#sons of anarchy au



The Longest Ride 7 - Finale

Devyn x Vince

Final chapter: Reckoning or redemption

Words: 2,055

Warnings: none

An: we’ve reached the end. I really enjoyed these two & the experience of writing this. It didn’t get an audience, but who knows what the coming months will bring. To the few who did join for the ride, thank you so much for reading. We were a little cozy club.

Fic info|previous|

Stopping at the red light, Devyn glances over at Vince. He’s gazing out the window. He was quiet most of the morning, she understood why. Whatever happens at the table today would be life changing. Her eyes linger on him a little longer before darting up to the rear view mirror, Duke is asleep in the back seat.

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The Longest Ride 7 - Finale

Devyn x Vince

Final chapter: Reckoning or redemption

Words: 2,055

Warnings: none

An: we’ve reached the end. I really enjoyed these two & the experience of writing this. It didn’t get an audience, but who knows what the coming months will bring. To the few who did join for the ride, thank you so much for reading. We were a little cozy club.

Fic info|previous|

Stopping at the red light, Devyn glances over at Vince. He’s gazing out the window. He was quiet most of the morning, she understood why. Whatever happens at the table today would be life changing. Her eyes linger on him a little longer before darting up to the rear view mirror, Duke is asleep in the back seat.

-Flashback - the night before ( a hotel out of town)

Vince’s lips were soft against her knuckles as he kissed them, one by one. “I called it. You’d be out halfway through the movie.”

Devyn opened her eyes and glanced up at him, “I’m completely awake.”

His deep laugh vibrates in his chest, she holds him a little tighter then rests eyes on the screen. Her heavy lids slowly close. Minutes later, Vince can tell she’s asleep again by the sound of her breathing.

“Ah, it’s alright baby, get some sleep, “Vince kissed the top of her head, burying his nose in her hair. He takes a moment to admire her before grabbing the remote and turning the tv off. “We have a big day tomorrow.”

“Mmmhmm.” she mumbled.

Vince glanced down and smiled. He didn’t know how tomorrow would go, if Jax would act on impulse and try to kill him on the spot, or if Devyn’s pleas would make a difference. Vince closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of her body against his. A light breeze dances through the curtains.

“I love you.” He whispered, his voice warm and deep.

Devyn opens her eyes and lifts herself up so she can see him. His gaze is soft, vulnerable. Devyn holds his face with her hands, looking deeply into his eyes.

“I love you, Vince.”

-Flashback over -

Just before the light changes, Devyn sets her eyes on the road again. A few seconds later she hears Vince laughing.

“What you got against the steering wheel?” He asked.

“Huh?” She glanced at him then back at the road.

“Baby, you’re holding on to it for dear life.”

“I didn’t realize,” she loosens her grip and takes a deep breath. They hit another red light.

“Hey,” he said softly, her eyes met his. Vince holds the side of her face and draws Devyn into a quick kiss. “Stop worrying.”

“Impossible, but thanks for the kiss.” She smiled at him, then stole one more kiss before the light changed.

Vince turns on the radio and exhales back against the seat. When a song he likes comes on, he turns it up. While singing along, his eyes occasionally shift to Devyn, she’s singing too. V ince rests a hand on her thigh with a squeeze. They just had to get past today. Then the world was theirs for the taking.

Back in Charming, they make a brief stop at Sabines and drop Duke off. After a couple of minutes, they head to the Clubhouse and park a block away. Once they exit the car, Devyn pulls Vince into a hug.

Its bittersweet being here. Bitter because the worse could happen. Sweet because it could mean freedom, a new life, a fresh start. Though Jax and her have drifted apart, she hoped he would honor her wish. There was no fixing all the things that went wrong with them, but he could give her this. Deep down, she hoped some parts of old Jax remained, the parts of him that would spare Vince’s life.

Vince moves his arms from around her neck and cups her face with his hands. His brown eyes are full of emotion as he speaks, “I don’t know how long this will take.”

Devyn swallows the lump in her throat, “yeah.”

Reluctantly, Vince steps away, breaking the hug. “You should head back to Sabine’s. Until it’s over.”

“No. I’ll be right here, no matter how long it takes.” She shoves her hands in her pockets.

Vince forces a smile, then turns away from her. Devyn leans back against the car, watching as he heads to the clubhouse. The worst case scenario continues to replay in her mind, her chest tightens.

“Vince, wait!”

She opens the backseat, grabs the kutte, then locks the car. Up ahead, Vince stops in place, he’s looking back at her now. Devyn tucks the kutte under her left arm and jogs over to him.

“Here,” she hands it off, Vince takes it, “I’m going in with you.”

“You don’t have to do that.” Vince rubs her shoulder. “If shit gets nasty in there, I don’t want you to see -”

Devyn stands on her toes to rest her forehead against Vinces. “I’m going in with you. And I’ll wait outside because I have to believe you are walking out of that door, intact, in one piece.” She pauses, looking deeply into Vinces eyes. “If he sees me, it will soften him up. I know it.”

Vince shakes his head and sighs, “you know him better than I do. I’ll trust you on this baby.”

She pulls his face closer and kisses him. “Okay, let’s go.”

Walking hand and hand, they turn the corner toward the clubhouse.

Alternating between pacing and sitting, it feels like hours have passed by. Upon entering the clubhouse some time ago, all the air was sucked out of the room at the sight of them. She could see the way the guys tensed up and looked to Jax for his response. This place that used to feel like home, was anything but now. This group that once felt like family, was now a bunch of strangers.

Jax was still, unmoving, his blue eyes cold as ice. But she knew him, she knew behind his chilly stare was something else, a glimpse of all the emotion he was holding back and burying deep inside.

Devyn didn’t stay long, she made herself seen then walked out. From then on, the waiting started. Whenever she dared to move closer to the front door, she could hear elevated voices from time to time, but thankfully nothing that sounded like a brawl, or worse, a gun.

When the front door finally opens, Devyn jumps up from the bench and walks over cautiously. Wringing her hands, she holds her breath to see who comes out. Jax appears with a cigarette between his fingers. Devyn peaks past him, trying to see inside the clubhouse.

“Where is he?” She asked, her question full of concern.

Jax takes a drag of the cigarette, his eyes fixed on her. “He’s fine.” He said, his words emotionless.

When Devyn lunges forward to get inside, he blocks her with his body and tosses the cigarette. Grabbing her by the shoulders, Jax forcibly moves her aside. Devyn pushes against him.

“Listen to me!” Jax raises his voice. “He’s fine. Just like you wanted.”

Devyn stares at him wildly, her heart pounding in her chest.

“No blood. Kept it clean, “his jaw tenses, “I’ll honor your wish, Devyn. But I don’t want to see his face in my town. The only reason he’s alive - is because of you.”

She wiggles out of his grip and takes a step back. Devyn wants to believe his words but won’t until she see’s Vince for herself.

“We’re gone, Jax. I’m leaving Charming.”

Jax lowers his head and sneers. His eyes land on the tossed cigarette, he rubs it out with his foot.

The sound of oncoming footsteps pulled her eyes back to the doorway. Vince appears behind Jax and makes his way over to her. Jax turns his head, watching Vince’s movements. Both men’s body language is tense, rigid.

Devyn sighs with relief and turns to Vince, “you okay?” she whispered. When she blinks, tears stream down her cheeks. Vince wipes then away.

“Yeah. I’m alright. Let’s go.”

Devyn reaches for his hand; she interlaces her fingers in his. “Let’s go.”

Devyn and Vince turn to leave. They take a few steps away from the clubhouse when Devyn glances back, Jax is still standing there. The tension in his expression is replaced by a heaviness, a sadness. Jax nods gently, breaks eye contact, then disappears back into the clubhouse.

5 months later

Devyn carries the pitcher of water outside and waters the first flower bed. It’s a nice day out. The New Mexico heat took some getting used to. Still, she fell in love with this place. Moving over to the next flower bed, she hears the familiar bike drive up. Smiling to herself, she continues to tend to the flowers.

“There’s my girl.”

Vince parks the bike and sets the helmet down. Devyn stands, leaving the pitcher on the ground. Vince wraps his arms around her waist before she can fully turn around, he covers the side of her face with kisses.

“Oh my favorite greeting,” she coos, leaning into it and holding his arms.

“How’s business today?” He asked.

“For now, slow. A few sales earlier, one of them pretty big. I have two clients later,” she faces him, they make eye contact, “want some lunch? Or did you eat at Joe’s?”

“I could eat,” he pauses, “Joe’s retiring. Giving up the shop.”

“Oh no, really?”

Joe was an older guy, in his late 60s, like the father Vince always wanted. He owned and operated a bike shop and was a lifelong motorcycle enthusiast. He was never in a club, but wanted to be. Him and Vince became instant friends, Joe also gave Vince a job repairing bikes. Joe was an intense yet sweet guy. He didn’t have any family left and took Vince in as a son, he doted on Devyn too. In 5 months time, Joe was family.

Vince smiled, “baby, we’re about to own a bike shop. He’s leaving it to me.”

“What! Oh my god, congrats baby.” Devyn kisses him, “let’s go inside, I’ll order something. Tell me all about it.”

She takes him by the hand, leading him inside the shop. Over lunch, Vince fills her in. They talk about their day and future plans. Before finishing up, Devyn steps away briefly to help some customers in the shop.

When she returns, Vince is working on clearing the table. Devyn stands behind him and rubs his shoulders. He moans and stops what he’s doing.

“That feels good.”

“You deserve it,” she brings her lips to his ear, “want to come back at 8, be client number three?”

“Do I get the deluxe package?” He grins, glancing back at her.

“The deluxe package is exclusive to you, and you alone.”

Vince brings his lips to Devyn’s in a kiss. “I love seeing you happy.” He said, admiring her.

Devyn grabs his shoulders. “I am happy. And you, I know you had to lose something you really wanted to get here. I’m sorry about that.”

“Hey,” Vince caresses her face, “what I tell you about that? Don’t even worry about it. I’m just a guy who loves bikes. No club, no kutte, “ he shrugs, “but I don’t need those things. Look at us, doing what we love,“ he pauses to kiss her forehead and thread his fingers in her hair, “we got a nice ass roof over our heads…and most importantly, we got each other. I’d pick you over a pack of sweaty guys in leather any day.”

Devyn takes a deep savoring breath and holds Vince tighter. From the moment she laid eyes on him, he quickened her pulse and made her heart race. Though getting here was difficult, she’d choose Vince a thousand times. This is home. This is peace. This is everything she ever wanted.

Her alarm goes off in the background. Her client would be here in 20 minutes. Devyn focuses on Vince, stroking his arms while gazing at him, “we did it. We made it.”

“Hell yeah we did,” he playfully bites her lower lip, “go on, I’ll clean this up. Get ready for your client.” He slaps her ass with a chuckle.

“Be back at 8 handsome.” She steals a kiss and heads out of the room.

Vince grins, “You bet your sweet ass I will.”

Devyn peaks inside the room and winks before disappearing down the hall.

thanks for reading reblogs greatly appreciated

