from M

Hello! We are excited to announce our final round of digital orders for the zine will be open from May 18-May 24! 

We’re excited to announce our final round of digital sales will be open from May 18 - May 24! This is your last chance to get the digital zine, so please make sure to order within that time! 

You can view our FAQ on how to order here: https://solamancyzine.tumblr.com/faq

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maythedreadwolftakeyou:My copy of the Solamancy zine + extras arrived last week! Lots of great art &maythedreadwolftakeyou:My copy of the Solamancy zine + extras arrived last week! Lots of great art &maythedreadwolftakeyou:My copy of the Solamancy zine + extras arrived last week! Lots of great art &


My copy of the Solamancy zine + extras arrived last week! Lots of great art & writing inside, and I think technically the first time I’ve had a work in real print (vs self-printed and assembled). You can read my entry here on AO3 as well, and other works are linked or posted on the @solamancyzineblog.

It was fun to be part of a collaborative fandom project, I’d like to do more of that in the future! Either zines or just one to one collaboration :) 

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Exciting news! All of our customer zines have shipped, and our dear artists and writers should be re

Exciting news! 

All of our customer zines have shipped, and our dear artists and writers should be receiving their zines shortly as well. We’re so excited to see them reach you safe and sound!


Post link



Apparently, I need more things to attach keychains to… and a bookmark ‘waiting for its turn’ display, 'cause my physical @solamancyzine is here! *flails happily*

Gonna be reexploring all the delicious art &, hopefully if my brain will cooperate, stories.


Physically holding my work in my hands is a new experience as a digital artist, and it hits different

Thanks to @solamancyzine for letting me contribute and to the organizers for getting this shipped out!!

 Hello everyone! We’re moving steadily along, and we have the first batch of re-labeled packag

Hello everyone! We’re moving steadily along, and we have the first batch of re-labeled packages with updated shipping codes ready to go to the post office. As of now, we’re still on track to get all of our orders shipped in the next three weeks.

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Hello everyone!

We have some exciting news! We were finally able to make our initial donation to @IRSSurvivor today! We were able to raise just over 6000CAD with your help. This is a monumental achievement, and we’re so grateful for your support and trust. Thank you.


and a sticker design for @solamancyzine as well


  • Solavellan prose-poem, originally written for the Solamancy charity zine @solamancyzine
  • Summary: After Solas wakes up, he has many conversations with a variety of spirits. Sometimes they tell him what he wants to hear, and sometimes they don’t. Mood: Contemplative/angsty. 1800 words
  • On AO3 here

NOTE: The formatting cannot be input as intended into tumblr (no right-align option). For optimal viewing please read on AO3 or in the Solamancy zine.  


              Pride drags him from the quiescent depths of Uthenera.

                     Awaken, pretender.           
                     Your seeking to prevent one future           
                     annihilated the civilization you aimed to save.           
                     Any left now know you as you are:           
                     Disgrace inherent in the falsehood of your name.           

                     Restore the world, or it will all have been for naught.           
                     Right this, or your legacy ends at genocide.           


Solas is dreaming. He is dreaming because the world he awoke within cannot be real, cannot be the finality of a lifetime of suffering and rebellion and desperation. He is dreaming because the cold sensation of dread that sinks like teeth into his heart would paralyze him otherwise, with the knowledge of what he has done. What he has destroyed. So he sleepwalks his way across the land, searching for a way out he is becoming increasingly sure does not exist.

              Regret comes to him, and says:

                   The ache within you sings a hole into the world.           
                   We can only brush against the edges of your grief.           
                   Lie still. Tell us of the past. Let yourself weep.           

        Solas says: Forgive me.
        All of this is my doing.
        Forgive me.


The Fade-scorched prisoner lies frail and pallid beneath Solas’ hands, the stillness of the crypt settling over her like a shroud. He steadies her spirit from both sides of the Veil as it tries to flee the battered ruin her body has become, while the shards of his Orb — the shameful remnants of his last desperate grasp for power — work to shred her being from within her flesh.

The humans allow him, an apparent apostate nobody — an elf — to heal their only living witness to this disaster because they are too desperate to ask the questions they should. Their eyes slide off him with the vague dismissal they default to for his people, in this fractured timeline. The ignominy of their disregard is necessary. It fills him with sorrow. It fills him with rage. He forces the anchor into stillness the same way he forces down the hammering of his heart, beating like a war-drum against his breast.

                   What will you do now?           

             Curiosity asks,
             as they both watch the faint rise of her chest;
             the way her breath stutters with each exhale. 

                   What will you do when the world ends again?           

       I will wait, he says.
       I will wait and see.

Keep reading


We wanted to make a formal announcement about shipping since we’ve got some questions! As you may have seen us say, all labels were printed at once and one of our volunteers has been packing and taking them to the post office when they can.

This process has gone slower than we would have liked due to some circumstances beyond our control, but we are working on it. Most of the zines are still not in the mail, but we anticipate being able to have ALL Zines shipped before May 31st.

The organizers would like to express our apologies at the delay in shipping. We are aware that our customers have valid concerns about when they will receive their zines. We are sorry for causing any anxiety and hope to resolve this soon.

We look forward to getting these to you and thank you all so much for your patience!

We’ve got some questions about digital orders being reopened! That is in the works – we will probably reopen them when we have most/all of the physical zines shipped!


“Welcome back Vhenan”

I can finally share my piece for the @solamancyzine

And weren’t we all waiting for him to welcome us home like this one day? Q///Q

My little Solavellan heart did :’D


ekalita-blr: Heeeey! Today is the day when i can share my piece for @solamancyzineHere some ancient


Heeeey! Today is the day when i can share my piece for @solamancyzine
Here some ancient Solas vibes!

Post link

We wanted to make a formal announcement about shipping since we’ve got some questions! As you may have seen us say, all labels were printed at once and one of our volunteers has been packing and taking them to the post office when they can.

This process has gone slower than we would have liked due to some circumstances beyond our control, but we are working on it. Most of the zines are still not in the mail, but we anticipate being able to have ALL Zines shipped before May 31st.

The organizers would like to express our apologies at the delay in shipping. We are aware that our customers have valid concerns about when they will receive their zines. We are sorry for causing any anxiety and hope to resolve this soon.

We look forward to getting these to you and thank you all so much for your patience!

We have all pieces of our Physical Zines ready to go - we’re just waiting on mailers! That means we should start shipping soon! If you have any changes to your address, please reply to your order confirmation email ASAP to let us know!

Digital Orders

All digital orders have been sent! If you did not receive it - please email [email protected] with your email used to purchase and order number. If you need it sent to another email, please include that information and the email you want us to use.

Due to file sharing limits, we can only share the file so many times a day. If you used an email that is not a Google email, you can still use it to access the document using the instructions below.

Physical copies have not yet shipped. We will post here when we have begun to do so.

The bookmarks are coming along nicely. Look how cool they are!


“I walk the Din'anshiral. There is only death on this journey.”

I’m so happy I can finally share my piece for the @solamancyzine, so here it is! I hope you guys like it ♥

I have kept this under wraps for long but here is one of my contributions for the @solamancyzine , short but a fully colored comic!

This was super fun to work on! 3 comic pages of Solas and some bg on his character/ and his relationship with some of Skyhold’s infamous :B


We wanted to make a formal announcement about shipping since we’ve got some questions! As you may have seen us say, all labels were printed at once and one of our volunteers has been packing and taking them to the post office when they can.

This process has gone slower than we would have liked due to some circumstances beyond our control, but we are working on it. Most of the zines are still not in the mail, but we anticipate being able to have ALL Zines shipped before May 31st.

The organizers would like to express our apologies at the delay in shipping. We are aware that our customers have valid concerns about when they will receive their zines. We are sorry for causing any anxiety and hope to resolve this soon.

We look forward to getting these to you and thank you all so much for your patience!

Good news!
A few hours until i can show you full version  ╰(*´︶*)╯♡
