#sonali mold



well y'all, the unthinkable happened today: i found a Sonali at the thrift store for $30?????

I was like, there’s no way, she’s surely just a different sonali mold?? but after some digging & asking in ID groups, I was able to confirm it for sure: apparently, Gwen and Sonali have 4-digit numbers on their tags (mine & other eBay Sonali tags I’ve seen say 0099), and TM47 has an alphanumeric string on her tag. Who knew!

She’s scuffed, a bit marked on, and has frizzy hair, but overall in good shape?? Her head was loose, so I went ahead and removed it to fix her face scrapes & shine marks with micromesh, and roll her hair after boiling/ice water dunks. tomorrow, I’ll be VERY carefully treating her limb stains with benzoyl peroxide. (Thankfully they’re just on the back of her arms and legs!)

I’m still stunned and in disbelief. She’s beautiful and I’m so excited to restore & take good care of her!

Congratulations she’s beautiful.
