







1.)Haunted campout in a northern forest where strange beasts lurk in the distance and whispers of the unquiet dead keep you awake through the long dark night 
2.)The Joker is probably getting ready to murder you horribly in an abandoned warehouse
3.)Killer Croc hunts you through the Gotham sewers, occasionally eating corpses 
4.)Man has pleasant vanilla sex with a monster in cheap motel bed
5.)You’re the last gunslinger marching across a dreary wasteland after the world has moved on, pursuing the man in black across the desert while the machines of the old world still hum their death throes

6.)woman flees across frozen tundra from evil mechanical whales from another dimension
7.)frightend young boy is chased through forest by the Wild Hunt and their eldritch hounds

8.)Baba Yaga has kidnapped you and prepares to cannibalize you as part of a hearty and well-balanced meal 
9.)Drinking a stolen soda at the bottom of the Mariana Trench and burping from the highly-pressurized gas
10.)mute woman has quiet sexy encounter with an amphibious monster in an aquarium
11.) n00b necromancer digs up bones from a church graveyard for the first time, crying with guild and anxiety as angry spirits murmur in anger at her trespassing

12.) Hiding scared and alone in the dark as the fabric of reality is unwoven by interdimensional forces beyond our understanding, and the world as we know it comes to a dark and brutal end
13.)Amateur cryptid-hunter hikes alone through woods on a breezy summer’s day, searching for evidence of the paranormal and oblivious to danger
14.)lesbian lumberjack chops down tree in the early morning while thinking dreamily about her new wife

15.)It is the year 12,021 and you have accidentally stumbled upon a nuclear waste disposal site from thousands of years ago. A hologram of an ancient atomic priest appears and addresses you with a pre-recorded warning.

16.)Your boss has been murdered in a coup and you have been captured by the enemy. Every day you are dosed with a poison to keep you from escaping and for uncomprehensible reasons you are forced to milk a hairless cat for the antidote.

17.) You are weary and exhausted, beaten down from your dead-end job and your shitty apartment in a crime-ridden city. Nothing seems fun or magical anymore, and your love life is in shambles. One night, as a storm rolls in from sea, you are summoned by the voice of a predatory siren who wants to lure you beneath the waves to be her dinner.

18.)You are trying to play a family-friendly Dunevideo game from 2004 on an emulator but it won’t load past the main menu selection screen.

19.)You are writing a tearful letter to your parents explaining that you have just run away with the circus and don’t plan to return.

20.)A zombie receives oral pleasure from another zombie under the bleachers at a MSU sportsball game. 
