#spencer reidyou

Dr. Spencer/reader
Summary: Spencer Reid has never been the biggest fan of technology, until he starts dating Y/n, who just happens to love technology a little too much.
words: 1.1k
warnings: Spencer Reid wasting money? nothing else to my knowledge!
a/n: this is honestly such a crack fic that I just thought was a silly idea haha

Spencer Reid had never been “normal”. As a little boy he had pushed aside the “traditional” interests of most of the little boys in Las Vegas. His father had pushed him to play baseball, get into sports, but Spencer would rather have locked himself in his bedroom and master calculus than step out on that field and hit a ball with a bat, feeling it was the most primitive form of entertainment that he had no interest in whatsoever. Spencer loved models of the solar system, he loved dictionaries and books of all sorts, but there was one thing in particular that Spencer Reid simply did not like.

Ever since Spencer Reid was a little boy he didn’t like technology all that much. Sure, it was helpful and allowed for new discoveries in science and about every other field out there, which Spencer Reid obviously supported, but he just never liked technology all that much. His team knew about his aversion to all things technological, and when Garcia had splurged on new tablets for each of the members, Spencer had opted for good old pen, paper, and printed pictures.

Then Spencer Reid met Y/n, the newest member of the BAU who every member of the team, especially Spencer, had found themselves completely enamored with as soon as she joined the team. Just months into Y/n’s employment with the BAU, she and Spencer had begun dating and within a year moved in with each other, the relationship moving fast but the two of them completely in love with each other. Y/n Y/l/n loves technology, she loves playing online games, she loves reading ebooks, something Spencer Reid would never be on board with, paper books are better! Which they’ve argued a million times about of course. She loves doing research online in order to expand her knowledge, and most of all, Y/n loves online shopping. The entire team loves to make jokes about their youngest team member’s obsession, Morgan had even put together an intervention for her when they found out just how much online shopping she was doing per week. At first, Spencer Reid tried to get his girlfriend to stop her addiction, I mean, how many clothes does the girl need? Spencer thinks she looks perfect in anything she puts on so he honestly doesn’t really understand why she needs new outfits all the time. Then Y/n had bought some lingerie and okay maybe Spencer starts to see the appeal of online shopping, but he would never ever admit that to anyone, not even Y/n. So looking back on Spencer’s history with technology and his aversion to the habits of his beloved girlfriend, no one is more surprised than Spencer himself when he finds himself entering the fourth hour of online shopping one Saturday night when Y/n had gone over to Garcia’s house to hang out with the girls of the BAU team.

He had picked up Y/n’s computer because her birthday was coming up and as much as he doesn’t like anything related to online shopping, he loves his girlfriend so much more, so he decided he should buy her something for her birthday. He had started browsing the stores he knew Y/n liked and all of a sudden it was like a switch tripped in Spencer’s brain, there’s so much stuff online! So much stuff to buy! He buys Y/n a dress that he knows she’ll love and he’ll love to see on her, he buys her a new case for her laptop as she had been complaining about her broken case when they have to travel so much for work, and he buys her a new go-bag, something that they always need when, once again, the couple are almost always traveling for their vigorous jobs at the BAU. Then he starts seeing items that oh no he most definitely does not need but yes he does. Who needs an air fryer? Spencer Reid and Y/n need an air fryer that’s who, Spencer never knew they were so versatile! He can make so many things so quickly, which will come in handy when him and Y/n are always rushing out the door somewhere.

Then Spencer enters the dangerous world of Halloween decorations. Oh my lord, it being the end of August, Spencer is anxiously awaiting the onset of his absolute favorite time of the year, therefore he buys Halloween decoration after Halloween decoration until the cart is filled with masks to scare Morgan with at work, candy to give out granted the two are home this Halloween, and fake cobwebs to decorate their apartment as well as the BAU office if he can get away with it, Hotch might not be on board with transforming the bullpen into a spooky wonderland. There’s also the huge amount of clothes that Spencer finds himself buying, he doesn’t put too much thought into his clothes, but he likes to think he looks professional at work, so he finds himself buying a whole variety of ties, and socks, because Spencer Reid hates wearing matching socks and they have so many fun patterns of socks online, who knew! He also begins shopping for Christmas, four months early but Spencer Reid definitely isn’t deterred by that fact.

All of a sudden Spencer starts yawning a bit and he looks at the clock, it being almost two o’clock in the morning at this point and Spencer starts giggling. Spencer Reid doesn’t do this, he hardly ever uses technology except for when Garcia works her magic to solve a case for them, Spencer Reid certainly doesn’t online shop, but here he is with over $500 worth of random online items. Spencer places his orders before he can use his brain to convince himself it’s not a good idea to buy a bunch of items he definitely doesn’t need, then he shuts Y/n’s laptop and throws it across the bed, feeling like it had attacked him, had he been hypnotized? Spencer Reid gets ready for bed and texts Y/n goodnight, before falling asleep extremely quickly, embarrassingly worn out by his ventures online. Spencer honestly feels like his adventures of online shopping had been just a dream.

Y/n comes back and the next day they’re called to Houston to solve yet another serial killer case, so the items Spencer had bought online fade to the very back of his mind. They’re walking up the stairs to their apartment when Spencer sees the boxes, there are probably ten huge boxes ands bags from assorted stores in front of their door. Y/n starts laughing, her laugh getting more intense until she can barely breathe.

“Spence?” she gasps out, “you want to tell me about your activities online?” she says still laughing. Spencer sighs and face palms, he is never going to live this down, that’s for sure.
