

Extradimensional lovers: for when being in the same time and place is overrated. He sends you his presence throughout the day, broadcasting thoughts into your mind. His lust for you surpasses the limits of a corporeal form, a sensuality beyond simple touch. Foreign and intangible, unknowable, aberrant love.

SoulmatesPuzzle #026I was playing my friend’s Innistrad block cube, and my cards accidentally got kn

Puzzle #026

I was playing my friend’s Innistrad block cube, and my cards accidentally got knocked off the table in the middle of my match! Normally, that wouldn’t be too much of a problem, but I drafted a bant soulbond/flicker deck. Which means my creatures pairings have been bouncing around the entire match. Now I can’t remember who’s paired with who!

I controlled eight creatures (each of which can be seen above) and each creature was paired with something. I may not remember how the creatures were paired, but I do remember this about my field:

  • Only four of my creatures could block a creature with flying.
  • Only one pair of creatures shared a color with each other.
  • Only three of my creatures had a toughness of 5 or greater.

Can you help me figure out who each creature is paired with?

Think you’ve solved it? The solution can be found here.

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