#soma and agni


When is Prince Soma coming back?

I know for a fact that im not the only one that has been waiting for Soma to make his apperence in the manga after years of anticipation. Right now the manga is focusing on Bards backstory and Bard and Laus mission so of course it’s gonna take some time before we see Soma again.

The current mental state that Soma is in right now makes me incredibly sad, to see such a happy and go-lucky character turn into a depressed and revengeful character is something that most people probably never expected to happen.

This is the latest apperence Soma has made… And by latest I mean his latest apperence in 2017…

Yeah, our prince may take another year to actually make an apperence.

It is obvious that Prince Soma will come back someday, especially now that he has gained Goddess Kali’s powers and has decided to go to the path of revenge.

I don’t know if anyone has thought of this yet but I will share it anyways: My theory of when Prince Soma will make his come back.

So lets talk about the last time we saw Soma: He was going to go back to India, but because of a series of unfortunate events that involved Agni’s ashes being scattered, Soma made a decision to turn away from doing good deeds and focus on avenging Agni.

So if he wants to take revenge on Agni’s killers than its a fact that he is staying in London. But were exactly is he staying in London?? It could be possible that Sullivan and Wolfman would happily let Soma stay but I highly doubt that is the case due to the orders o!Ciel gave to them:

Did Sullivan and Wolfman take o!Ciels words to heart? Who knows. But if they did, then its pretty likely they won’t let Prince Soma in the house. It is actually very feasable to think that Wolfman or Sullivan told Prince Soma that the moment he steps out of the door they won’t be able to let him in due to o!Ciel’s orders.

So… If Prince Soma won’t stay with Sullivan and Wolfman…. Then where is he staying? Well a safe assumption could be that he would stay in an hotel.

And where is the location of Sebastian and Ciels mission in the current arc again? A hotel.

Of course its a possibility that I may be desperately reaching for a connection here but I do think its rather logical to believe that Prince Soma is staying in that hotel.

And it will be extremely intresting to see how Ciel will react of Soma does end up being there, Will he try hiding from him? Will Soma spot him before he even tries to hide? Will Ciel confront Soma and tell him the truth about his twin? Will Soma become potentially one of Ciels allies?? Will he be able to become Ciels “Agni”?

o!Ciels and Sebastians mission being centered on not only destorying the blood-collection facility but also on o!Ciels dynamic with Soma and his inner guilt because of Agni’s death would actually be something I would totally love to see.

I think its pretty evident that Agni’s death affected o!Ciel and Sebastian in different ways.

@dorkshitsuji actually once talked about Agnis death and its connection to the narrative to Sebastian specifially, I think its very well-written and it strenghtens the point that Sebastian was indeed impacted by Agni and how his death will affect his own butler aestethics in the future.

Now with o!Ciel, Agni’s death defienetly affected him, it made Ciel feel more guilty about the position he is in and how the people who are close to him will always end up hurt.

And if you think o!Ciel doesn’t feel guilty about Agnis death then lets think about this: Ciel felt guilty over the circus troupes death, despite the bad things they did and despite the fact that they wanted to kill him he still felt guilty over their deaths. Actually, o!Ciel feels guilty about multiple deaths throughout his life.

But my point is that if o!Ciel felt guilty about the circus troupe, people he didn’t know for a long period of time to even form a proper bond with—he of course felt guilty about Agni’s death considering the fact that he has known him for a longer period of time and was able to feel a sense of familiarity whenever he was around him and Soma.

I have seen so many people misinterpret o!Ciels words here and immedietly deem him as cruel. But I think that if you look deeper into what he is saying, you can tell he is overridden by guilt in this situation. His words right here are the very reason why he always tried to keep Soma at arms lenght, the reason why he tried so hard to push him away. “This is why I told you not to get involved with me” is immedietly translated to “I tried so hard to push you away so you wouldn’t get hurt and you didn’t budge.”

Sure, o!Ciel used Soma twice for his own schemes but the schemes in which Soma was used for still guaranteed the prince’s saftey. He literally used Soma to spy on a petty collage student and he used him to participate in a boy band were o!Ciels own blood relative was in as well.

Both Agni and Soma were characters whom heavily impacted Ciel and Sebastian in their own ways, and this current arc is heavily based on characters in an individual manner but since we already know everything we need to know about o!Ciel and I really doubt we will get a glimpse on Sebastians past, so its more than logical to think that Soma’s comeback will come to play here and it will be extremely intresting to see.

I am more than certain that Soma will have an important role in the future and I cannot wait to see him again!!

Just thinking about the fact that the Curry arc was the only arc in the whole Kuroshitsuji manga in which Ciel wasn’t put in extreme distress and the only arc were he wasn’t tramutized or was a witness to any sort of murder.

This is extremely telling to how Soma and Agni are as characters. It also shows us the significance of Soma to Ciel specifially. Sure, Soma stressed Ciel out at times and annoyed him but that was it—he never crossed the line and never made Ciel feel emotionally drained or sad.

Soma and Agni have never hurt Ciel, what actually hurt Ciel was that someonekilled Agni and hurt Soma.
