#spoiling without guidance is abusive too



meta on draco malfoy and perpetuating cycles of emotional abuse

So. I ended up writing meta on parental emotional abuse and Draco Malfoy’s behavior, which has gotten rather long and also deals with the psychology of reactions to childhood emotional trauma, so it’s under a cut.

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This kid was just parroting his abuser’s words, until he was forced to eat those words, and facing the truth of all the lies he was fed with.

He’s a bully, yes, but the type of bully that comes with a generational trauma. The type of abused kid that people usually overlooked since he didn’t look abused, The kid is spoiled, etc.

The majority of his character growth wasn’t seen in HP books that much, but in TCC the result shown.

It was a good redemption post-book, as he matured and slowly heals, building his own identity, and distancing himself from his parents, raising his son to be better, etc.
