#sorry i had to do this


-my feelings about Subaru


-and my poor Yusuke…


erwin reads to levi when he can’t fall asleep at night

and levi tries his best not to let erwin’s voice lull him into a dream because he wants to stay in the moment just a little while longer…

… But eventually he does fall asleep. What Levi doesn’t know, is that Erwin stops reading for a second once he notices that Levi is asleep. He looks at him, soft and defenseless and looking young,as if slumber took him back to years he didn’t really live where he didn’t have to put up an armour to protect himself not only from titans, but especially from people - because no matter what, they all die in the end, don’t they? And the only one left alive will always be Levi.

Erwin looks at him, caring and l o v i n g (a word he doesn’t dare to say out loud, their world is too dangerous for feelings and it’s better this way anyway - it has to be) and he just smiles. He smiles, and gently brushes back in place a strand of Levi’s hair that’s fallen on his eyes.

Erwin smiles, and then goes back to reading, hoping his voice will keep the nightmares away and let Levi get some deserved and so much needed sleep.
