#soa au


Juice Ortiz Imagine




 Waking up the morning, you rushed to get out the house as soon as possible before he would wake up. You felt like work was your escape. You just really hoped he wouldn’t be at your house once you got back home. You didn’t want to talk about last night. But guess Juice got the message, he didn’t come back. That was it. 

You packed up all the things he had at your house, all the pictures you had with him, all the memories form the last 5 years. You couldn’t even find the guts to text him, you just dropped off the box at the clubhouse with Chucky.

Juice came back from a run beaten and bruised. Not one word from you all week. He never been in a serious relationship with anyone before you. Was this it for you guys? He wasn’t sure if it was a break up or not. Maybe another fight. He just wasn’t sure what he should do or allowed to do at this point. 

Once he was back in his dorm he found a large box. It was filled with everything. All his clothes from your house. All the presents he’s ever gotten you. Even all the photos. That’s all it took to piss him off before he found himself storming to your front door. 

“What?” You asked crossing your arms over your chest looking at Juice. You really weren’t expecting him to show up at your house. You haven’t heard from him since that night, now why would he need to say anything. 

“What the fuck is up with the box?” Juice asked as you see the anger in his brown eyes. 

“Your things. You told me to go find someone else life to make miserable. Sorry for bothering for the past 5 years.” You sassed knowing it was only going to make this situation a lot worse. Neither of you whiling to be the bigger person. 

“Just because I don’t want to get fucken married?” He argued back. 

“No it’s about you stringing me along for 5 years. You knew what I wanted and you just played me! Like what else we’re stuck. How is this relationship suppose to move forward when you aren’t making any steps to make a life with me!” You yelled back at him. You never ever fought like this before. 

“ I didn’t-” Juice started to say but he really didn’t know what to say anymore. 

“Bye Juice.” You mumbled rolling your eyes and closing the door in his face. Was this really it for you two? Did you really want to end it, 5 years for nothing. 

It was hard without Juice. It was hard to figure out a routine on your own. Most of your time you spent working, or at the gym. Nothing from Juice. A week turned into a month, a month turned into a few months. Now everything felt numb almost like Juice never was in your life in the first place. 

And you actually met someone. You weren’t out looking for someone, going on a date seemed far form reach. You told him all the shit but it seemed like you both where in the same boat of a failed relationship. and it was going good, he seemed more serious about you. 

You where completely surprised when at dinner for he proposed. You thought about this moment with Juice, how it never happened. How numb you ended up being towards the idea it’d never happen.  

The ring was huge, it was beautiful. He even was looking for a house to buy to get settled before getting married. All he wanted was for you to focus on choosing a date and planning a wedding. And that was the hardest part for you. 

Everything you tried to plan you’d end up thinking about Juice. You always thought it’d be him. You couldn’t keep living in a fantasy about him. That’s how you found yourself at home, magazines spread across the floor. You ripped some picture out for ideas. Other your printed out hoping to find something similar. You where even sure what you liked anymore. 

The door bell rang knocking you out of all your thoughts. You weren’t expecting your fiance back for another few days from his business trip.  You opened the door only to have your heart stop. 

“What are you doing here Juice?” You asked looking at the man who became a stranger. He looked just the same as that night. Nothing really changed about him these past months. He still had his silly mohawk, still has the Kutte. 

“I- uh How are you?” He asked his brown eyes scanning me. As if they where searching for something, almost pleading. 

“I’m okay. You?” You asked crossing your arms. This shouldn’t feel like this. It shouldn’t feel like a tone of bricks on your chest. You shouldn’t have your heart beating so hard at just the sight of him.

“Looks like your more then just fine Y/N.” Juice said his eyes locked on the diamond ring on your finger. 

“Yeah I am.” You said not sure what to say. You weren’t even sure why this felt so wrong. 

“It’s only been 7 months.” Juice said with a sigh. He wasn’t sure why he was even here anymore. He came to check on you, see how everything was. He was miserable without you. He never thought he’d show up and your happy, you’ve moved on from him so fast. Did you ever love him? 

“What are you doing here?” You asked him. You felt like you where going to burst into tears but you weren’t sure form what. 

“How’d you move on so fast?” He asked not being able to control his own emotions at this point. 

“I di- I wasn’t planing to. It just happened with him.” You whispered not sure how to explain it. Maybe you haven’t moved on from Juice, the emotions, the strong feels you had for him couldn’t just go away. But you got better at pushing them to the side. You and Juice had so much history it was hard to just move on. 

“Do you love him?” Juice asked, he knew he didn’t really want to know the answer to that. 

“He makes me happy.” Was all that you could say. You couldn’t admit you loved another man to the man you’ve loved desperately for years. 

“Why are you going to marry him if you don’t love him?” He asked his voice slightly raising. There was a fire behind his warm brown eyes that you haven’t seen in such a long time.

“It’s not about that. We’re both on the same page, we want the same things. He makes me feel safe and loved.” You said trying to explain it. 

“That’s it?” Juice asked was plea and desperation in his voice. You have never heard him so broken before. 

“That’s it.” You said as he shook his head mumbling things under his breath. And just like that he was gone. All you could hear was the harley roaring down the street. part of you begged for him to stay but another part of you knew he couldn’t. 

Juice Ortiz Imagine

pt 2



Being with Juice was always a roller coaster, since the first day you met him. You should’ve seen the red flags before you spiraled into a relationship with the biker. So young and so stupid. It wasn’t like you had much of a choice. 

It’s been 5 long years. You loved him more then anything but you felt like your relationship was stuck. Maybe you both got to comfortable with how everything is and now it’s just stuck. 

Juice wasn’t perfect. He had his flaws but so did you. He never had a steady income, well the weed dispensary was kind of steady if he wasn’t spending all his money there. Juice always put the club first no matter what, at first you loved his loyalty to his brothers but now you almost seemed to resent that you’d never come first. 

The longer time past the more it all started to bother you. You thought he’d change, you thought things would change and that both of you could have a real future together. Or at least be living together instead of him crashing at your place ever now and then.  

Back before you met him you had a plan. You where going to finish college, get a head start in your career. Then find someone who’d you want to marry and start a life with, a family. But then Juice got thrown in your path. 

You did finish school, and got a decent job. Now all you did was wait for Juice but didn’t seem like he was one the same page as you where. Anytime you tried to bring it up he’d make excuses. 

Today was like any other day. You haven’t heard much from him, haven’t seen him all week since he was busy with club shit. He promised you that he’d be over, you should’ve know he wasn’t going to be here to actual have time to go on a date. He’d probably show up in the middle of the night. 

You gave up hope around 1 am before deciding to go to bed. It was probably closer to 4 am when you heard Juice harley pull up. He had a key, he made his way in. He made his way into your bedroom, stripping to his boxers before dropping in the bed next to you. His large arms went around you pulling your body to his. You wanted to enjoy this but it wasn’t the same anymore. 

“Where have you been?” You asked sighing as you felt him place a few kisses across my shoulder. 

“At the clubhouse.” Juice mumbled into you shoulder. You could smell the whiskey and beer off his breath. 

“What where you doing out there till 4am?” You asked turning around in his arms to face him. 

“God Y/N I don’t need you nagging at me right now. I’m pissed drunk and tried.” Juice groaned back. He hated that you always had to say something.

“Juice I’m fucken tried of you showing up at all hours of the night drunk.” You said looking at him. You knew the fights was going to happen, it was the same fight always. 

“I’m not doing anythin’. God you don’t trust me at all.” He mumbled laying on his back so he wasn’t facing you anymore. 

“That’s not the point. Is this ever going to change? Is it ever going to be any different?” You asked him frowning. It wasn’t like you wanted to have this fight with him either at 4am. 

“Like what?” he asked running his hands across his face. 

“I don’t know when are you going to grow up? Don’t you want to get married , have a family? or at the least live together?” You asked finally letting all out on him. He knew you wanted all that, you’ve been told him what you wanted. He just always had some excuse. 

“Y/N I’m still figure things out godamn.” He mumbled not being able to look at you. 

“for how long? Another 5 years?” maybe 10 years?” You asked frustrated. You loved him more then anything. 

“I don’t know! go find someone else’s life to make miserable then.” Juice mumbled before turning over away from you. 

“If you don’t know now, then you’ll never fucken know.” You mumbled turning away from him. You couldn’t say another word to him. You cried in silence as he snored next to you in bed. 

You never imagine this is how it would end. You never thought you’d ever end. Starting over with someone else felt like a foreign concept. You never thought you where making him miserable. Why was it so hard to separate love and being logical. 

Juice Ortiz Imagine




It’s been a week or so after the lockdown and the the shit with Zebelle. Gemma is on the run for the “committed murder”. My work load got a little crazier with Gemma hiding out. 

And I might have been avoiding Juice since the lockdown in his room. Not that it wasn’t hard everyone was too busy. The sons weren’t even working at the shop, they had too much to take care of. 

A part of my craved to be with Juice, the way my body reacted to his. But I couldn’t even look at him from across the room. I felt like I was hiding out in my office. 

I slowly peaked out making my way to Gemmas front office to get another cup of coffee. No one seemed to be around. 

“Are you taunting me Y/n?” I heard Juice say. I gulped  turning around seeing Juice looking at my ass. I didn’t wear the skirt of purpose, it wasn’t even that short. 

“There’s nothing taunting about a pencil skirt and a sweater.” I said before adding creamer and sugar to my coffee. I could feel his eyes one me. 

“Have you been purposely avoiding me?” He asked with a more serious look. I never seen him this serious before. He’s always just goofy and teasing.  

“No.” I said before sliding past him and making my way to my office. He didn’t follow me. 

About ten minutes later Juice came into my office with a determine look. He was wearing all back, probably came back from a run, that’s why I haven’t seen him all week. 

“Ae we not gonna talk about what happened?” Juice asked as he paced back and forth. 

“What about it Juice?” I asked slipping my coffee watching him unravel in front of me. 

“Well why aren’t you talking to me? Was it bad? Did you regret it? Shit I probably should’ve took you on a date first.” Juice mumbled more to himself then actually talking to me. He was a nervous mess. 

“Calm down, you didn’t do anything wrong.” I said sighing rubbing my eyes. 

“Then why aren’t you talking to me?” He asked his warm brown eyes bore into my own. 

“What do you want me to say?” I asked not sure where this conversation was going. 

“Do you want to do it again?” Juice said looking at you with his big eyes. 

“I - I don’t know. I Juice.” I mumbled trying to find the right words.

“I really like you, like completely fucked.” Juice admitted making me smile. I never thought it was more then teasing.

“I like you too.” I told him making his whole mode change within a second. He pushed himself over my desk, his hands resting as he leaned towards me. 

“How about I take you on a date then first before I have my way with you in bed… again.” He said his slightly cocky self back again. 

“Better be a really good date, I have high exceptions.” I teased happy that all the tension in the room left. 

“I’ll pick you up at 7.” He said before leaning over placing a soft kiss to my lips and disappearing back to the shop.   

Juice Ortiz Imagine

some smut





The fight with the league felt more like a waste of time then to actually settle anything. None of use really got anything then a few cuts, bruises and busted knuckles. If only Hale minded his businesses we could’ve settled this and the lockdown would be over. 

At this point all I wanted to do was get back to my dorm and shower. I felt all the noise in my head going crazy and I just needed piece and quiet for a second. Thought with the lockdown that’t not really going to happen. 

Getting back to the clubhouse felt lack luster. It was like everyone there was expecting something big, something to let them go home. The clubhouse always had someone in and out but this was packed to another level. 

I hurried to my dorm making my way past everyone as fast as I could. I walked in freezing, something felt off. I slowly peeled off the dirty dark hoodie and pants from my body throwing them in my hamper.

“Get out!” I heard a loud scream before a body of lotion came hitting my chest. 

“Y/N what the fuck you doin in my room?” I asked smirking looking at the petite women with the towel wrapped in a small towel. I couldn’t help myself as my eyes travel over her body that was still wet after the shower. I noticed her eyes doing the same to me. 

“It was the only clean room I can find.” Y/n said holding on to her towel like dear life. 

“Well you more then welcome to bunk with me.” I said teasing her loving how her face turned red. Normally I was clumsy, I couldn’t flirt for shit, I would stutter but with Y/N it all came out smooth. 

“no way.” She huffed out putting up her stubborn front like always. 

‘Well you don’t have many options unless your gonna stay with everyone else out there?” I said slowly stepping closer to her. 

“Or you can go stay out there somewhere.” She said watching me very careful as a stalked closer to her. 

“And pass this opportunity up? never.” I said smirking down at her. I was taller, looking down at her large doe eyes. 

“God you’re so irritating Juan Carlos.” She huffed out but didn’t move away from me. 

“I love it when you call me that.” I said smirking down at her. I couldn’t help myself around her. 

“By what? Your name?” She said squinting her eyes glaring me just a little only making it that much harder to hold myself back. But why the fuck am I holding myself back. Worst case she’ll slap me.

“Shut up.” I said before grabbing her cheeks in my hands and pressing my lips down against hers hard.  Y/N gasped but her lips responded naturally against my own. Her small hands gipped my at my arms trying to pull me down towards her. 

One hands traveled to the back of her neck gripping her hair as I deepened the kiss and the other traveled down her backside. Her hands travled her nails scratching at my chest. Guess Y/N was just as desperate as I was. 

“Shit” She mumbled as I felt the towel slip to the floor as her body was pressed against mine. I pulled away looking down at her perfectly sculpted curves. 

“God Y/N better then it could ever imagine.” I mumbled before leaning back down and capturing her lips. 

“Juice.” She mumbled into the kiss, her teeth grazing my lips as she slipped her tongue into my mouth. My arm slipped down under her ass picking her up. She quickly wrapped her legs around me as I walked across the room. 

I threw he down on my bed standing in between her legs. Her face was pink as she watched me. I smirked before letting myself down licking up all her wetness. My hands gripped her thighs holding her in place. I knew exactly what I was doing to her as I felt her shake under me. 

“Juice.” Y/N groaned out as her tights grasped around me. I smirked before moving up placing scattered kisses across her soft skin. Never ever felt skin so soft before. 

“I’m not done with you yet. “ I whispered before kissing her again. 

“Me neither” She mumbled back as her hands pulled at the waist band of my boxers. I could feel her warm hands clasp around me. I quickly grabbed her wrist before flipping her over, her ass looking more inviting then ever before. 

“Tell me you want this.” I mumbled as I lined myself up. 

“Juan Carlos put it in.” She said sending me that glare. That’s all I needed before slipping in. 

“Shit Y/N” I groaned as I pounded into her. The room filled with the sound of my hips meeting her ass that bounced back with ease. 

“Don’t stop.” She mumbled into the pillow, her face down, ass up. This didn’t even feel real anymore. There was so many times I imagined her in this position in the office. 

“Fuck.” I groaned one last time before pulling out letting my load over her ass.

“Not bad Juan Carlos.” Y/N said smirking up as me as she got out the bed walking back to my bathroom to clean up.  What the fuck did I get myself into now?

Juice Ortiz Imagine

pt 2



Working for a outlaw biker gang wasn’t really my plan. Not that I really had a plan as of now. I went to school and finished a bachelors in accounting. And honestly in the middle of damn no where California there wasn’t much options for a career.

Everyone knew who the Sons of Anarchy where. Someone to blind to see if more then just a auto shop or bike club. Some not enough to care that it’s more then a gang. And Others paid to not see it as anything else.

I was a friend of SAMCRO. Or more of I was on their payroll. For the last year I’ve been at the Teller Morrow Auto shop cleaning their books. Or making sure that the IRS or any government agent weren’t ever gonna tell it was more then just a auto shop.

I never knew all the details that the club was getting into but I didn’t know the millions in cash I had to right write off and make legit.

“Good morning sunshine.” Clay said as he walked into my office. It was his idea to hire me and his idea to get me my own office here. He was friends with my dad before he split. No one really knows where he is now. 

“Clay you need at least 12 cars in repair this week to get the books balanced.” I told him crossing my arms. They’ve been doing too many other job and I had no where to filter the money through.

“Don’t worry, the guys are on it.” He said as he placed an ice coffee on my desk. I smirked taking the peace offering knowing there’s still something else he was holding back.

“There’s another job the lads are doing tonight. The pay out is 500,000 each.” He said and I groaned.

“I can’t cycle that cash! That’s way too much for an auto shop.” I groaned banging my head against the desk.

“Your the best that’s why I have you.” He said before making his way out the office. No mechanic makes doesn’t even make that much in a year. God the IRS is going to take away my CPA.

“Here’s the sales tickets from yesterday.” A certain Puerto Rican said as he barged into my office.

“From yesterday?! Really Juice why are you the only one that’s always late?” I asked talking the crumbled papers from him.

“Yeah yeah don’t start with me, I’ve had a long night.” He said as he sunk into the chair in front of my desk. This is what we did. We bickered and argued and yet in a weird way craved each other’s attentions. It was like we couldn’t stop bothering each other.

“Something you need? Or you in here hiding in here to slack?” I asked him crossing my arms.

“You can ever just relax?” He asked smirking. His brown eyes had this certain twinkle in them.

“Not my job not to relax.” I rolled my eyes going back to my paperwork. I could feel his eyes on me for a few moments before he got up and left my office. 

Juice POV

(Y/n) always seemed out of it. Well more then the rest of us. I would be lying if I said I didn’t want her attention. It’s been a whole year since she’s been here. She kind of stayed out of club business just running the show backstage. Well more like running the money. 

I don’t think anyone understood how much she did. She was the smartest person here probably. I may have had some stupid crush on her and still do. Not there was a real chance of anything between us. 

“Who the hell took my yogurt!” A loud yelled rang through the shop. I knew exactly who it was, and damn Y/N had the most annoying scream.

“Your in deep shit.” Half sacked said eyeing the coconut yogurt I just finished. 

“Juan Carlos!” Y/N said in a stern voice as she walked right up to my bay. God she was so cute even with her face all red. 

“That was my lunch.” She whined crossing here arms over her chest. If looks could kill I’d already drop dead. 

“You know coconut my favorite.” I said giving her a grin. 

“You asshole you knew it was mine, why’d you take it.” Y/N groaned smacking my chest. 

“I was hungry, I didn’t know it was yours.” I said smirking down at her, she was fuming. I think I could see smoke blowing out her ears. 

“Who the hell else is eating coconut yogurt here? Happy? I don’t think so” Y/N sassed only making me laugh more. 

“This isn’t funny.” She whined her eyebrows frowned and her bottom lips pouting out just a little bit. 

“Your cute, now get these parts ordered.” I said patting her head handing over a purchase order form that I just filled out. 

“I can’t stand you Ortiz.” She grumbled snatching the papers out my hand before stomping off back to her office. 

“Grow up Juicy, that is not how you flirt with a women.” Tig chimed in only making me roll my eyes before throwing a oiled up rag at him. 


The rest of the day seemed to drag on as I worked through the file of paper work. Just as I thought I was ready to clock out I heard my office door open and a certain tattooed biker grinning down at me. He didn’t have his TM mechanic uniform on anymore, just a simple black t shirt and his cargo pants. Why’d he have to look so good in just a t shirt. 

“What do you want now?” I asked as Juice slipped into my office, his arms behind his back.

“I have my work orders for today.” He said bringing out the papers and placing them on my desk. 

“Oh wow on time?” I asked surprised as I got up gathering my things from behind the desk. 

“I’ll see you tmr boss.” Juice yelled out before hurrying out of my office. I turned around seeing he was already gone and a smoothie on my desk. I slowly picked it up confused, was he trying off me? There was a small yellow sticky note on the side 


That man had some nerve. 

The Longest Ride 7 - Finale

Devyn x Vince

Final chapter: Reckoning or redemption

Words: 2,055

Warnings: none

An: we’ve reached the end. I really enjoyed these two & the experience of writing this. It didn’t get an audience, but who knows what the coming months will bring. To the few who did join for the ride, thank you so much for reading. We were a little cozy club.

Fic info|previous|

Stopping at the red light, Devyn glances over at Vince. He’s gazing out the window. He was quiet most of the morning, she understood why. Whatever happens at the table today would be life changing. Her eyes linger on him a little longer before darting up to the rear view mirror, Duke is asleep in the back seat.

-Flashback - the night before ( a hotel out of town)

Vince’s lips were soft against her knuckles as he kissed them, one by one. “I called it. You’d be out halfway through the movie.”

Devyn opened her eyes and glanced up at him, “I’m completely awake.”

His deep laugh vibrates in his chest, she holds him a little tighter then rests eyes on the screen. Her heavy lids slowly close. Minutes later, Vince can tell she’s asleep again by the sound of her breathing.

“Ah, it’s alright baby, get some sleep, “Vince kissed the top of her head, burying his nose in her hair. He takes a moment to admire her before grabbing the remote and turning the tv off. “We have a big day tomorrow.”

“Mmmhmm.” she mumbled.

Vince glanced down and smiled. He didn’t know how tomorrow would go, if Jax would act on impulse and try to kill him on the spot, or if Devyn’s pleas would make a difference. Vince closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of her body against his. A light breeze dances through the curtains.

“I love you.” He whispered, his voice warm and deep.

Devyn opens her eyes and lifts herself up so she can see him. His gaze is soft, vulnerable. Devyn holds his face with her hands, looking deeply into his eyes.

“I love you, Vince.”

-Flashback over -

Just before the light changes, Devyn sets her eyes on the road again. A few seconds later she hears Vince laughing.

“What you got against the steering wheel?” He asked.

“Huh?” She glanced at him then back at the road.

“Baby, you’re holding on to it for dear life.”

“I didn’t realize,” she loosens her grip and takes a deep breath. They hit another red light.

“Hey,” he said softly, her eyes met his. Vince holds the side of her face and draws Devyn into a quick kiss. “Stop worrying.”

“Impossible, but thanks for the kiss.” She smiled at him, then stole one more kiss before the light changed.

Vince turns on the radio and exhales back against the seat. When a song he likes comes on, he turns it up. While singing along, his eyes occasionally shift to Devyn, she’s singing too. V ince rests a hand on her thigh with a squeeze. They just had to get past today. Then the world was theirs for the taking.

Back in Charming, they make a brief stop at Sabines and drop Duke off. After a couple of minutes, they head to the Clubhouse and park a block away. Once they exit the car, Devyn pulls Vince into a hug.

Its bittersweet being here. Bitter because the worse could happen. Sweet because it could mean freedom, a new life, a fresh start. Though Jax and her have drifted apart, she hoped he would honor her wish. There was no fixing all the things that went wrong with them, but he could give her this. Deep down, she hoped some parts of old Jax remained, the parts of him that would spare Vince’s life.

Vince moves his arms from around her neck and cups her face with his hands. His brown eyes are full of emotion as he speaks, “I don’t know how long this will take.”

Devyn swallows the lump in her throat, “yeah.”

Reluctantly, Vince steps away, breaking the hug. “You should head back to Sabine’s. Until it’s over.”

“No. I’ll be right here, no matter how long it takes.” She shoves her hands in her pockets.

Vince forces a smile, then turns away from her. Devyn leans back against the car, watching as he heads to the clubhouse. The worst case scenario continues to replay in her mind, her chest tightens.

“Vince, wait!”

She opens the backseat, grabs the kutte, then locks the car. Up ahead, Vince stops in place, he’s looking back at her now. Devyn tucks the kutte under her left arm and jogs over to him.

“Here,” she hands it off, Vince takes it, “I’m going in with you.”

“You don’t have to do that.” Vince rubs her shoulder. “If shit gets nasty in there, I don’t want you to see -”

Devyn stands on her toes to rest her forehead against Vinces. “I’m going in with you. And I’ll wait outside because I have to believe you are walking out of that door, intact, in one piece.” She pauses, looking deeply into Vinces eyes. “If he sees me, it will soften him up. I know it.”

Vince shakes his head and sighs, “you know him better than I do. I’ll trust you on this baby.”

She pulls his face closer and kisses him. “Okay, let’s go.”

Walking hand and hand, they turn the corner toward the clubhouse.

Alternating between pacing and sitting, it feels like hours have passed by. Upon entering the clubhouse some time ago, all the air was sucked out of the room at the sight of them. She could see the way the guys tensed up and looked to Jax for his response. This place that used to feel like home, was anything but now. This group that once felt like family, was now a bunch of strangers.

Jax was still, unmoving, his blue eyes cold as ice. But she knew him, she knew behind his chilly stare was something else, a glimpse of all the emotion he was holding back and burying deep inside.

Devyn didn’t stay long, she made herself seen then walked out. From then on, the waiting started. Whenever she dared to move closer to the front door, she could hear elevated voices from time to time, but thankfully nothing that sounded like a brawl, or worse, a gun.

When the front door finally opens, Devyn jumps up from the bench and walks over cautiously. Wringing her hands, she holds her breath to see who comes out. Jax appears with a cigarette between his fingers. Devyn peaks past him, trying to see inside the clubhouse.

“Where is he?” She asked, her question full of concern.

Jax takes a drag of the cigarette, his eyes fixed on her. “He’s fine.” He said, his words emotionless.

When Devyn lunges forward to get inside, he blocks her with his body and tosses the cigarette. Grabbing her by the shoulders, Jax forcibly moves her aside. Devyn pushes against him.

“Listen to me!” Jax raises his voice. “He’s fine. Just like you wanted.”

Devyn stares at him wildly, her heart pounding in her chest.

“No blood. Kept it clean, “his jaw tenses, “I’ll honor your wish, Devyn. But I don’t want to see his face in my town. The only reason he’s alive - is because of you.”

She wiggles out of his grip and takes a step back. Devyn wants to believe his words but won’t until she see’s Vince for herself.

“We’re gone, Jax. I’m leaving Charming.”

Jax lowers his head and sneers. His eyes land on the tossed cigarette, he rubs it out with his foot.

The sound of oncoming footsteps pulled her eyes back to the doorway. Vince appears behind Jax and makes his way over to her. Jax turns his head, watching Vince’s movements. Both men’s body language is tense, rigid.

Devyn sighs with relief and turns to Vince, “you okay?” she whispered. When she blinks, tears stream down her cheeks. Vince wipes then away.

“Yeah. I’m alright. Let’s go.”

Devyn reaches for his hand; she interlaces her fingers in his. “Let’s go.”

Devyn and Vince turn to leave. They take a few steps away from the clubhouse when Devyn glances back, Jax is still standing there. The tension in his expression is replaced by a heaviness, a sadness. Jax nods gently, breaks eye contact, then disappears back into the clubhouse.

5 months later

Devyn carries the pitcher of water outside and waters the first flower bed. It’s a nice day out. The New Mexico heat took some getting used to. Still, she fell in love with this place. Moving over to the next flower bed, she hears the familiar bike drive up. Smiling to herself, she continues to tend to the flowers.

“There’s my girl.”

Vince parks the bike and sets the helmet down. Devyn stands, leaving the pitcher on the ground. Vince wraps his arms around her waist before she can fully turn around, he covers the side of her face with kisses.

“Oh my favorite greeting,” she coos, leaning into it and holding his arms.

“How’s business today?” He asked.

“For now, slow. A few sales earlier, one of them pretty big. I have two clients later,” she faces him, they make eye contact, “want some lunch? Or did you eat at Joe’s?”

“I could eat,” he pauses, “Joe’s retiring. Giving up the shop.”

“Oh no, really?”

Joe was an older guy, in his late 60s, like the father Vince always wanted. He owned and operated a bike shop and was a lifelong motorcycle enthusiast. He was never in a club, but wanted to be. Him and Vince became instant friends, Joe also gave Vince a job repairing bikes. Joe was an intense yet sweet guy. He didn’t have any family left and took Vince in as a son, he doted on Devyn too. In 5 months time, Joe was family.

Vince smiled, “baby, we’re about to own a bike shop. He’s leaving it to me.”

“What! Oh my god, congrats baby.” Devyn kisses him, “let’s go inside, I’ll order something. Tell me all about it.”

She takes him by the hand, leading him inside the shop. Over lunch, Vince fills her in. They talk about their day and future plans. Before finishing up, Devyn steps away briefly to help some customers in the shop.

When she returns, Vince is working on clearing the table. Devyn stands behind him and rubs his shoulders. He moans and stops what he’s doing.

“That feels good.”

“You deserve it,” she brings her lips to his ear, “want to come back at 8, be client number three?”

“Do I get the deluxe package?” He grins, glancing back at her.

“The deluxe package is exclusive to you, and you alone.”

Vince brings his lips to Devyn’s in a kiss. “I love seeing you happy.” He said, admiring her.

Devyn grabs his shoulders. “I am happy. And you, I know you had to lose something you really wanted to get here. I’m sorry about that.”

“Hey,” Vince caresses her face, “what I tell you about that? Don’t even worry about it. I’m just a guy who loves bikes. No club, no kutte, “ he shrugs, “but I don’t need those things. Look at us, doing what we love,“ he pauses to kiss her forehead and thread his fingers in her hair, “we got a nice ass roof over our heads…and most importantly, we got each other. I’d pick you over a pack of sweaty guys in leather any day.”

Devyn takes a deep savoring breath and holds Vince tighter. From the moment she laid eyes on him, he quickened her pulse and made her heart race. Though getting here was difficult, she’d choose Vince a thousand times. This is home. This is peace. This is everything she ever wanted.

Her alarm goes off in the background. Her client would be here in 20 minutes. Devyn focuses on Vince, stroking his arms while gazing at him, “we did it. We made it.”

“Hell yeah we did,” he playfully bites her lower lip, “go on, I’ll clean this up. Get ready for your client.” He slaps her ass with a chuckle.

“Be back at 8 handsome.” She steals a kiss and heads out of the room.

Vince grins, “You bet your sweet ass I will.”

Devyn peaks inside the room and winks before disappearing down the hall.

thanks for reading reblogs greatly appreciated

