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Eco friendly products
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Fast Fashion is wrong

What do you think ?

#riskyteez (at Manchester, United Kingdom)

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I have a favor to ask youThe next time you go into a clothing store, take a moment to just look at

I have a favor to ask you

The next time you go into a clothing store, take a moment to just look at all the garments. Take it all in - how many articles of clothing do you think are in that store? 200? 500? 1000? …More?

Now, let’s think a little deeper. On average, a fashion item is worn just SEVEN times before it’s discarded. Not only that, but a 2021 EPA study estimates recycling rates for clothing + footwear textiles at an abysmal 13%.

Back to you being in the clothing store - let’s assume that in a year, 87% of the items in this store are going to be in a landfill (not recycled). Now multiply that by all the stores in your city, all the stores in your state, your country, and the world. Holy shit right?? …what the hell are we doing??

Believe it or not, people survived just fine without the overconsumption habits that have been shoved down our throats by marketers over the years. So think twice before buying something you don’t need, and if you want to take more action, reach out to fashion brands to voice your thoughts about how they could be doing better. I truly believe we can change the industry if we make our voices heard

#SpendingPending #FuckFastFashion

[image description: Sabs looks at the camera while posing candidly with a hand in her hair. She stands on a New York sidewalk, with a cream colored building and green framed windows behind her.] (at New York City, N.Y.)

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A little #tbt and a little reminder of how long it takes for clothes to decompose in landfill&hellip

A little #tbt and a little reminder of how long it takes for clothes to decompose in landfill… think twice before stocking up on extra winter clothes you don’t necessarily need, look in your own wardrobe first or go charity shopping instead of hitting the high street ♻️
Part of a set of illustrations made for @fash_rev
#illustration #slowfashion #liedirkx #recycle #consciousfashion #sustainability #fuckfastfashion (at London, United Kingdom)

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