#sorry for the japanese term - im too used to it



  • A month after being hired as a waiter, Keith is working when a funny-looking client walks in:
  • They wear sunglasses -despite the rain,- a mask that covers his mouth, and a blue sweater with a hoodie. Apart from that, their way of walking is particular to say the least, and they keep looking at every corner of the store.
  • Keith immediately thinks ‘A thief!’ Yet, he chooses to wait and see if that’s the case.
  • This eccentric client heads to an unoccupied table and sits.
  • Keith warily goes and hands them a menu, while welcoming them to the Altea Bakery.
  • The client stares at him and request a coffee.

‘Would you want anything else? Keith says, remembering Shiro’s advice on saying ‘Would’ instead of ‘Do.’

‘You’d like that, don’t ya?’ The client mocks.

‘…I’ll take that as a no.’ Keith is at a lost, so he gives the only non-rude reply he can think of.

  • In the meanwhile, he continues to take orders from his other clients, most of them women from a nearby college and some old woman that take dance classes in the building next to theirs.
  • Still, Keith feels eyes stabbing his back, and everytime he looks for the source it’s that odd, now annoying, client of his.
  • Inside the bakery’s kitchen, while waiting for Shiro to finish with an order, he sighs.
  • Shiro notices, so he puts his hand on Keith’s shoulder and asks:

‘Everything OK?’



‘…Just this client -yeah, that one with the sun glasses- keeps staring and it’s getting annoying.’

Shiro looks to the client Keith previously pointed and sighs, ‘He looks like needs attention.’

To which Keith scoffs.

‘Done! There you go!’

‘Oh, thanks.’ Keith says, taking the finished meal.

  • When he gives the annoying client the coffee, they grunt and mumble something Keith doesn’t understand.
  • Just when he’s about to ask what’s their problem, Allura comes from behind him and smacks his client in the head with a rolled magazine.

‘Allura! What’re you doing?!’ Keith panics.

‘Hmph.’ Allura ignores him and stares at his client, ‘Lance, how many times have I told you not to annoy my workers!?’

‘Pff!! Lance? Who is- Hey! Give that back!!’ His client, Lance, complaints as Allura takes his glasses away.

‘Hm? What was that, Lance?’

‘…Fine! You got me!’

‘Wasn’t difficult. Shiro recognised you immediately.’

Lance gasps and exclaims, ‘Oh, the betrayal!’

‘Shut it! Why are you here anyway?’ Allura inquiries.

‘Can’t I help a friend by being a loyal customer?’

When Allura raises her eyebrow higher than Keith thought possible, Lance continues, ‘OK! Fine! It’s hisfault!’

‘Huh?’ Keith, who had been quiet until that moment, asks, ‘How is it my fault that you come here to do who-knows-what?’

‘Don’t play fool, you customers thief!’

‘What?’ Keith and Allura say at the same time, however, Allura looks her surroundings and then grins and says, ‘Oh, so that’s how it is.’

´Keith.’ She addresses him, ‘Lance here -he works at the Garrison’s- noticed that our female clients have increased.’

‘Hmph! I deny it.’

She ignores him and continues, ‘Yes, it’s true, our clients have increased… afteryour arrival.’ She winks at him while wrapping her arms on his. ‘In other words, Lance is jealous you are more popular than him.’

‘What?!’ This time, it’s Keith and Lance who speak at the same time.

‘No way! I am here in an official mission for the Garrison.’ Lance counters back.

‘Don’t let him annoy you too much, Keith. And you,’ she says, pointing at Lance, ‘behave.’

‘Bossy, are you?’ Lance winks his eye…. and gets a smack to his head. ‘Ouch…’

  • Allura walks away leaving an astonished Keith and a smacked Lance behind.
  • In the end, Lance leaves not before calling him his ‘Rival’ or something.
  • That day, Keith learns two things:
  • Although Allura claims Shiro to be overprotective, she is too -which is kind of cute,- and…
  • Allura’s smacks are highlydangerous.