#sophia talks


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200 (202 exactly lol) FOLLOWERS!! ily guys so much

here’s mutual appreciation post as a thank you for 200 <3

@freddieweasleyswife my dear sab, ty for everything beautiful will defo be laying my head on ur shoulder pretty soon. ily! also, 3333 ;)

@amourtentiaa the first filipina I’ve met on tumblr dbsjndjd thank you for being there for me ilysmm

@sweeterthansammy sammy, babe ilysm<3 you have been there for me since the start and I just wanna say thank you:)

@accioweaslcy it all started w the george x filipino hc’s cjndjdbfj thank you for everything babe ilyyy

there are so much more mutuals that I am very thankful for and I just want you to know that i love you all so much

@cedwardcullen@accioweaslcy@chokemepansy@daisyyy2516@mrzweasley@fredshufflepuff@horrorxweasley@weasleytwinswheezes@weasleyyy@fredweasleyismyloverman@charlieswanwhore@darthwheezely and everyone else who follows me! you guys mean alot to me thank you so much for everything!!

also I may have forgotten a few people but that doesn’t mean you don’t mean as much to me as these people that I tagged here does! i love you all equally mwah
