#sonic x silver

yeah it’s them again being happy in green hill and levitating flowers. What can I say, I love these

yeah it’s them again being happy in green hill and levitating flowers. What can I say, I love these two.

They don’t have that many canon interactions but I just fell in love with the thought of their romantic dynamic. Because these two are both, in the end, just really sweet, caring, heroic guys, one always enjoying the little things in life and the other finally getting to do that after returning from a nightmarish future. The “sassy jokester x serious and dense” thing is also so cute, and the angst from the whole premise of “yeah I was going to kill you to save the world and now I see what a kind soul you are” is 10/10 

idk I just wanted to put in words why I love this ship. I don’t think it’s one of the most populars but I’m sinking with it

((edit bc I forgot to paint some stuff))

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