#solar man


This particular post was requested by Blusshyy. so I hope you enjoy it.

Akashi Seijuro is one of the antagonists turned ally in Kuroko no Basket. He is athletic, good looking, comes from wealth, intelligence, well bred, well spoken, well-connected: as if Fujimaki-sensei ran out of adjectives to bestow upon him. Of all the impossible standards that the Generations of Miracle portray, Akashi is supposed to be the pinnacle of the impossible. This entire character creates a very rigid set of perfection which is frustrating and could be boring but it is borderline complex and quite disturbing when you dig deep. So let’s discuss the how Seijuro Akashi and his “anxiety of Leadership and Desire”


In my post  Kuroko no Basket Headcanon : GoM (+others) Horoscopes and Planetary Positions (Sun and Moon Sign) I have mentioned that Akashi is a Uttar Ashada Sun or the Constellation of the Undefeated (eng: Zeta Sagittarii), and His Aries Moon falls on Varani constellation or The Constellation of the Bearer (Eng: 35 Arietis). This is a very conflicting Sun and Moon position. Sun in astrology is the significater of father, soul, personality, body and authority. Sun is how people receive you in first appearance. The moon is one’s mind, emotions, mother, possibility of nourishment, psyche, friendship skills. So here is the conflicting part: Both his sun and moon signs are in fire signs: Sagittarius and Aries, but they are conflicting in nature: he has both Super Masculine and Super Feminine energy, volatile and non-submissive ones that clash with each other. 

Let’s talk his Sun sign now: Uttara Ashada is the last sun ruled sign, and it is considered the maturation point of Solar energy in Vedic Astrology. As it also placed in the Sagittarius sign, whose ruler is Jupiter, the eldest planet the maturation factor is even more powerful. Jupiter is the expanding benefic planet that never ends up giving: whether it is wealth, wisdom, capacities or kindness. This energy is greatly reflected in the Uttara Ashada, the Sun-ruled constellation. They fill they are obligated to give something extraordinary to the world, and they will do it by the means of authority and leadership. There is no harshness about this energy, but a keen superiority complex may plague them over time.

“Some are born leaders, some become leaders and others have leadership thrust upon them”: Sun males and concept of leadership

Uttara Ashada’s sense of “burdened with glorious purpose” is reflected on Akashi’s personality and behaviour with the others. Sun is a commanding force in the celestial cabinet, so it’s dominance gives great leadership skills in the person. In KnB there are three Sun ruled people: Hyuuga Junpei, who is a Taurus Moon belonging to Krittika Constellation which signifies the young rising sun, Aomine Daiki who is Virgo Sun belonging to Uttara Phalguni which  signifies the youthful midday sun and finally Akashi, the Uttar Ashada native signifying the old setting sun. Throughout the storyline we see three types of struggles for leadership.

 Hyuuga, who is a Krittika Moon and Mrigshira Sun (Sun and Mars) influenced, has to struggle and establish his leadership all in the course of the story. He has been questioned, he suffers internally, faces conflict between self doubt and romantic desire for Riko, annoyance and fear of extinction: overall his self critical nature and downright Martian stubbornness has been a dominant feature of his character. The Constellation Krittika is the first Sun ruled constellation and it is the Sanskrit origin for the word “Critical”, and it’s symbol is also a blade. Although they possess the quality of being number 1 and bearing responsibility, their self-critical attitude and pickiness sometimes alienate them from their peers. Hyuuga slowly gets grip on his leadership position by using his critical sense of self on his development and his Martian energy for taking the team forward. He also projects this enthusiasm, hard-core positivism and critical nature on his team. He is called the “mental core” of Seirin, and it is a very rejuvenating narrative to see on screen.  


Aomine, who is the Uttara Phalguni Sun and Magha moon (Sun and South Node) had all the typical alpha male qualities of a Sun. In this Youthful Sun constellation, sun is very erotically active, and possessing the natural energy of the Fifth house Leo (the house of creation, sexuality, children), the Uttara Phalguni retains the same energy in Virgo, which is Aomine’s Sun sign. Here Aomine becomes alpha male in a very crude sense: he is lurking with big-bosomed women’s magazines, openly claiming his sexuality, and secretly he is giving major envy to all those boys around him with his basketball skills. Sun shines on everyone and thus this energic display was not targeted on anyone in particular: However, His moon sign is a South Node ruled Sign which brings a twist in his narrative. As South Node symbolises detachment, boredom and renunciation, Aomine becomes tired of the things he was good at. He stops projecting his positiveness on other people, he stops practicing and even becomes hostile with his only best friend. Aomine’s depression is similar to Kagami’s experience in middle school, and coincidentally both are Magha moon natives. There experiences is not only to be blamed on them only; as they both come from Japanese society where homogeneity and community is everything: anyone who aspires to be better than the rest would be punished with isolation and exile. Sun people are not really bothered to be alone, but it the South node with brings in a melancholy note to their isolation.


Let’s discuss Akashi now. What makes Akashi so different than the other two sun natives and why we don’t see him struggle like Hyuuga and Aomine? The first answer would be “age of the sun”. Children struggle to establish themselves in the world of adults, Young people are resentful of the past traditions and intend to break them, while mature old people are very cavalier about the people around them with a general calmness which automatically earns them respect (in general). Akashi’s easy grace and complete lack of outer anxiety made him see as the leader material by both Teiko and Rakuzan authority. This easy grace is hard earned. As Sun is the significator of Father and Authority. sometimes Sun dominant males have a strong rivalry with the father. In the Sky, there can be one Sun, thus the conflict of father and son is inevitable. In his earlier days Akashi struggled under the controlling restriction of his father; the hardships that were put on him made everything occurring in the outside world easy.

 I haven’t mentioned anyone’s ascendant yet, but in this case I will. Akashi is a Libra ascendant and having Sagittarius Sun in third house (connections, speech, friends)/ Libra ascendants hold the original energy of seventh house (house of other people, marriage, partnerships) and they always perceive a good public image and pleasing others as intrinsic to their own self. This is probably the reason Akashi took all hostility from his father lying down, in order to please him and keep the image of a model son and heir of the Akashi conglomerate. The Third house sun made sure his speech is dignified, refined and classy and made him “leader” amongst his peers. This came with a graceful manner (from Venus ruled Libra ascendant) and effortless older-than-age maturity (Sagittarius sun)


Mind and a violent Desire for self assertion: Moon and Venus

Akashi’s moon sign is Aries, which is seventh from his libra ascendant. Aries is the original energy of first house: self, soul, individuality and freedom. Aries’ nature is to assert oneself and express individuality, but since it is in the seventh house, the house of other people, it is not comfortable here. Akashi is a Seventh house moon, which is naturally a happy place for moon, since moon is considered a social and soft planet. However it is the constellation of the moon which should be taken into consideration. Akashi’s’ moon sits in the Varani constellation or the constellation of the Bearer, which is the first Venus ruled constellation. This is the Second constellation in the celestial cabinet and the birthplace of Venus, the refined feminine energy and thus it is aptly symbolised with a Vagina. Venus is a planet associated with beauty, desire, refinement, luxury, sexuality, and this Particular constellation is the internal, rather embryonic state of Venusian energy. Venus is an enemy of moon despite being two complementary feminine energies: moon is all accepting, accommodating, maternal, emotional and friendly while Venus is creative, refined, discriminatory and sexual. As moon is also the mother, Akashi’s mother can be seen from this sign. It was hinted in several places that Akashi’s mother was a model wife, who was nourishing, submissive and downright maternal and Akashi was very attached to her. However it is seen that he lost his mother quite early due to an illness. The death of the mother can also be seen from the deity of Bharani: the God of Death, where things end.

Bharani is one of the most violent energies that can exist amongst constellation. It is not necessarily violent towards others, but it can be quite destructive towards the native. Since its symbol is a Vagina, it’s nature is quite internalized. It struggles to express its’ desires and functions by internalizing the pains and desires of one’s owns.  This process of negative internalisation started with the demise of his mother. Akashi’s mother’s death put an end to his emotional discharge in the domestic plane and since the constellation is placed at the seventh house it also begins to internalize the desires and expectations of others: the pressure of his father to be best at everything, the expectation of captainship in Teiko basketball team when Nijimura quitted etc. He becomes a creature of other’s expectation by continuing to internalize others’ assumptions about him. 


However this nature is very ill-suited for Aries (his seventh house zodiac) since it doesn’t quite understand putting others before oneself. Thus it responds quite egotistically when confronted. Akashi has been challenged twice in his middle school year: first by Murasakibara and second by Haizaki. Murasakibara and Haizaki both refused Akashi’s leadership, and this became a threat to the self-image Akashi created through his internalization. This time his mind, (the Aries Moon) responded quite egotistically and diminished every opponent who dared to challenge him. This attitude “My orders are absolute” is quite Ariesian and he continued impose this ego onto others, destroying them in the process. 

The Multiple personality that Akashi developed over the course of time: the normal “Akashi” and egotistic “Bokushi” could be the result of this internalization. Akashi is Solar and Jovian in nature: he is a graceful, unquestionable popular leader that everyone, even people who are older than him, reveres. Bokushi is Lunar and Venusian, the complete opposites of his usual self. Venus is known to be discriminatory, it demands refinement and perfection, and Moon is mind and emotions. Bokushi is absolutely ruthless about playing standards and winning. His saying “winning is everything, the victors writes history, the losers are wiped from it” screams Aries energy, where his Venusian moon is placed. What is Bokushi, but the warped version of his suppressed emotional self that never got to heal after his mother’s death! The constant tug-of-war of living upto other’s expectation and violent desire for self assertion is what molds Akashi’s character throughout the series and it is depicted with deceiving simplicity by Fujimaki sensei.


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