#son heung min one shot


Our Best Friend | PART 2

Son Heungmin & Dele
Part 1 | Part 2
Dele is  pretty sure Sonny has a secret girlfriend. But would he be happy if he found out who Sonny is dating? [Requested]

It was so quiet. It was so quiet that the sound of dripping water from the sink in the kitchen sounded so loud from the living room where they were sitting. The tension was immense. She and Sonny sat side-to-side on the armchairs, hanging their heads low, as they were shot by sharp judging glances from Dele who sat on the couch across them.

Finally. I caught you in the act. God. I can’t believe both of you.” That was all Dele had said after Sonny had rolled down the car window, before he tried to get back to his friend’s car. Dele apparently had arrived ten minutes earlier before them; he meant to return a purse that she had left at his house last week. She had begged him to stay so they could explain to him. He’d refused at first, but she’d been on the verge of crying, so he’d let her drag him to her house.

But before they could explain, Dele had exploded first. He’d gone on a rant, mentioning about his suspiciousness, all the reasons, and reminding them about all the times they had lied to his face. Dele was angry, the confusion and upset strongly radiated off him and every word he’d said felt like a stab right on their chests.

And by the time Dele was done, the couple had already lost their words. They’d been preparing for an explanation for Dele, a calm and collected Dele; but now they were facing an upset Dele, who had just caught them in the act, so they weren’t really sure where to start.

“I don’t know whether I’m more angry at the fact that you’ve been dating behind my back for four months or the fact that you’ve gotten so comfortable lying to me,” Dele shot a look at Sonny before turning to her. “And you, oh God, I poured my heart to you and you lied to my face.”

“I promise you, it wasn’t easy for me. I hated lying to you…”

“No, Del, don’t blame her,” Sonny interrupted, straightening up his posture on the chair. “It’s all me. I’m the one who asked for this to be a secret.”

Dele scoffed as he shook his head. “Not even a word, Sonny. Not even… Anything. Only lies.”

“I know, I’m sorry. I was just not ready to share this with anyone. I just needed time to figure things out on my own.”

“But… It’s her,” Dele briefly glanced at her. “She is my best friend too and you want to leave me out of it?” The sadness in his voice didn’t go unnoticed.

“I never wanted to leave you out. I swear.” Sonny tried to sound as convincing as possible. Because despite it seeming like a lie, he truly meant it every time he said it. “I was scared that you wouldn’t approve. I don’t want you to feel like I’m– like I’m taking her from you.”

“Yeah, everything that you don’t want me to feel, I’m kind of feeling all of them right now.”

Dele couldn’t help it. She’d been friends with him first before he’d introduced her to Sonny. And over the years it had become the three of them. Now if the two were dating, where did it put him in this friendship?

She only sat in silence, listening to the two men talk. She had so many things she wanted to say, but she just didn’t want to make things worse. She figured that Dele was having a hard time to take this all in so maybe they needed to go easier on him.

From the corner of her eyes, she could see Sonny who was still staring at Dele, who had dropped his gaze to his knee. Sonny’s face was full of not only guilt but also worry. She could tell that her boyfriend was blaming himself for all of this mess. This wasn’t supposed to go like this; they’d hoped for a calm and mature conversation, not a heated and stressful one. 

“I’m sorry, Del, it’s… It’s all my fault.” Sonny confessed. She was indeed right; Sonny was blaming himself. “I never wanted to make you upset. We didn’t mean to make you upset.” Sonny glanced at her and she gave a little nod. “We wanted you to be the first one to know because you’re the most important person for us. We just needed time.”

It was silent again. Dele pursed his lips as he folded his arms in front of his chest and started moving his right leg; a bad habit he always did when he was thinking seriously. Sonny turned to her and when she looked back, he cocked his head to Dele, giving a signal for her to say something. She bit the lower of her lips as she felt the nervousness building inside her again.

“I’m sorry, Del. We’re sorry. The last thing we wanted is to hurt you,” she finally spoke up. Her voice sounded so timid, and it was the reason why Dele immediately gave his full attention to her.

He was already heartbroken about this whole situation. He remembered how easy she’d told all those lies, how she’d tried to cover it and made him believe that she was clueless about it, when she knew exactly what it all meant to him. But still, his heart broke even more seeing the guilt that was plastered all over her face. He knew that she was genuinely feeling guilty. 

“I don’t know, it’s just…” He sighed. “It’s just ridiculous how you guys even think that I won’t approve. Why wouldn’t I approve?” Dele shifted his gaze between the couple. “I love both of you. If you’re happy, I’m happy.”

There was not only a slow change of expressions on the couple’s faces, but also a change of mood in the room. The tension was somewhat floating in the air along with Dele’s words, which came off as a surprise to her and Sonny. The couple, clearly stunned, exchanged looks for a moment before they both turned their attention to Dele.

“So you… Approve?” She carefully asked.

“Why wouldn’t I?” He repeated his words. “But it doesn’t mean I’m not mad. I am still mad. You two lied to me, you need to make it up to me.”

She nodded quite frantically. “Yeah, we will, of course we will.”

Waves of relief washed over her and Sonny, and they both couldn’t suppress their smiles—hers being a lot wider than his. She jumped on her seat, clasping and tightening her hands together out of excitement.

“Thank you, Del. Thank you,” Sonny said. He really wanted to stand up and give his best friend a hug; it felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest but he tried his best to contain his emotion.

Dele let out a long sigh. “Can’t believe I’m gonna be a third-wheel now in this relationship.” He shook his head, still quite in disbelief with this whole situation. “And I swear, guys, you need to do better if you want to keep this relationship off the public’s eyes.” He got a grab of his phone and showed the screen to the couple. “‘Cause I know you wouldn’t want something like this to come on the media.”    

“Can you please delete it? Please don’t let it out,” Sonny suddenly got tense again with horror in his face. On Dele’s phone screen was one of the photos Dele had taken, a photo of him and her in the car. The photo was quite blurry, but it was clear enough to see their faces, his Spurs jacket, and her Spurs shirt.

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep it to myself. It’s very good material to blackmail the two of you when any of you don’t want to comply.”


“I’m just kidding,” he muttered as he locked his phone and put it in the pocket of his jacket. His palms went to his thigh and straightened all the wrinkles on his jeans. He then stood up and the pair of eyes across him followed his movement.

“Where are you going?” She asked, a little bit startled.

“Home. I need space, I need to be away from the two of you.”

The couple stood up too as Dele started to make his way to the hallway, she trailed behind him. Both of them wanted to stop him; they wanted to at least give Dele a hug. Maybe that could comfort Dele a little bit and comfort themselves too.

“See you at training,” Sonny said, but Dele didn’t reply. She stopped and turned to Sonny who didn’t seem to be moving from his spot. “You walk him to the door, yeah?”

She nodded and quickly followed Dele. Dele stood at the small mirror near the front door, putting his hoodie on and making sure it covered him properly.

“Del… We’re really sorry. Please don’t be mad at us for too long?”

“It’s just stupid for you two to think that I won’t be happy if my two best-friends get together,” Dele answered as he reached the door. “Okay, I’ll be sad if you start doing inside jokes that I don’t understand and do things without me but…” He looked at her with a gentle gaze. “You guys are my best friends. My family.”

Her heart clenched at that, on how genuine Dele sounded. She knew she was gonna spend forever regretting lying to Dele, who was also like a brother to her, and making him upset. She and Sonny were just trying to protect themselves, but maybe they didn’t do enough to protect Dele’s feelings. Dele would make her do absolutely everything to make it up to him but honestly, she’d do everything.

“I know. We’re all family,” she nodded. “We love you, Del…”

Dele sighed and left the affectionate words unanswered. It was the last thing he heard before Dele walked out of the house and was welcomed by the cold air. He put his hands on the pockets of his jacket when he reached the front yard. As he passed the gate and walked along the pavement, he got his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it. His screen was still displaying the photo that he’d taken of his best friends. He swiped to the right and it was another photo of his best friend, kissing.

This was all just so bizarre. He felt his stomach twisting. But it didn’t feel uncomfortable. It felt… Funny. And then the corners of his lips tugged upright ever so slightly.

His best friends were dating.

At least now he could be at ease, knowing that Sonny was dating someone he could completely trust. And that she was dating someone who he knew so well.

Don’t get him wrong, he was still upset. But to be fair, he didn’t really mind being the third-wheel. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

thank you again for the anon who requested this and i’m sorry i changed so much of the details because i’m just bad at following requests but i hope you guys enjoyed this because i absolutely loved writing it❤️

My Masterlist
