#source bug fables

Real talk, if you want to know why Paper Mario fans are upset that Paper Mario “changed,” please pla

Real talk, if you want to know why Paper Mario fans are upset that Paper Mario “changed,” please play Bug Fables and note how it’s different than Paper MarioandTTYD, yet simultaneously in the same vein. This is how you make a sequel, by iterating on and enhancing an idea rather than throwing it out and making something entirely different. Had Paper Mario gone this route, the fandom would not be the divided mess it is today, and I’ll stand by that statement.

I know that now isn’t a great time to be buying things, given the state of the world, but if you’re fortunate enough to have a spare $25 for something fun, please support Moonsprout Games by getting Bug Fables. If the past of video games must die, let us build a brighter future.

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