

I practiced my #poledancing inverts and handstands in the park the other day. But I wasn’t wearing anything under my shorts, so I had to censor the vid to make it fit the Instagram guidelines

If you want to see the whole UNCENSORED vid, it’s on my website (link in bio).

#poledancing #inverts #public #park #handstands #rockclimbing #girlnextdoor #shortshorts #jeanshorts #bootyshorts #cutoffshorts #summer

#cutoffshorts    #girlnextdoor    #summer    #jeanshorts    #handstands    #public    #rockclimbing    #bootyshorts    #poledancing    #shortshorts    #inverts    

Really nice to hear from non-snake folks on this as well, this person breaks things down really well.

#inverts    #spider    #tarantula    #invertebrates    #reptiblr    #spiderblr    #spiderblr    #invertblr    

As requested by @letsgetsalty. Needs a little love still, going to move some more zoas over from the grow out. All the inverts except for Godzilla (cleaner shrimp) were hiding. He’s probably going to go in the grow out, but he came from a tank that was infested with velvet so he’s got to stay in the 4g for several months.

Pico ja-tank? I still love the jar, but it’s so hard to scape! The 1 gallon has better dimensions, but is such a small volume of water that I really didn’t want to try it, but the 2.5 gallon was ridiculously tall and it’s hard to place corals on a completely vertical rock structure. Remember that my gf works at a saltwater store? She was able to snag this discontinued 4 gallon waterbox. Literally has almost the same dimensions as the jar, but because it’s a box, a lot easier to scape and get hands in and out of. We made a lid out of acrylic we had and my gf added silicone to create a lip for the lid to stay in place.

It’s still going to be a zoanthid/rock nem tank and it’s only other inhabits are a scarlet hermit, 2 bumblebee snails, 6 pom pom crabs and a porcelain anemone crab (who seems to hate anemones because he won’t stay near any of the 3 that are in there). The rock is a mixture of live rock from the invert QT and some dry rock.

Isopod upgrade!!I started two isopod colonies collected about 2 weeks ago (idr?) from when I clean

Isopod upgrade!!

I started two isopod colonies collected about 2 weeks ago (idr?) from when I cleaned out the leaf litter in our dried-out pond. I separated the two groups into “pale with speckles” and “dark with speckles” initially, but the rollie pollie pictured is the only plain one I kept because he’s just SO CUTE AND FRIENDLY!! I love him too much to banish him to the cold, hard outdoors. He’s HUGE, too. Like the size of my pinky nail. So, he’s just grouped in with the dark ones, and I DEFinitely didn’t name him Big Papa, I swear.

I’ve been feeding these guys all sorts of stuff (including homemade eggshell calcium supplement!!) and they’re so adorable how curious they are. So far, their favourite was cauliflower stem slices (it looked like swiss cheese the next day!!)

But enough babying, they needed natural items to keep them busy and entertained (as well as moist and feeling safe.) So today, I cleaned up a bit, gave them each some more dirt (from the compost), sphagnum moss, crushed homemade leaf litter, and decaying wood (and “hides” from that, too.)
Big Papa came out to inspect the renovation right away, but I have yet to see the others be so daring. Hopefully they like it, and start breeding some more speckley babies for my future bioactive tank.

#invertebrate #invertebrates #inverts #isopod #isopods #isopodpets #rolliepollie #rolliepollies #rolypoly #wildisopods #bioactive

Post link

Our newest memeber. I’m not a huge fan of these guys, but my husband loves them. It is our third scorpion, this is a Dune the other two are Emperors.

#replies    #inverts    #petstagram    #reptile    #scorpion    #arachnid    #dune scorpion    #new pet    #emperor    

My snail laid eggs (!) and I cleaned her tank and took away some sweet potato that had fallen into the little divot with the eggs and then when I gave her a new salad she dragged more sweet potato there, so not only did her tiny brain remember where she laid the eggs but she worked really hard (you try moving a piece of food as big as you with no hands or feet) to drag food there for her babies because she loves them :’)

I know some of my mutuals and ppl who follow the blog are invert keepers, so I wanted to spread some awareness about an unfortunate experience one of my friends had with a company called Mantis Connection Inc.

Since the herp community runs so much on word of mouth, her intention is just to be transparent about what her experience was so people can make informed buying decisions, but because of what her experience was I wanted to be sure anybody in our circle of bug loving folks here on tunglr dot com had a heads up about this company.

fyi i’m the Georgia acquaintance and my mantis son is still doing very well! If ur interested in getting a mantis I wholeheartedly recommend Mantis Antics. My Congo green arrived very tame and healthy (and properly shipped), immediately accepted water and food and molted very easily and successfully 2-3 days after I got him. (it would’ve likely been a week after but i immediately hecked up and HELLA overfed him so he had to compensate for being fat suddenly sdfsdfs)

Our lovely Honey is starting to get pink blushing on her since she’s been getting the sunshine on her what a beautiful lady.

[id: 3 pictures of a white orchid mantis with pink blushing over her abdomen and legs, sitting on a purple flower and starting to climb upwards]


Found this tiny little shongololo on my bedroom floor. I got the little guy onto a piece of paper, took a few photos and then put him in my garden


wiggle wiggle wiggle

[id: a small Madagascan Dead Leaf mantis walking across a hand, wiggling in a way that’s supposed to mimic a leaf]
