
Artist Titia Ex works with light, movement and spatial perception in this project, Flower from the U

Artist Titia Ex works with light, movement and spatial perception in this project, Flower from the Universe http://ow.ly/ySCdP

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Ask Ethan: Does Our Universe Have More Than 3 Spatial Dimensions?

“My question is has the 4th [spatial] dimension been proven to exist or is it just theoretical? If it does exist how was it proven to exist? If it’s theoretical why do we think it might exist?”

Having three spatial dimensions is nice, but just like when you go to a restaurant, wouldn’t it be nice if they gave you something, I don’t know, a little bit “extra” for your enjoyment? The fourth spatial dimension hasn’t been proven to exist, as we have no direct evidence for it. But it’s worth considering, and there are plenty of both physical and mathematical reasons for it.

Take a look inside and see what you think for yourself!


DSC_2145by Russell Moreton
Via Flickr:
Studio Works, Alternative Photography/Spatial Practices
