


At the beach, you play a game. Rock-Paper-Scissors or whatever. Whoever lost will need to sacrifice their shorts to wrap up the valuables. Phones, wallets… you can’t just leave it lying around.

Jesse lost, and his long shorts are now keeping their valuables safe.

He will just have to spend the day in his tight green speedos, taking one for the team! As luck would have it, he forgot his shades and his shy eyes were captured in every photo.

 You’ll never look that cool, unless you’re in speedos!

You’ll never look that cool, unless you’re in speedos!

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Small packages may contain big personalities.There’s no shame in wearing speedos if you have one!

Small packages may contain big personalities.

There’s no shame in wearing speedos if you have one!

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If you dare to make a bet, you have to dare to pay the price.Shawn learned this the hard way, when h

If you dare to make a bet, you have to dare to pay the price.

Shawn learned this the hard way, when he lost a game of foosball the night before.

Since he lost, he would have to spend the day on his boat in only a pair of speedos.

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Ted is not used to this.He forgot his swimwear, so his “best” buddy loaned him a pair of speedos to

Ted is not used to this.

He forgot his swimwear, so his “best” buddy loaned him a pair of speedos to wear alone.

All he could think about was how tight the speedos were, and how awkward it must have made him look. But he just had to grin and bear with it.

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It was a social experiment.

If one person wore speedos, it would be more likely that others joined in the speedo-wearing fun.

If it worked, they would all be speedo bros. If it failed, he would be the only one in speedos, forever ridiculed for his choice of swimwear.


Hank knew what he was getting into. He took a deep breath, yanked off his shorts and unveiled his white speedos at the beach.

Instinctively, his besties Ronny and Hashim took off his shorts and revealed their green speedos. But nobody else moved.

There was a chuckle, which then broke out into a laugh. The two remaining mates left their shorts on and made some jokes at Hank and his besties’ expense. But secretly, they were jealous of their confidence.

Photos were taken, but Hank had a great group of friends going. Eventually, they would all convert to being speedo wearers. A speedo revolution is coming!


Philip always wore a pair of speedos under his shorts at the pool party.

When his friend forgot his swim gear, Philip offered either his speedos or his shorts to his friend. He hoped his friend would pick the speedos, because he had wore a small tight speedos today.

But his friend immediately chose the shorts because he didn’t want to be just wearing a pair of speedos in public. This meant that Philip had to be stuck in the tight red speedos. But at least the patterns sort of concealed his bulge. He certainly didn’t appreciate his friend drawing attention to his speedos. Perhaps he shouldn’t have offered a choice!

Before the pool shoot, the models drew lots for the outfits to be worn.Armie was forced to wear a pa

Before the pool shoot, the models drew lots for the outfits to be worn.

Armie was forced to wear a pair of speedos, even though he would have much preferred the shorts.

To make things worse, the photo was taken from a low angle which put his crotch in prominence. He was certainly hoping that the shrinkage from the cold winds wouldn’t be evident.

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Before the photoshoot, the models drew lots for the outfits to be worn.Pete was given a pair of spee

Before the photoshoot, the models drew lots for the outfits to be worn.

Pete was given a pair of speedos to wear, even though he would have chosen the black shorts if he had the chance.

He would be the focus of the photo, exposing his body for the world to critique. Except, no one realised that his fuzzy pubes were peeking out of the speedos.

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Swim Coach Rule 14:When it’s the coach’s birthday, everyone must be in speedos for the beach barbecu

Swim Coach Rule 14:

When it’s the coach’s birthday, everyone must be in speedos for the beach barbecue. Except the coach of course, it IS his birthday. And he makes the rules.

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When someone gives you a gift, you can’t turn it down.Tony learned this the hard way, when his frien

When someone gives you a gift, you can’t turn it down.

Tony learned this the hard way, when his friend offered to give him a swimsuit because he forgot to bring his to the beach.

He had to wear those white, revealing speedos at the beach. He couldn’t be more mortified when his friend wanted a picture to commemorate his act of generosity.

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Standing out in a crowd is one thing, but fading into the background is another.Trent thought his fr

Standing out in a crowd is one thing, but fading into the background is another.

Trent thought his friends were joking when they said they would wear speedos to the lifesaving competition.

In the end, he was left looking like a tool in his black shorts. Everyone else had worn speedos. He should pack his speedos next time instead!

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At the beach, you play a game. Rock-Paper-Scissors or whatever. Whoever lost will need to sacrifice their shorts to wrap up the valuables. Phones, wallets… you can’t just leave it lying around.

Johnny lost, and his long shorts are now keeping their valuables safe.

He will just have to spend the day in his red speedos, taking one for the team! He only wished he wore a pair of black speedos instead!
