

Secret Santa Event,

Day 12

This little story belongs to my Christmas project, a series of stories leading up to Christmas Eve! Check my Event Masterlist for more information, and have fun!

A/N: might contain interactions with my MCs Cloverand/orViolet(no spoilers ofc), but you don’t have to know them to understand the story!

In today’s story snippet, our dear Diavolo had the honour of recieving a present. Now, for a moment, try to think of something you could gift a literal prince…

Diavolo was raised to be hell’s ruler one day, so naturally, he had gotten the royal treatment since birth. Living in a giant castle, surrounded by butlers and maids that were at his side the second he was unsatisfied, Diavolo truly lived what most would call the best life.

Weirdly enough, if you’d ask Diavolo himself, he would probably not say the same.

He could not complain, not about the standards he was able to live by. Especially with Barbatos at his side, he couldn’t possibly whine about that.

And I’d say it’s also not the heavy weight of being a prince, one that will one day lead one of the three realms, all by himself. He is smart, and strong, physically as well as mentally.

However, there was one thing that Diavolo lacked…

One thing that his life of a royal demon did not give him…


Beelzebub was sat at his desk, a paper in front of him and a pen in his hand. He was trying to come up with gift ideas for the secret Santa project.

Although it it turned out terribly difficult to come up with anything good.

With Diavolo as his partner, it truly was a challenge to think of something that the wealthiest demon in the Devildom didn’t already have. Like, seriously, what do you gift someone who must already possess everything you could buy with money?!

Beel had thought of everything, really.

Besides the (more or less obvious) food options, his favourite ideas were something like a potted plant or a pet came to his mind. Both were things that Beel enjoyed to take care of, but he felt stupid about those ideas as well.

‘He could also get some himself if he wanted to.’

That thought eliminated about every idea that Beel could think of.

And so, the demon of Gluttony had thought and pondered and contemplated and brainstormed – but without success.

Frustrated, Beel rested his head on his desk. His mind wandered to Diavolo as a person…

And led him to the conclusion that there indeed was something that Diavolo didn’t have.

That he on his own, couldn’t get.

“He must feel lonely a lot.”

And Beel’s brainstorming continued…


“Good morning, Beelzebub!”

Diavolo stepped inside the student council’s office room. “What brings you here, on a Monday afternoon? Don’t you have club activities?”

Hurrying to finish his sandwich, Beel shook his head. “I talked to the coach, it’s fine.”

“Oh, really? It’s rare for you to skip practice. Are you not feeling good today?”

Again, Beel shook his head. He stood up to meet Diavolo’s gaze properly.

“No, I’m fine. But I wanted to talk to you.”

The prince’s eyes widened. “C… Could it be…” They shimmered in excitement. “…That you…” And he couldn’t contain his joy. “…Are my Santa Claus?!”

Beel gave a nod, leading to Diavolo eagerly looking around the room in search of a present. When he couldn’t find anything, he mumbled a n irritated “uhm…” towards his Santa.

“I’m sorry, your present is not here right now…” Beel admitted. “It was a little too big for me to bring it here, so I delivered it to your castle before school.”

“Ah, I see…” Diavolo said, going back into a contained stance. He was trying his best to hide his curiosity – and the urge of running to see what was waiting for him at home.

“But I wanted to talk to you about it” Beel continued. “What you’ll find at home is only a part of my present. Uhm… The main present is something I would like to tell you.”

The two demons sat down to talk, and Beel pulled out some snacks to share together.

“So, I thought about what to get you for Christmas… And to be honest, I had a hard time coming up with anything. We always spend a lot of time together in the student council meetings, and whenever you invite us to your formal parties… So I feel like we are friends. Get along, at least. But that is the point… We’re not really behaving like friends very often.”

He looked up in determination.

“I’d like to change that.”

Surprise crossed Diavolo’s face. But he let Beelzebub continue.

“It must be tough being a prince. You’re not really able to behave friend-like with others much. Or at least, that is my impression. So… My present is an invitation. To a pajama party at the house of Lamentation.”

“… Really?” The prince’s mouth had fallen open slightly. “But I’ve proposed that idea to Lucifer before, and he was against it…”

“Yeah” Beel laughed in resignation. “It took some time convincing him. I had promise to not eat the fridge empty for the next month, and also… This is where your other present comes in to play.”


After school, Diavolo hurried to get home.

Beel’s words rung in his ears as he entered the main hall, heading directly to his room:

'See it as a countdown, but also a companion to take care of.’

Pushing his door open, Diavolo saw…

A big, potted plant, decorating his room.

The cryptic descriptions Beel had given now slowly connected.

So Diavolo bursted out into laughter.

'I won’t spoil your present, but I’d like you to take good care of it.’

The prince inspected it more closely, and identified it as a Pentafruit-plant. It was known to bear fruits once a year, sometimes twice if taken care of well, and the sweet, tasty berries always showed the signature pentagram on their lower side.

'Lucifer agreed that once it’s time to harvest the fruits of your labour, we will organise a sleepover party just for you.’

“That’s certainly a present I did not expect” Diavolo chuckled.

He promised himself to stay up today to find out what his new little companion likes and dislikes…

… So that Diavolo would be able to have fun with the friends be loved very, very soon.
