#thank you for your hard work


Me seeing people write khonshu x reader fics.


he can show you the world

my postcard design for @solamancyzine!


and a sticker design for @solamancyzine as well


my piece for @solamancyzine

working with this team of incredibly skilled people was such a blessing

hybrus: My piece for @solamancyzine is one of the most ambitious pieces I have ever done! It was an


My piece for @solamancyzine is one of the most ambitious pieces I have ever done! It was an honor to work alongside such talented artists, writers, and teamCan’t wait for yall to get your hands on the zine! Just another AU of my Inquisitor joined Solas to tear down the veil <3

Post link


  • Solavellan prose-poem, originally written for the Solamancy charity zine @solamancyzine
  • Summary: After Solas wakes up, he has many conversations with a variety of spirits. Sometimes they tell him what he wants to hear, and sometimes they don’t. Mood: Contemplative/angsty. 1800 words
  • On AO3 here

NOTE: The formatting cannot be input as intended into tumblr (no right-align option). For optimal viewing please read on AO3 or in the Solamancy zine.  


              Pride drags him from the quiescent depths of Uthenera.

                     Awaken, pretender.           
                     Your seeking to prevent one future           
                     annihilated the civilization you aimed to save.           
                     Any left now know you as you are:           
                     Disgrace inherent in the falsehood of your name.           

                     Restore the world, or it will all have been for naught.           
                     Right this, or your legacy ends at genocide.           


Solas is dreaming. He is dreaming because the world he awoke within cannot be real, cannot be the finality of a lifetime of suffering and rebellion and desperation. He is dreaming because the cold sensation of dread that sinks like teeth into his heart would paralyze him otherwise, with the knowledge of what he has done. What he has destroyed. So he sleepwalks his way across the land, searching for a way out he is becoming increasingly sure does not exist.

              Regret comes to him, and says:

                   The ache within you sings a hole into the world.           
                   We can only brush against the edges of your grief.           
                   Lie still. Tell us of the past. Let yourself weep.           

        Solas says: Forgive me.
        All of this is my doing.
        Forgive me.


The Fade-scorched prisoner lies frail and pallid beneath Solas’ hands, the stillness of the crypt settling over her like a shroud. He steadies her spirit from both sides of the Veil as it tries to flee the battered ruin her body has become, while the shards of his Orb — the shameful remnants of his last desperate grasp for power — work to shred her being from within her flesh.

The humans allow him, an apparent apostate nobody — an elf — to heal their only living witness to this disaster because they are too desperate to ask the questions they should. Their eyes slide off him with the vague dismissal they default to for his people, in this fractured timeline. The ignominy of their disregard is necessary. It fills him with sorrow. It fills him with rage. He forces the anchor into stillness the same way he forces down the hammering of his heart, beating like a war-drum against his breast.

                   What will you do now?           

             Curiosity asks,
             as they both watch the faint rise of her chest;
             the way her breath stutters with each exhale. 

                   What will you do when the world ends again?           

       I will wait, he says.
       I will wait and see.

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So happy that I can finally share my piece for the @solamancyzine



I’m so thrilled to be able to share my entry into the @solamancyzine​ in its entirety.

Dread Wolf Guides You

Summary: The Inquisitor despairs over the events in the Arbor Wilds and Solas does his best to comfort her. Burdened with so much painful truth however, Solas begins to consider that it might actually be in Lavellan’s best interest to know what is at stake.
Rating: General
Pairing: Solas/Lavellan
Word Count: 1996

Solas ambles along the path leading from their camp toward Lake Luthias. Clambering up the final slope, he pauses to try and catch sight of the Inquisitor, the afternoon sun casting shimmering ripples across the water, blinding him with its dazzling glare. Turning toward the mountains, he spies her at the far end of the lake, irately splashing in the shallows.

He slinks toward her, anxious of her mood. They’d come as close to a victory as could be hoped for in the Arbor Wilds, yet she has been quietly brooding ever since. 

Red-faced and scowling, she is bent double as she tugs on a particularly stubborn spindleweed. She catches sight of him in the corner of her eye and Solas scrubs his fingers across his mouth to hide his amusement.

Abandoning her struggle, she growls, “Fenedhis!” Then briskly washes her muddy hands and feet in the gently lapping lake and springs gracefully onto the grassy bank to pad toward him.

The deep furrow eases between her fine brows, but a tightness remains around her eyes. Solas has been hesitant to probe her feelings, suspecting that her worries relate to the many revelations at the Temple of Mythal. He knows the painful weight of carrying one’s troubles alone however, and so he asks —

“What vexes you, vhenan?”

Continue reading at AO3


Remembering Well

Pairing: Solas & Varric, Discussion of Solas & Wisdom, Varric & Hawke
Characters: Solas/Fen’Harel, Varric Tethras
Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Warning: Hawke left in the Fade

Summary: Victory at Adamant came with a cost, and Solas does not want Varric to spend his first night in a world without Hawke in it without a friend.

This is my contribution to the @solamancyzine​, you can also read it here on AO3!

The dwarf hasn’t said a word all day.

In the distance, the dust kicked skyward by the eastward march of the Inquisition’s army settles as a cloud, darkening the sunset to a deep, burnt orange. They left Adamant in rubble and ruin, what remains lies as testament to the Warden’s failure, and a grave to friend and foe alike. Hawke’s absence leaves a pall over their company as they set up camp. A few short nights ago it was alive with story, although accounts differed depending upon who was doing the telling, Varric’s always verging upon the fanciful. Larger than life, but Solas thought Hawke suited such stories well.

Now sullen silence marks their evening ritual, with Varric skirting the Inquisitor’s gaze whenever they so much as threaten to cross. As soon as Varric’s tent is pitched he dismisses himself with a curt, “I’ll keep first watch. Bound to be something still lurking out here.”

There’s no arguing the matter. He simply walks off, seating himself as far from the orange ring of their campfire as he dares. A pregnant silence settles in his wake. Solas tries to appear busy with his bedroll, unrolling it across the sand with attention beyond what’s required. Over him, Iron Bull watches with a sympathetic eye. 

“Poor guy,” he grunts when Varric is out of earshot, “Can’t be easy.”

Solas glances towards him. “Losing a friend rarely is.”

“Yeah, but Varric’s no soldier. He’s just some rich little shit who got caught up with some hero. I don’t think he signed on for any of this.”

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I can finally share my piece for @solamancyzine! This piece was so fun to create and it was amazing to work with everyone <3


“Welcome back Vhenan”

I can finally share my piece for the @solamancyzine

And weren’t we all waiting for him to welcome us home like this one day? Q///Q

My little Solavellan heart did :’D


sugawara-kkoushi:“For a moment, the sunlight illuminated something within - a sliver of what the ssugawara-kkoushi:“For a moment, the sunlight illuminated something within - a sliver of what the ssugawara-kkoushi:“For a moment, the sunlight illuminated something within - a sliver of what the s


“For a moment, the sunlight illuminated something within - a sliver of what the spirit might have been. Not the opposite of Regret. A different flavor, or shade. Contemplation. Introspection. It felt the echo of the actions that had summoned it. There might have been a better choice, said a thought it had never been allowed.”

- Dragon Age Tevinter Nights, Callback

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“I walk the Din'anshiral. There is only death on this journey.”

I’m so happy I can finally share my piece for the @solamancyzine, so here it is! I hope you guys like it ♥


Hakuouki SSL English Patch DOWNLOAD!

Hakuouki SSL English Patch Release!

It’s finally here – on this White Day, the Hakuo Gakuen team is proud to present: an English patch of Hakuouki SSL!

We wouldn’t have thought that, over half a year ago, we would be able to bring the entirety of the game’s story into English and have it be playable on a PS Vita. But as we steadily made progress on translating the vast number of scripts in the game, eventually getting working versions of the patch on our own Vitas for testing, it became clearer and clearer to us that we were going to bring something exciting to the table for otome game fans everywhere.

There are countless many people we’re thankful for – translators, proofreaders, and beta testers alike – all without whom none of this would have been made possible. And, above all, for the fans who have always wondered what goes on in this happy-go-lucky world of Hakuouki SSL, and newcomers who are curious as to what is even going on here – this one’s for you!

GitHub page for patch

The patch, installation instructions, FAQ, and further information are all available on our GitHubpage:https://github.com/HakuoGakuen/HakuoukiSSL

The download for the mod itself can be found under “releases”!

Survey on the SSL Video Walkthrough Schedule & the Otogelib Group

For people interested in us posting video Let’s Play walkthroughs of the SSL patch, we want to start work on arranging a schedule for it. To that end, we have a survey that would really benefit from your input here:https://forms.gle/f9W3R5o5N95otkfE7

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for future translation projects. please let us know in this survey as well!

For those of you who won’t be playing the SSL patch for yourselves for any reason, let us know your thoughts so we can get you the game on video ASAP!



Hiroshi Ueda
author: Erika Yoshida
featured characters: Kotetsu, Barnaby, Keith, Ivan

Distribute as you like, just don’t claim this as your own work or remove the credits!

here @ Mediafire
here @ MangaDex

Check out our translation index for additional download links and other translations!


The Third League Heroes has reached over 300 followers! As always, we really are grateful for (and surprised by!) y’all’s support over the years, especially considering our syrupy pace.

amethysteyesforum: Here we go with Vampire knight memories chapter 13!We are really sorry for the la


Here we go with Vampire knight memories chapter 13!
We are really sorry for the late, but we’ve had some problems due to some circumstances. But we are here no matter what :D Thank you for the patience and thanks to everyone who sent us messages <3
Thanks to my precious staffers @zerolover66@abandonedsock@judaluffy@violet869@misakisan00
For the download HERE 

I hope you enjoy :)

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