#spilin that toad tea over on bug youtube


I know some of my mutuals and ppl who follow the blog are invert keepers, so I wanted to spread some awareness about an unfortunate experience one of my friends had with a company called Mantis Connection Inc.

Since the herp community runs so much on word of mouth, her intention is just to be transparent about what her experience was so people can make informed buying decisions, but because of what her experience was I wanted to be sure anybody in our circle of bug loving folks here on tunglr dot com had a heads up about this company.

fyi i’m the Georgia acquaintance and my mantis son is still doing very well! If ur interested in getting a mantis I wholeheartedly recommend Mantis Antics. My Congo green arrived very tame and healthy (and properly shipped), immediately accepted water and food and molted very easily and successfully 2-3 days after I got him. (it would’ve likely been a week after but i immediately hecked up and HELLA overfed him so he had to compensate for being fat suddenly sdfsdfs)
