

After sitting on the sidelines, Met this mutual cutie, @bertdoesart , at Southern Decadence and he showed me a great time. ❤️

Here’s where you can catch me dancing next!#bearracuda #southerndecadence #nola (at One Eyed

Here’s where you can catch me dancing next!
#bearracuda #southerndecadence #nola (at One Eyed Jacks)

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You, before and after any bear event… #katyazamolodchikova #katya #rpdr #bearevent #hibearnat

You, before and after any bear event… #katyazamolodchikova #katya #rpdr #bearevent #hibearnation #northamericanbearweekend #tbru #tidalwaveparty #bearweek #ptownbearweek #kcbearcrossing #furflee #drenchedfur #southerndecadence #biggervegas #convergence #bearrun #beefdip

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