#sounds like a personal problem


I know I haven’t been on here in months but I’m just back to let yall know that today I successfully defended my thesis, and I am now a master of fine arts!!!!!

me wanting people to think my family is cool and radical vs me wanting people to know just how much of a dick my dad is - fight


finding out that mdma won’t work for me because I’m on an ssri after waiting 2 months to take it with my gf on our anniversary (and after literally taking it so now the pill is being wasted on me) >>>>>>>>

like holy fuck sorry to throw a pity party but this actually sucks fucking ass. I was looking forward to it so much and I was so ready to feel euphoria tonight, but instead I’m getting wine drunk so I can at least feel Something :/ and it’s fully my fault for not thinking about how my medication would impact the experience so now I’m just fucking angry at myself

finding out that mdma won’t work for me because I’m on an ssri after waiting 2 months to take it with my gf on our anniversary (and after literally taking it so now the pill is being wasted on me) >>>>>>>>

recent photos of my extremely photogenic cat, moki

oh dear I have so many unanswered messages and asks, some dating back years sorry everyone this will likely happen again due to who I am as a person

my emotions range from “pure joy” to “pure rage” but mostly I’m just tired

I want to break myself open!!! I can’t fuckin write and I need to write, and to write I need to engage deeply with my emotions, and I can’t do that because it’s just Too Much right now! I just want to stay safe on the surface of myself and that is simply not compatible with poetry???? but I can’t access myself at this point. but I have to because I have to finish my thesis. like I’m just straight up avoiding myself you know? like, me? I don’t know her?? but I can’t write well from a place of avoidance. my thesis advisor is so blatantly tired of my bullshit, and I’m tired of it too. I want to be real again. I haven’t been real in so long I forget what real is.


In the spirit of writing advice…

1. Write whatever the hell you want

2. “Except—” NOPE! No exceptions! Write literally whatever! 

3. If you’re posting a story somewhere online, be careful to tag it and age-restrict it responsibly

4. If your goal is to portray something that you don’t have experience with in a non-offensive way, then sensitivity readers are a GREAT resource

5. Your writing isn’t shit. Brains are mean.

6. Like…even if your writing WAS shit, that’s still somebody else’s problem

7. For traditional narratives: You can usually mess up the plot and hold onto your audience?? From what I’ve seen, people tend to get annoyed at plot holes, but PISSED at messy character writing. If you have to save one element, I say let it be the characters.

8. Themes are yummy and can unify an otherwise patchwork story

9. If you don’t like/believe in the story you’re telling, your audience will be able to tell

10. I luff u

absolutely living for the energy of “if your writing is shit it’s someone else’s problem”
