
So. My #SpendingPending / Buy Nothing challenge came to an end as of yesterday ✨ After three months

So. My #SpendingPending / Buy Nothing challenge came to an end as of yesterday ✨

After three months of not buying any clothing, plants, and home decor, I am really grateful for the lessons learned here. Lessons like:

you don’t need a new outfit for every occasion
the fashion industry produces SO much waste, and we should reduce consumption accordingly
limitations lead to creativity - explore the versatility of your wardrobe by trying things on backwards, layering new items together, or styling garments in new ways
unlearn ‘impulse buying’ by waiting several days or weeks to purchase new items

And now for the million dollar question: Sabs, are you gonna big anything now that your challenge is over? I’d like to think that I wouldn’t, but I’d be lying. I bought something yesterday after a few *months* of mulling it over. Stay tuned for upcoming fit pics

How did your #SpendingPending challenge go? Are you still going? What lessons have you learned? Lmk in the comments

Photo by: @veganbodegacat

[image description: Sabs runs a hand through her hair as she looks off into the distance. She wears an all black outfit, leather bag and white sneakers, and stands before a green door in SoHo.] (at New York City, N.Y.)

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I have a favor to ask youThe next time you go into a clothing store, take a moment to just look at

I have a favor to ask you

The next time you go into a clothing store, take a moment to just look at all the garments. Take it all in - how many articles of clothing do you think are in that store? 200? 500? 1000? …More?

Now, let’s think a little deeper. On average, a fashion item is worn just SEVEN times before it’s discarded. Not only that, but a 2021 EPA study estimates recycling rates for clothing + footwear textiles at an abysmal 13%.

Back to you being in the clothing store - let’s assume that in a year, 87% of the items in this store are going to be in a landfill (not recycled). Now multiply that by all the stores in your city, all the stores in your state, your country, and the world. Holy shit right?? …what the hell are we doing??

Believe it or not, people survived just fine without the overconsumption habits that have been shoved down our throats by marketers over the years. So think twice before buying something you don’t need, and if you want to take more action, reach out to fashion brands to voice your thoughts about how they could be doing better. I truly believe we can change the industry if we make our voices heard

#SpendingPending #FuckFastFashion

[image description: Sabs looks at the camera while posing candidly with a hand in her hair. She stands on a New York sidewalk, with a cream colored building and green framed windows behind her.] (at New York City, N.Y.)

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Two months into #SpendingPending and I’m starting to see consumption very differently. One of the bi

Two months into #SpendingPending and I’m starting to see consumption very differently. One of the biggest takeaways?

✨ You don’t need a new outfit for every occasion ✨

We’ve become soooo disconnected from the supply chain that it’s easy to forget that fast fashion’s ‘low prices’ are entirely artificial. They’re not low because garments cost that little to create - they’re low because of wage theft, cheap materials, and because they’re made to be disposed of (and quickly). And it’s not a matter of every fast fashion giant switching to sustainable materials, because a 52-season fashion cycle will NEVER be sustainable for people or the planet. I encourage everyone to pause before making clothing purchases and ask a few questions:

how do I envision this piece fitting into my wardrobe/what else can I wear it with?
is there a gap in my wardrobe that this item is filling?
is there a secondhand version of this item I can find?
is this piece something I can see myself wearing for the long term (or is it too trendy)?
for special occasions: can I rent/borrow an outfit instead of buying new?

I hope y’all take some time to think through these Qs before buying! It’s going to take a lot of consumer habit changes in order to shift this wasteful industry. But we each have our own power as consumers - take action by reducing consumption where possible, participating in the sharing/lending economy, or prioritizing #secondhand options

***Note: I fully recognize that sustainable / secondhand fashion is not accessible to everyone. This message is geared towards folks who hold the privilege of accessing these items

Pic by @veganbodegacat

[image description: close up of Sabs in an all black outfit and standing before a black brick wall. She looks to the ground and is seen holding the waist of her pants.] (at Manhattan, New York)

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When it comes to sustainable fashion, one thing I’d love for us to start talking about more is ~borr

When it comes to sustainable fashion, one thing I’d love for us to start talking about more is ~borrowing~ ✨ #SpendingPending

Remember in college when everyone would borrow their friend’s top/dress/accessory/etc for a party? I think we should really do that more often, whether it’s a party, a weekend, or just a photoshoot. By borrowing instead of buying, you’re participating in the sharing economy - which means fewer resources extracted, less labor involved, and less waste at the end of the day (and less $$ you have to spend!)

If you’re going to a swanky event, ask a friend if they have anything to lend you. Or if you have a partner, ask if you can share some things from their wardrobe the possibilities are really endless.

There are sooo many opportunities for us to think sustainably when it comes to fashion have you borrowed any clothing recently? Let me know about it in the comments

#EthicalOOTD Details:
@genusee_official glasses
@fairecollection glasses chain
borrowed jacket
@gil___rodriguez bodysuit
@ilanakohn pants
#secondhand @adidas

[image description: Sabs stands and poses candidly in a green jacket and all black outfit. In the background, we see a metal gate and large white columns.] (at New York, New York)

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Today’s the day I’m kicking off 2022 with the Buy Nothing challenge because frankly I don’t need any

Today’s the day I’m kicking off 2022 with the Buy Nothing challenge because frankly I don’t need anything and because every so often I like to remind myself that more purchases doesn’t = more happiness.

So here are the rules I’ll be sticking to (if you’re challenging yourself, feel free to update these to what works for you!)

three months (but open to longer!)
no new clothes or accessories, thrifted or new
no decor, books, or plants
no new skincare products (unless refilling what I absolutely need)

And I know this one won’t apply to everyone, but I also will not be accepting gifted clothing/accessories/skincare, unless specifically for a sponsored campaign (even though I’m not paying for it, it still consumes resources!)

Those are my rules for the challenge! If you’re following along, feel free to use #SpendingPending so I can see how y’all are holding up

[image description: Sabs stands before a green door, looking down and with hands in her pockets, in an all black outfit, feat. a long sleeve stop and black wide leg pants. She pairs it with white sneakers, a vintage leather bag, and colorful silk scarf.]

Photo by @veganbodegacat (at New York, New York)

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