#well you’re not the intended audience



In the spirit of writing advice…

1. Write whatever the hell you want

2. “Except—” NOPE! No exceptions! Write literally whatever! 

3. If you’re posting a story somewhere online, be careful to tag it and age-restrict it responsibly

4. If your goal is to portray something that you don’t have experience with in a non-offensive way, then sensitivity readers are a GREAT resource

5. Your writing isn’t shit. Brains are mean.

6. Like…even if your writing WAS shit, that’s still somebody else’s problem

7. For traditional narratives: You can usually mess up the plot and hold onto your audience?? From what I’ve seen, people tend to get annoyed at plot holes, but PISSED at messy character writing. If you have to save one element, I say let it be the characters.

8. Themes are yummy and can unify an otherwise patchwork story

9. If you don’t like/believe in the story you’re telling, your audience will be able to tell

10. I luff u

absolutely living for the energy of “if your writing is shit it’s someone else’s problem”
