#sorry for swearing



I love how clowns of this fandom like to point out how uwu toxic and unhealthy Blake and Yang are for each other, and most of their points are flaws that both of the characters worked on to change and get better. Makes you think that these people have never had friends or any other kinds of relationships.

News flash, relationships have conflicts, but there is a big difference between a conflict in a healthy relationship and conflict in an unhealthy and abusive relationship, and that is actually trying to change some aspects of the relationship together, which is something we saw Blake and Yang do in the show. For example, Blake realising with Sun’s help that running away to save those she loves is a bad option, and decided to fight that urge and stay with her loved ones to fight along side them.

Another thing, Blake and Yang never bonded only because of the shared trauma, they were friends and cared for each other way before volume 3 finale. It is as if they were, you know???? Partners!?!?? And like hung out together and had emotional and serious talks way before v3 finale. Are people forgeting their talks in volume 2?? In the classroom and on mountain glenn? Or that Yang was extremly worried about Blake when they found out that she’s a faunus?

And most of all, Adam hurt Yang becauseBlakecared deeply about her. Thats the whole point why that whole scene is “”“romantically coded”“”. Its not coded in the sense that its “oh how romantic uwu”, but it has conotations that Yang is a person Blake loves to the point that Adam, her ex, feels threatened by her because she is standing in the way of Blake’s affection, which he wants all to himself.

In conclusion, all of the points that I’ve seen on why “bum/bleby is toxic and unhealthy boo hoo” are total bullshit and basically scraping the bottom of the barrel for anything that could be called “an argument”.
