#sorry otl

 OTP Soundtrack || “Just Your Problem” PruHun side     >> Illustrations by: mamiko OTP Soundtrack || “Just Your Problem” PruHun side     >> Illustrations by: mamiko OTP Soundtrack || “Just Your Problem” PruHun side     >> Illustrations by: mamiko OTP Soundtrack || “Just Your Problem” PruHun side     >> Illustrations by: mamiko OTP Soundtrack || “Just Your Problem” PruHun side     >> Illustrations by: mamiko OTP Soundtrack || “Just Your Problem” PruHun side     >> Illustrations by: mamiko OTP Soundtrack || “Just Your Problem” PruHun side     >> Illustrations by: mamiko OTP Soundtrack || “Just Your Problem” PruHun side     >> Illustrations by: mamiko OTP Soundtrack || “Just Your Problem” PruHun side     >> Illustrations by: mamiko

OTP Soundtrack || “Just Your Problem” PruHun side
     >> Illustrations by: mamiko/saica
     >> Lyrics based on: I’m Just Your Problem ||Adventure Time|| Marshall Lee versionbyAshe

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This is long overdue, but I really just want to thank you all for all the kind words and support. OhThis is long overdue, but I really just want to thank you all for all the kind words and support. Oh

This is long overdue, but I really just want to thank you all for all the kind words and support. Oh my gosh, I remember a particular time when I almost deleted this blog, hahah OTL~ I’m so glad I didn’t or I’d miss all of you wonderful wonderful people~

I read every single message/ask I receive, I promise. But if I haven’t answered yours, I’m sorry. Life gets in the way of everything OTL

To the ones who are requesting for more posts of particular pairings (specially if they’re in my main OTPs), don’t worry ^^ I always remember to post some when I have free time.

Let’s keep the heterotalia hype up!

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