


So sore!!!!!

Man my legs are so sore!!!! But I had a lot of fun yesterday. Hiked to Jemez Falls because I’ve been wanting to see it for awhile. Weather was beautiful and I got some more sun. My arms are brown, baby!!!! I was actually hoping to get a little more before the summer ends and I always get some color when I go to Jemez haha. The hike was a rock scramble but I feel stronger and more confident after doing it. When I saw all the rocks I had to get down to see the falls, I was thinking: “Wow, I actually climbed down all that!”. No wonder my legs are so sore lol

Well, we had some good food too. Yum, love Los Ojos saloon and bar ❤️❤️❤️❤️ But I worked it off on the hike


Beautiful Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs -another part of my birthday trip. Can’t wait to go back and see more of it!!!!
