#fucking thank you




It’s funny when I say “we definitely need another lockdown” how people are like “that would tank the economy!!!!1!!” like I give a damn. My life as an immunocompromised person matters more than the economy, so do the lives of everyone else. I survived 2008. I’d be fine.

I don’t give a fuck about the economy, about your social life, about anything but my survival and the survival of other medically fragile people. We are not a reasonable sacrifice, we are not acceptable loss. Ableism is ingrained at the very core of modern society and this pandemic has been a horrific show of it. More people died of COVID in 2021 than they did in 2020. This is simply because able bodied people got tired of living in a pandemic and started pretending it wasn’t happening.


I highly appreciate the “happy ending” tag on angst fics, dark fics, etc. Its existence increases the probability of me reading by a significant amount

but some people are like “why even read those fics if you already know how they’re gonna end?”

Well, it’s kinda like going on a roller-coaster. I wanna experience the ride. The ups and the downs, the twists and turns. But I also wanna know that at the end, it’ll come to a safe stop and I’ll be able to get off of it completely unharmed



christ i’m actually seeing people insist that dyke is not a slur now as if that’s a necessary justification for wlw to be able to say it? why are people so fucking terrified of what reclamation actually means? the point isn’t to make a weapon used against you so meaningless that target feels safe to sell it back to you on a shirt, it is transgressive and shocking to say “so what if i am that? i am the words that have been the last thing people have fucking heard before being bashed”. don’t insert yourself into a words history and then deny its weaponization, WIELD IT against your oppressors!!

people who get super fucking mad about queer or dyke being acknowledged as slurs because god forbid their identity be acknowledged as transgressive or shocking to cishet sensibilities, or their history be connected to those who have had those words spat with greater venom, are seeking assimilation. if you want the words you describe yourself with to be so enfolded into capitalism that cops feel safe calling themselves queer then what are you actually fighting for?

tenebrae-blackwood:Photo : Olivier Lovey Play piercing : Monseigneur Spectre Del Vaticano Modèle :


Photo : Olivier Lovey
Play piercing : Monseigneur Spectre Del Vaticano
Modèle :Tenebrae Blackwood
à TribeHole Body Arts

Post link


White Pagans stop calling non European polytheistic religions “Pagan” and for fucks sakes shut the fuck up, get off of your high horses, and listen to the native people who practice those religions for once challenge.

White witches stop calling every traditional cultural/spiritual practice “witchcraft” and for fucks sakes stop arguing, accept you are wrong, listen and learn for once challenge.


I love how clowns of this fandom like to point out how uwu toxic and unhealthy Blake and Yang are for each other, and most of their points are flaws that both of the characters worked on to change and get better. Makes you think that these people have never had friends or any other kinds of relationships.

News flash, relationships have conflicts, but there is a big difference between a conflict in a healthy relationship and conflict in an unhealthy and abusive relationship, and that is actually trying to change some aspects of the relationship together, which is something we saw Blake and Yang do in the show. For example, Blake realising with Sun’s help that running away to save those she loves is a bad option, and decided to fight that urge and stay with her loved ones to fight along side them.

Another thing, Blake and Yang never bonded only because of the shared trauma, they were friends and cared for each other way before volume 3 finale. It is as if they were, you know???? Partners!?!?? And like hung out together and had emotional and serious talks way before v3 finale. Are people forgeting their talks in volume 2?? In the classroom and on mountain glenn? Or that Yang was extremly worried about Blake when they found out that she’s a faunus?

And most of all, Adam hurt Yang becauseBlakecared deeply about her. Thats the whole point why that whole scene is “”“romantically coded”“”. Its not coded in the sense that its “oh how romantic uwu”, but it has conotations that Yang is a person Blake loves to the point that Adam, her ex, feels threatened by her because she is standing in the way of Blake’s affection, which he wants all to himself.

In conclusion, all of the points that I’ve seen on why “bum/bleby is toxic and unhealthy boo hoo” are total bullshit and basically scraping the bottom of the barrel for anything that could be called “an argument”.


it’s crazy that people think “women can be bad/evil too” is like a revolutionary new take that now needs to be said because feminism (which in their minds is “women are good”) has successfully run its course and and we need to swing back in the other direction to restore balance or something. as if the idea that women are evil wicked slutty resentful conniving gold-digging liars who take advantage of society’s sympathy towards them to manipulate situations to their advantage and fuck men over hasn’t been like a core tenant of misogyny since the dawn of civilization



This is gonna be a controversial take, but I just had to unfollow two queer fandom folk whom I’ve otherwise never felt the need to challenge over it, so:

Good Omens, the book, was not originally written as a queer love story.

Good Omens, in any adaptation–including but not limited to the TV show is not obligated to be a queer love story, either.

Neil Gaiman is not being a bad ally by being vague about the potential (or lack of potential) for a queer love story in Good Omens, the product he wrote with a friend in 1990 or any adaptions of said media because Good Omens is a comedy with biblical themes about the thwarting of the end of the world. Whether or not a queer romance (by your personal definition of what is queer enough) can be derived from that is, honestly?, not Neil Gaiman’s responsibility. No creator owes you the story you want exactly how you want it. They couldn’t even do that if they tried, in fact.

By playing this “wait and see” card re: Good Omens S2, Gaiman isn’t trying to trick you (re: queerbaiting). He’s trying not to spill the beans on a property that is still in production – a pretty normal thing to do in this age of rampant parasocialism and concerns re: the impact of spoilers on the consumer experience.

If you motherfuckers want blatant queer romances with kissing/sex or whatever else you feel you need to check the “yep this is canon” box you’ve built, then there is other media out there and other creators you can bully discuss their content with, hopefully with WAY more basic human decency than you’ve exhibited about Good Omens at its co-creator previously.

The knowledge you would all be just as shitty to Prachett if he were alive is equally disheartening.

Stop being Like That. If you aren’t having fun here, go the fuck home.

The fact that the original book, from 1990, plays around with the idea of mythical beings not having genders and the confusion that ensues at all tells you that this was always ambiguously up for discussion. And it was similarly not an accident that it was taken further with the show, while still letting people of various experiences see themselves in the characters. Sometimes creators just want as many people as possible to be able to relate, and I can’t think of a better vehicle for that than Good Omens! This is a GOOD THING.

exzire:A little edit I did to make Nami more natural/realistic (originally posted on twitter but gon


A little edit I did to make Nami more natural/realistic (originally posted on twitter but gonna put it here too)

Post link



ive been on tumblr a long time and i remember when everyone said “oh don’t romanticize mental illness” and it was agreed that doing that was gross and a good way to kill people indirectly

but somehow we’ve come full circle and there are people who legit defend their right to be anti-recovery there are people who don’t want to get better and spread the idea that you can’t get better as if it’s gospel and it’s fucking frightening to me bc nobody seems to want to say “hey? this is toxic and untrue and is your disease speaking, and it’s not something you should accept.”

and i feel like every recovery post gets about 500 of these people saying “this isn’t something that will work” “cool karen i’m depressed” “maybe it worked for you but it won’t work for other people” and that’s… just… im so sorry if you’re 15. i’m sorry if you’re in high school and watching grown adults tell you it doesn’t get better. that nobody says that with time and help and patience the world stops being so heavy, that accepting your illness as a fact is one thing but accepting it as the only way to be is just wrong, that you can learn to live with it and still find some degree of “happy”…. if i had seen this shit back when i was … oh god starting at 12 when i was already self-harming …. i think i’d have actually honest-to-god killed myself. not a joke, not a funny tumblr punchline, i would have actually just killed myself. 

i’m saying this right here and right now to the adults on this site. if you for any reason shoot down positivity that’s causing no harm - you might have indirectly worsened someone else’s condition, and you should try and do better in the future. if you find it necessary to tell people “recovery is a lie”, you need to do better. i know everyone has different circumstances, but i also know that mental illness behaves in such a way that everyone thinks they can’t recover.  if you feel like you should be spreading the Word Of Relapse, you are causing toxic language to be normalized and you need to do better. 

im team “cool karen ive got depression and that means i’m going to try this because i’ve got to try something” i’m team “romanticize recovery” i’m team “it isn’t working now but it might in the future and it’s worth staying to find out” im team “hey this didn’t work for me but it might help somebody else out”

fuck guys it shouldn’t be an unpopular opinion to say “i don’t want any of you to die”.

Oh thank fuck someone finally said it!
