#spider-man lizard

SPIDER-MAN AGAMA(Agama mwanzae)Achim, 2011. “Verticolours” Masai Mara National Reserve, KenyaI doubt

(Agama mwanzae)

Achim, 2011. “Verticolours
Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

I doubt anybody needs much of an explanation for how the Spider-Man agama got its name, but I’m not about to let myself off that easily. The Spider-Man agama (otherwise known as the Mwanza flat-headed rock agama) was bestowed with the vernacular due the males’ striking red and blue colouration shared by the Marvel superhero character, Spider-Man. They’re also not half bad at climbing, but can’t shoot webs at their enemies. I sincerely apologise.

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